Just dumped my GF over politics

Awful lot of opinions being shared in here by honkies. Ya'll know the rules.
Which in itself is funny, my stepdad is not racist in the least, but happens to be a straight white male Trump supporter

I find this statement to be suspect. But yeah lot's of people are ending relationships over Trump. He's that polarizing.
Find a gal who is a gamer and doesn't want to talk politics.
That's me and my girl, actually. We take turns playing Mario, and try to distract each other with foreplay.

We technically have roughly the same political leanings (left of center), but it's not a big part of our relationship or a major topic of conversation.
didn't read,cuz i hate politics,but i believe you.Smart decision
I recently dated a girl & all she talked about was how sexist everything was. I told her one of the qualities I look for in a girl, is one that knows to cook. She told me I was sexist. We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner & she said all of the waitress's outfits were sexist. Then we went to my brothers birthday party & she sat there pointing to out that evey girls outfit was sexist.

Here's the strange part. She told she went on a date & the guy asked her to pay for half of the meal & she said no way because the guy always pays lol but that's not sexist.
More likely than not your girlfriend isn't that extreme, she just isn't thoughtful. Whatever consciousness is being raised in the US-and reacted against on the other side-creates a lot of strong rhetoric and tension. Fact is that open dialogue is hard for people, and most folks aren't actually smart enough to detail their opinion, either on the right or the left nowadays.
Whether it's a dating relationship or a friendship, if you can't have w conversation with someone they aren't worth the time.
She told me that's what she'd do if we broke up, whereas i prefer to be single, work and play video games and not worry about shit like that. I did care about her but she holds such irrational offensive opinions compared to me it just cant work. Or vise versa, i could posses the offensive views.
LOL she wants to be a single mother
Let's get some pic action going itt
This new far left idea that white people don't get to have opinions is lunacy.

Ironic too, since that's the very definition of racism.

Being a straight white male is one of the worst things you can do nowadays.

It really is sad and ironic
Why do you think we care what you stick your dick into? If you don't like xyz don't stick your dick into xyz. You picked her and she picked you. Both of you are kind of stupid.
Its funny with a title like that for me to say honestly i don't really care THAT much about politics nor do i follow it closely

But i basically oppose racism, bigotry, homophobia etc. I believe in the golden rule, do onto others as you would have them do unto you. Basically be a good person.

I didn't vote for Trump, nor Hilary as i thought both were garbage.

Yet, since i defend against discrimination of white straight males i am no better than Trump or his "supporters" according to my now ex GF. Which in itself is funny, my stepdad is not racist in the least, but happens to be a straight white male Trump supporter...I myself disagree with his support of Trump, but it ends there. I don't attack his character simply based on that because in every day normal life he's a decent human.

Sam Harris like him or not ( i do like him) wrote an article about racial profiling which caused a bunch of controversy.

I tend to think he was using logic in his reasoning, but i can for sure see why people would have disagreed with him


BUT, in a fabebook group i am part of someone more or less said "Harris is a white privileged male and should shut his mouth"

To which i asked the person to specifically show me examples of Harris's racism, while at the same time asking why its okay to say you won't listen to someone simply due to the fact they are a "white male"

My girlfriend in typical sjw fashion jumped in to attack me (she does it often) while offering no insight or useful information. Basically calling me racist for sticking up for a white man.

It was the last straw for me, she literally got so triggered watching a Ben Shapiro Thug Life video (only about 30 seconds) that she left my house and drove home (she lives over an hour away from me and was supposed to stay the night)

I enjoy debate, I'm stupid and wrong on a lot of shit, so...prove me wrong, don't fucking virtue signal when i was trying to have a real debate with someone who said something i found absurd.

She believes in white privilege but thinks it only applies to men....

I knew she had views like this prior to dating, but she had literally told me she was trying to be more open minded, which obviously was a lie.

Have any of you lost friends or relationships over political disagreement?

I don't care she disagreed with me on things, its that she adamantly attacked white men as if the only evil in the world was created by them.

I hate the left now like is this really what it has become? No logical disagreement or discussion? Just attacking white men and privilege wtf.

I disagree with Shapiro on a ton of shit, but i don't label him as a racist bigot because of that. ffs

I read the whole damn thing and I'm on your side . My issue with the way people are now is that there is almost no chance of a Civil discussion . It's a seems to be a hardline Conservative View or Liberal View , however I tend to be more exhausted with the left because there is a lot of crying about racism only when it doesn't apply to White People , especially white males.
Personally I'd use this opportunity to break her of this disease. To exercise her of her demons. Just running from her is sort of weak. Clean her mind. Wash away her sinful thoughts.
My wife isn't too political, although she votes Republican. She basically just votes what her parents vote and they are definitely conservative. In this last election they thought I would vote Trump just because they asked me to, lol. I had to tell them no. Not a great way to start a marriage, butting heads over politics. But I wasn't going to lie about my politics for the rest of my life (or their lives). We had some arguments over dinner during the election race, but we always kept it pretty civil, although we did get under each other's skin sometimes.

But when it comes down to it, family first, politics second. I'll put politics aside even if they won't. Which is basically what is happening now. When we discuss current events and things get political, I tread very lightly and just let them air out whatever they need to. Occasionally, if I've had a couple drinks, I'll have a go back at them. I try not to though.

But tldr version; I vote Democrat and my wife votes Republican. It's not an issue for us.
My fiancee is an anti abortionist, pro death penalty, anti Muslim, evangelical Republican.

Find a woman further to the right than you. It rules.
Being a straight white male is one of the worst things you can do nowadays.

It really is sad and ironic

Nah, it's still the best thing to be. It's not even close.

I'll leave this Chris Rock bit here (starts at about 1 minute mark):
