Linda Sarsour and her controversial speech

Lucifer Alpha

The Catastrophe
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
"Do not assimilate. Our top priority is to please Allah and only Allah!"

Remember the women's march where all those cucks wore pussy hats and made fools out of themselves. This is the woman who organized it.



**Moderator Edit**
The above is propaganda that deliberately edits Sarsour's speech to misrepresent the context of these quotes. This was discovered after creation of the thread. Propaganda is not permitted on Sherdog. Nevertheless, this speech and this woman are worthy of serious debate. Below is the YouTube video for the full speech, unedited, if you wish to review for absolute accuracy:

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if she doesn't like what going on in my country maybe she should go back to her county and voice her opinion there. see how long it takes for them to cut off her head.
If you thought Trump was sexist, just wait 'til you meet Allah.
This was well known before the march.
Women's march participants are terrorist sympathizers.
"Do not assimilate. Our top priority is to please Allah and only Allah!"

Remember the women's march where all those cucks wore pussy hats and made fools out of themselves. This is the woman who organized it.



This is the left in America in 2017.
Yeah, down with secularism! What could possibly go wrong?
Lol at all the leftists that were cool with the womens march... what a farce.

What was the womens march about again other than peddling hate from under laid, period deep, man hating screeching banshees?
Lol at all the leftists that were cool with the womens march... what a farce.

What was the womens march about again other than peddling hate from under laid, period deep, man hating screeching banshees?
It gave us some good comedy.

if she doesn't like what going on in my country maybe she should go back to her county and voice her opinion there. see how long it takes for them to cut off her head.
She was born in the US. She has no country to go back to.
Those who aligned themselves with this woman on that moronic march are a total disgrace. Luckily for them they though they have zero shame or ability to introspect so won't care.
At first I was going to correct the thread title to "Trump", but I changed it back after listening to her speak a second time.

She's clearly calling for violent resistance against the Trump administration. The Trump administration is the American government. She doesn't clarify that "jihad" is violent in this context, but I'm not sure if there's any consistent usage of that term which doesn't entail violence.

So, yeah, wow, that's fair. She clearly places Allah as an authority transcending the American government. Like "moderate" Muslims everywhere...she doesn't get it.

Also, I think if Trump wasn't such an imbecile with all of his anti-press speech, then he could easily go in there and arrest her. Too bad he created that optics mess with his grandstanding buffoonery. In my opinion, her speech there transgresses what is allowed by the First Amendment. That's as clear a call to sedition as I have ever seen. We don't permit that. I'd be interested to hear what a free speech attorney might say on the matter. I bet she is able to hide behind creative and disingenuous interpretations of "jihad".

I say arrest the treasonous cunt.
I will always be confused why new wave feminism seems perfectly ok with a belief system that is used to make it so women have to wear certain things, they aren't allowed to speak in public almost, they aren't allowed to BE in public in some instances without a male escort.

You'd think feminists would be ranting and raving about that instead so many of them bitch and moan about some female video game character having too big of tits or some body shaming bullshit.

I'm a fat body but sorry body acceptance femanists.. this shit is gross.
Fuck Muslims. Not my fault they believe stupid shit. Want to eschew American values then don't be shocked when Americans treat you as an outcast.
then she should go back from where her forefathers came from. either way take her shitty hate filled FREE speech elsewhere.
Fixed it for you. Funny how everyone is in favour of free speech until someone says something they don't like.

I don't like her or her message, but I like my freedoms more than I hate her.