Barcelona Terror Attack, August 17, 2017: v2

shia hadith collections??? what a load of bullshit

there are two authentic hadiths: Sahih Muslim and Sahih Al Buhkari

Sahih is arabic for authentic
If you read the Imam's post, I would even question if he's a Muslim to be honest. He's on Facebook, he makes for an interesting follow as he interacts with people there, answering their questions.

The Shia include most of the Sunni collection, plus their own. This guy seems to reject most (if not all) of the hadiths, which would seemingly put his ideology close to the Ahmadiyyah sect.

Unfortunately, his views aren't a good representation of Islam as a whole.
Even Australia with their strict turning back boats policies save drowning refugees then send them back home.

You're a dick ts.

Also quit that shit that you're impartial.
You dropped anti-left shit in there 3 times then praised Trump. We know who you are.
I was wondering why you were calling me a dick till I guessed that at least one thread has been merged here.
CNN is practically Comedy Central at this point.
Don't you dare fucking question CNN, though.

Were the suicide vests real or fake ones? The London Bridge attackers had fake ones on so when they went on their stabbing spree the crowds wouldn't counter attack them with numbers because they'd just blow themselves up and take anybody close with them. It's the fake vests which allowed them to kill so many people individually - three guys with knives versus say 20 men with any makeshift melee type weapon they could get their hands on, I'd bet on the 20 men.
The different reactions were interesting

Ex president Obama, just the standard crap: "America will always stand with our Spanish friends"

In contrast his successor. He decided to chose a different direction: "Be tough and strong"

As usual Merkels reaction was the worst. She used exact the same formula as last time.
"It was an evil and disgusting attack", as if there are also 'nice' and 'beautiful' terror attacks.

I hate her leadership so much

She is a traitor, if there is any justice in the world we will live to watch her pay the ultimate price
Everyone says the right is insane and violent piece of shit because one 1 person died from a vehicle ramming in NC.

How many people have died from car rammings in Europe due to leftist policies?

Not taking sides, just an interesting point on how people react to events in the world.
Fire on a few

And how are those rapists and potential terrorists that are on those boats in any way innocent ?

by the fact of trying to gain illegal entry, they are nothing but CRIMINALS.

innocent lol

Says the man who has never broken a traffic law because that'd make you nothing but a criminal too.
He's got a death wish.

Notice how he only condemned the hadiths though, not the Quran? Be very suspicious of these Muslims who present themselves as voices of reason on Islam. They're very likely wolves in sheep's clothing.
Says the man who has never broken a traffic law because that'd make you nothing but a criminal too.

Traffic laws...and illegally immigrating to a country to maim, rape and kill the hosts.

They are COMPLETELY the same.

I see nothing wrong with this comparison.