ICE start busting Irish illegals to validate their jobs and easy pickings

Can we keep him and get rid of some dumbshit hill Billy instead?
fair is fair.

14 years here and owns a house, works and has a family.

How are you gonna send this guy back.
well he did good...but if he came illegal...he needs to own up to it. Sell his house and property...then do the legal process. I'm sure with his status. he can easily be allowed to go back
Also, this guy basically bragged about it and dared ICE to do something.

Not saying you're wrong or anything, but source?

Every time these deportation pity stories come out, it seems like the person being deported either was detained by ICE years ago or has a criminal record
Not saying you're wrong or anything, but source?

Every time these deportation pity stories come out, it seems like the person being deported either was detained by ICE years ago or has a criminal record

Did you read the OP or just the thread title? It's literally right in the OP...
Did you read the OP or just the thread title? It's literally right in the OP...

Yes, but I thought "proclaimed his illegal status" was a bit different than "daring ICE to do something about it" lol

I thought there was something else

Fucking good. I'll take ONE MILLION LEGAL immigrants from Based Pakistan and Saudi Arabia over 10,000 filthy, drunken, illegal immigrant, invading criminal scum from Ireland. Bravo, Trump.
If there are real and significant extenuating circumstances then I'm willing to take them into consideration, but he had 14 years to fix his problem and didn't.

But just so we're clear here, if someone is a freeloading bum or committing crimes you are willing to send them packing?

This is why sanctuary cities won't work with the president

Why would you send back a non criminal who has a family here. Doesn't make much sense.
Boston’s Irish community has it's jimmies rustled after ICE agents detained a local leader for deportation.

This guy called Cunningham (an electrical contractor and past chairman of the Gaelic Athletic Association in Boston) who owned a house and had a family in the U.S. for 14 years appeared on a television show, which was also streamed online, and proclaimed his illegal immigration status in the U.S.


What say you War Room? Don't SJW's rally around brown skins and complain about Trump when they face deportation? Bet they won't say shit this time or do them Paddy basterds and 4th generation plastics need to be deported?
What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Law is the law.

Of course, this is why I have advocated an Amnesty (but only bolstered by a much more robust anti-immigration policy and set of security measures such as Trump is attempting to pursue-- incompetent boob that he is). Whether Mexican or Irish I never felt that guys like this were the problem. They're participating. They're effectively American, and there's just too damn many to deport.

A compromise is required, but compromise never happens in this hyper-partisan political age.
Fucking good. I'll take ONE MILLION LEGAL immigrants from Based Pakistan and Saudi Arabia over 10,000 filthy, drunken, illegal immigrant, invading criminal scum from Ireland. Bravo, Trump.

The last thing we need are more fucking McGregor fans

Im against deporting people. Do we really think that getting rid of this guy is good for the country? Now we get to have his family on welfare. Awesome job.
well he did good...but if he came illegal...he needs to own up to it. Sell his house and property...then do the legal process. I'm sure with his status. he can easily be allowed to go back

This is why context is important. You're gonna do what with his family now. Throw them onto the streets.
Yes, but I thought "proclaimed his illegal status" was a bit different than "daring ICE to do something about it" lol

I thought there was something else


Going on TV and declaring yourself a criminal is absolutely daring law enforcement to do something about it.
This is why sanctuary cities won't work with the president

Why would you send back a non criminal who has a family here. Doesn't make much sense.

They apparently won't work with any president. I can't believe that most of the people here illegally are facing some kind of genuine persecution back home. It's almost all economic because the homeland refuses to clean up its own act and actually serve it's people in a significant way rather than only the elite.