Linda Sarsour and her controversial speech

Partisan rhetoric. She's just butthurt that a Democrat wasn't elected.
Fixed it for you. Funny how everyone is in favour of free speech until someone says something they don't like.

I don't like her or her message, but I like my freedoms more than I hate her.
when your right your right. I have never even heard of her before today. I knew I wouldn't like anything in that march so I just didn't watch it.
She's just not afraid to speak their truth.

I'm thankful.

It lets us know where they stand.
Fixed it for you. Funny how everyone is in favour of free speech until someone says something they don't like.

I don't like her or her message, but I like my freedoms more than I hate her.
He is not threatening her freedom of speech by disapproving her message, but she certainly would threaten ours if she got her way.
So brave and empowering. She is a hero. Stop being a racist bigot and leave her alone.
And all the refugees they wish to bring in will follow her lead, and show no love or loyalty to the country that "saved" them from themselves.

He is not threatening her freedom of speech by disapproving her message, but she certainly would threaten ours if she got her way.
He wants to send her back to a country where she would not have that freedom. One that she isn't even from.

I don't like supporting this girl, but like I said I enjoy my freedoms more. Besides I prefer my enemies out in the open saying exactly what they think.
"Do not assimilate. Our top priority is to please Allah and only Allah!"

Remember the women's march where all those cucks wore pussy hats and made fools out of themselves. This is the woman who organized it.



Deport her. She would be happier with Sharia in the middle east.
Just google newsed her name. A few stories pop up but not a peep from any of the main stream sources.
At some point they'll have to cover it, but right now I'll bet they're scrambling to spin this some how.
He wants to send her back to a country where she would not have that freedom. One that she isn't even from.

I don't like supporting this girl, but like I said I enjoy my freedoms more. Besides I prefer my enemies out in the open saying exactly what they think.
She's of Palestinian descent. A nation committed to the destruction of Israel.
He wants to send her back to a country where she would not have that freedom. One that she isn't even from.

I don't like supporting this girl, but like I said I enjoy my freedoms more. Besides I prefer my enemies out in the open saying exactly what they think.
"Either way take her shitty hate filled speech elsewhere."

I simply took that as "get the fuck out of here with your bullshit." He doesn't want to hear it, but she can still say it. It is seditious, however, which may be punishable by law.
She was born in the US. She has no country to go back to.
Then she should choose one that fits her beliefs. One could even interpret her words as being seditious and illegal and not Free Speech.
Did she really organized the march or was just invited to it?
At first I was going to correct the thread title to "Trump", but I changed it back after listening to her speak a second time.

She's clearly calling for violent resistance against the Trump administration. The Trump administration is the American government. She doesn't clarify that "jihad" is violent in this context, but I'm not sure if there's any consistent usage of that term which doesn't entail violence.

So, yeah, wow, that's fair. She clearly places Allah as an authority transcending the American government. Like "moderate" Muslims everywhere...she doesn't get it.

Also, I think if Trump wasn't such an imbecile with all of his anti-press speech, then he could easily go in there and arrest her. Too bad he created that optics mess with his grandstanding buffoonery. In my opinion, her speech there transgresses what is allowed by the First Amendment. That's as clear a call to sedition as I have ever seen. We don't permit that. I'd be interested to hear what a free speech attorney might say on the matter. I bet she is able to hide behind creative and disingenuous interpretations of "jihad".

I say arrest the treasonous cunt.

I dont think there is precedent for what you are arguing in favor. There is no point making a martyr of anyone over ambiguous speech.
Fixed it for you. Funny how everyone is in favour of free speech until someone says something they don't like.

I don't like her or her message, but I like my freedoms more than I hate her.
Free speech doesn't protect sedition. I'm damn near a free speech absolutist, but even I am only in favor of the 1st Amendment until the 1st Amendment doesn't apply. That's not bias. That's logic.

I dont think there is precedent for what you are arguing in favor. There is no point making a martyr of anyone over ambiguous speech.
Look at that. Linda Sarsour found herself a 1st Amendment Google attorney from a country that hasn't legislated the 1st Amendment.
Free speech doesn't protect sedition. I'm damn near a free speech absolutist, but even I am only in favor of the 1st Amendment until the 1st Amendment doesn't apply. That's not bias. That's logic.
I listed to it, and the use of Jihad here seemed to imply the "struggle" or "war" against their oppressors (not that I think they are). I don't feel like it was a call for violence. Just my interpretation of her speech.