White Supremacist Protest v.2: Ethno-Nationalists and their Apologists

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This has got to be the first time in WR history that a thread is derailed by slavery and religion and it's an actual improvement.

Maybe now he'll be...


Color blind
How is this different than blm burning down city after city? And Why do they have a right to exist and these people don't. ?
That's no reason to get rid of a historical state statue

Yeah, why did Germany remove all the public displays of swastikas. It's history, bro!

Incredibly rich and powerful people. Rothschild family, royal families, presidents that are selected and religious leaders are all doing Satan's work.

How fucking dumb can you be?

Conservatives/Republicans are the ones using racial tensions to leverage regressive fiscal policies that allow Rothschild, et al retain billions of dollars to the detriment of consumers and the international poor. You think that they are the ones funding progressivism which aims to reallocate their fortunes toward more utilitarian and equitable bases.

On top of that, your "progressive dumbs people down" line flies in the face of all of world history given that the more progressive a society, the more well-educated and literate its citizens. Your moron clan of anti-science, school-defunding anti-intellectuals are the bane of human intellectual progress.
How were the pro slavery people not on the right side of the Bible? At the very least, the book permits it in the old and new. Abraham Lincoln routinely in his letters, was nervous about how the Southern slave holders know their bible, and how every abolitionist verse used to end the practice was met with a pro slavery verse.

I will concede that as many christians as there are, there will be that many interpretations on a vast array of issues, I just dont see how the bible can be reliably used to justify the end of slavery, and furthermore, I dont see how it is principally the reason of abolition.

They were on the wrong side of the Bible in many keys ways, which the abolitionists ably exploited. I've already pointed several out. Things which were common in American slavery, like the maiming or hobbling of slaves are explicitly forbidden in the Bible, and punished by the manumission of slaves. Things like using slaves as concubines without granting them marital status and treating their children as heirs explicitly transgressed Biblical doctrine. Make light of those passages if you will, but honestly consider for one moment how American slavery would have differed and ho w many fewer scars it would have left behind if the black sons of white slave owners were given their fair share of their fathers' inheritances.

I'd argue that the key way they transgressed Biblical doctrine was by treating blacks as less than human and as a lower, more animalistic sort of creation than they themselves were.

All that aside for the moment, whatever one thinks of the Bible or biblical doctrine, historically, it is easy to show that one view of the biblical theology regarding slavery defeated another. This was by no means the only influence pushing the abolitionist movement, there were plenty of secular philosophies and viewpoints driving them as well. But it was a major one, and I think it can be argued in the American context that religion was the primary motive force behind abolitionist movement during the antebellum period.

There are plenty of reasons to criticize religion in general and Christianity in particular. But credit must be given where it is due.
All because some liberals wanted to take out their pent up emotions on the statue of a major historical figure. Liberal progressives are too stupid to understand that crusading to censor american history is going to get pushback.

The city council is responsible for this mess, they knew they had to issue a permit but then made sure it was disrupted. Anti-protesters with bats were allowed to party in the streets while a peaceful protest was disrupted on purpose.

I thought Dr. David Duke came out of this mess looking respectable.
That's no reason to get rid of a historical state statue
I argued the same not long back, but when torch wielding white supremacists started using it as a rallying point, my enthusiasm waned.

Lee was a great man who fought for an immoral and ugly cause. I can defend those who defend the man, but I have no sympathy with those trying to resurrect his cause.

I'm all for freedom of speech, but I don't see how the state removing a state statue is a free speech issue.
Christ, does anyone even know what they're arguing about anymore?

"WHITE POWER"..."BLM"...."ANTIFA"...."It's all your fault!"...."No, it's all your fault"...."Oh' yeah, well Nazis!"...."Oh' yeah, well BLM!"...."Fuck you!"...."No, fuck you!"...

Great discussion going on.

Fuck this thread.

Agree. It's truly impressive that a white supremacist murdering a protesting citizen at a white supremacy rally could somehow be the fault of anyone but white supremacists.

Yeah, it's not like he condemned him 9000 times during his campaign, or anything...

What would you rather? Trump ignore him, or shine a spotlight on him every time he opens his yap?

He condemned him 9000 times?

Can you post nine of those times? I can't even remember him doing anything other than him muttering ambiguities and redirecting.
How do you rectify that statement with what you just learned about general Lee?

Seems pretty simple.

He fought for the Confederates which were fighting to preserve slavery. His personal beliefs don't really matter here.

They were on the wrong side of the Bible in many keys ways, which the abolitionists ably exploited. I've already pointed several out. Things which were common in American slavery, like the maiming or hobbling of slaves are explicitly forbidden in the Bible, and punished by the manumission of slaves. Things like using slaves as concubines without granting them marital status and treating their children as heirs explicitly transgressed Biblical doctrine. Make light of those passages if you will, but honestly consider for one moment how American slavery would have differed and ho w many fewer scars it would have left behind if the black sons of white slave owners were given their fair share of their fathers' inheritances.

I'd argue that the key way they transgressed Biblical doctrine was by treating blacks as less than human and as a lower, more animalistic sort of creation than they themselves were.

All that aside for the moment, whatever one thinks of the Bible or biblical doctrine, historically, it is easy to show that one view of the biblical theology regarding slavery defeated another. This was by no means the only influence pushing the abolitionist movement, there were plenty of secular philosophies and viewpoints driving them as well. But it was a major one, and I think it can be argued in the American context that religion was the primary motive force behind abolitionist movement during the antebellum period.

There are plenty of reasons to criticize religion in general and Christianity in particular. But credit must be given where it is due.[/QUOTE]

This has an easy rationalization. One could simply state that the Jews regarded non jews as being something less than Jews, the new covenant would infer the same sort of standing among the believers and nonbelievers. I personally think this argument is bullshit, but I think one could easily make this.

Christians also likened the blacks to the sons of Ham, using this as a justification.
The city council is responsible for this mess, they knew they had to issue a permit but then made sure it was disrupted. Anti-protesters with bats were allowed to party in the streets while a peaceful protest was disrupted on purpose.

I thought Dr. David Duke came out of this mess looking respectable.
Agree. It's truly impressive that a white supremacist murdering a protesting citizen at a white supremacy rally could somehow be the fault of anyone but white supremacists.


He condemned him 9000 times?

Can you post nine of those times? I can't even remember him doing anything other than him muttering ambiguities and redirecting.

He condemned him.

Also, you bore me.
He said David Duke was looking respectable and refereed to him by an honorific. I think that calls for more than five hotdogs.

Gifs are being limited to five. Homer likely would've did a good 12 for that one though
Agree. It's truly impressive that a white supremacist murdering a protesting citizen at a white supremacy rally could somehow be the fault of anyone but white supremacists.

It's the fault of people who think that white supremacism is bad. As we've learned in this thread, those guys have no control over their actions.

He condemned him 9000 times?

More like one time, under duress, after having earlier lied about not knowing who he was.
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