Minnesota authorities release police dash cam video of Philando Castile shooting.

The NRA is silent on this because Philandro is everything they don't want law abiding gun owners fo look like. He was driving around actively getting stoned, which means if he bought his carry piece from an FFL he lied on his 4473, lied on his CCW application and was engaged in endagering his child. He was also, at that moment, under the 68 GCA a prohibited person, legally unable to carry or own a gun due to the lying on his paperwork about not using marijuana and using it while driving and carrying.

By definition he wasn't a law abiding gun owner, looks bad to back someone in this case, and also maybe, just maybe the effects of being high may have something to do with his delayed reaction time and his girlfriend's strangely disconnected and calm demeanor.

BUT personally I have zero issues with weed but FFS, does anyone take an objective honest look at things before reacting?
Is marijuana the only thing he lied about? If so who gives a shit? We have had at least 3 presidents admit to using/ trying drugs at one point. Marijuana is a none issue.
Just like how BLM was silent when Lavoy Finicum was murdered.
Don't know who Lavoy Finicum is. Even if BLM was silent about something does that matter in regards to the NRA?
I dunno why anyone would expect the NRA to get involved in this but without reading the rest of the thread I'm guessing it's some race card stuff
Is marijuana the only thing he lied about? If so who gives a shit? We have had at least 3 presidents admit to using/ trying drugs at one point. Marijuana is a none issue.
Can't back someone as a 'good gun owner' when in the process of obtaining a gun and his carry permit he lied on legally binding documents.

These presidents also didn't submit paperwork to the FBI falsifying information did they? He is not a good case for someone to back as a good 'gun owner' period.
Parts of the 68 GCA need to go, parts of FOPA, the hughes amendment and the NFA also need to go away as well. But demonizing the organization with the greatest chance to change those things isn't going to work.
When the command is 'don't reach for the gun you just told me you have', yes you can.

Castile said 'I have a firearm', the cop said 'well don't reach for it', and Castile said something confusing that sounded like 'I'ma have to reach for it', while supposedly still reaching for it. Regardless of how shitty this cop is, you just can't do that. It's off the charts stupid & dangerous.

That's a complete misrepresentation of the situation. The officer asked him for his ID, which is almost always in someone's back pocket. Castile then gave a courtesy warning that he had a legal firearm as he was grabbing the ID. The officer replied to not reach for it, implying the firearm to anyone reasonable. Castile assured him that he wasn't while he complied with the original instruction to get his ID, and in a matter of seconds the officer fired off 7 shots with a little girl directly in the line of fire.

It's fucking disgusting to hear people like you blame the victim for a pussy cop.

And now some of you assholes are really going to try and use marijuana as a way to vilify this man. The same people who want limited government and 2nd amendment rights.
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Apparently theres a few different videos in different angles...

Once i had seen them i changed my mind about the cop being completely innocent.

Shows that you really have to seek a more full story than one persepective.
That second cop had to be a rookie the way he ran out of their scared zhitless.
Maybe be a little more calm and collected? Police are supposed to handle stressful situations is it normal for them to freak out every single time they encounter one(which is part of their job)? Perhaps the way he acted afterwards shows this guy isnt fit to be a cop and was too jumpy and excitable to begin with.

You think thats a normal reaction?

Do I think it's normal for anyone to be impacted by taking the life of another human being? I sure do . . . who am I to say how you or someone else is supposed to act after doing something like that?
I think it's the only way. Not only for the safety of the citizens, but to prevent good cops from being prosecuted as well.
I would venture a guess that of everybody had to wear no fail cameras for a year, we'd catch a LOT more shitty, lying citizens than cops. A LOT.
That's a complete misrepresentation of the situation. The officer asked him for his ID, which is almost always in someone's back pocket. Castile then gave a courtesy warning that he had a legal firearm as he was grabbing the ID. The officer replied to not reach for it, implying the firearm to anyone reasonable. Castile assured him that he wasn't while he complied with the original instruction to get his ID, and in a matter of seconds the officer fired off 7 shots with a little girl directly in the line of fire.

It's fucking disgusting to hear people like you blame the victim for a pussy cop.

And now some of you assholes are really going to try and use marijuana as a way to vilify this man. The same people who want limited government and 2nd amendment rights.
It's almost like the limited government is only for certain people.
The officer could've informed the man in the car, that the situation was serious enough to warrant him to use deadly force if he encountered any misbehaviour. Instead he treated it as a regular stop, until freaking out.

There was only a 3-second (or less) timespan for Castille to react to the cop suddenly making it a life and death affair, after having had a mild-mannered conversation about the car's break lights malfunctioning.

People can spin it in any way they want (Americans have certainly become masters of justifying the abuses of their police force), but watching the video, I just do not see how people can see the cop's actions favourably. It's just unfathomable.
Drawing a gun and firing happens faster than you can possibly react. If you are waiting for the barrel to point at you it's over. He could have drawn his weapon and said stop reaching one more time maybe but if he keeps doing it he has to fire. So that adds a fourth stop reaching and maybe .5 seconds.
When the command is 'don't reach for the gun you just told me you have', yes you can.

Castile said 'I have a firearm', the cop said 'well don't reach for it', and Castile said something confusing that sounded like 'I'ma have to reach for it', while supposedly still reaching for it. Regardless of how shitty this cop is, you just can't do that. It's off the charts stupid & dangerous.

Lmfao, I wondered how long it would take this lie to migrate over from T_D.

Pure comedy.
Drawing a gun and firing happens faster than you can possibly react. If you are waiting for the barrel to point at you it's over. He could have drawn his weapon and said stop reaching one more time maybe but if he keeps doing it he has to fire. So that adds a fourth stop reaching and maybe .5 seconds.

Don't want to take that risk? Then don't be a fucking cop. Nobody is forcing you to become a police officer. You chose to put yourself in risky situations. When you have a child in the line of fire and no reason to assume he's being aggressive, the citizen deserves the benefit of the doubt every single time, white/black/brown/green. He put the entire vehicle at risk because of his own miscommunication and unclear instructions. No citizen deserves to die because of that.

Your situation would apply fine if they just ended a high speed chase and the guy comes out screaming "I'm going to kill you". When that guy reaches into his waistband, sure I get the assumption of a deadly intent.

But that bullshit doesn't fly when a compliant citizen on a minor traffic stop with a girl and child doesn't immediately read the officer's mind.
"If he would have followed instructions he would be alive"

Instructions were don't pull out the gun. He didn't pull out his gun.

Hmmmmm. Maybe if he would have said keep your hands on the wheel? Step out of the car? Something like that?
You're saying cops don't have to see a weapon to shoot? Are you sure about that?

It always depends on the situation, but yes, I'm pretty sure a cop can shoot if they perceive a threat.

For instance, if I shout at a cop "I have gun motherfucker, I'm going to kill you!", and pretend I'm going for a weapon behind my back, I'm more than likely getting shot. The cop doesn't wait for me to draw, like we're in duel.