Alright im going to say it. I dont mind Luke Thomas.

He's SJW scum.
Maybe he is. I dont care for social or political issues though in sport. Its completely irrelevant to me, i just see the things i like (his mma journalism) and gravitate towards that. I shut out the rest.
Shertards hate of Thomas has always been weird

Vocal triggered minority or maybe masked supremacists in super triggered mode

Can't tell don't care

Dude breaks a lot down with intelligence servedbin Marines and wrote speeches for famous douche bags but the squeamish neck beards at the dawg hate him because he's a cuck? Lol
In the beginning i jumped on the sherdog bandwagon on disliking him, his woodley and jones comments were obnoxious. Also he reminds me of a gay grizzly bear.

But i kept watching mma beat and and promotional malpractice and there is substance there. He knows all about the sport from top to bottom, generally has an unbiased view on most discussions, is normally professional and is not a little weasel gossip whore like ariel.

But his main attribute is that his views are his own, as in he is not influenced by other peoples opinions on a subject, he analyses something and shares it without needing to feel vaildated. And for that i respect him.

I know im in the minority here but yeah i think he is one of the better mma journalists, one of the best actually and will continue to pay attention to his work. Always calls dana out on bullshit as well.

Flame away.
I'm a fan provides great content.
Think Ariel does provid great content bit he's a slimy drama guy.
The MMA beat needs Luke.
I like how people try and preempt logical/understandable criticism with statements like this.

'Pol Pot is a swell guy.'

'Flame they will.'

Well, no shit.

If you take this place seriously.....

Stick to shemales and Malcolm X
Luke Thomas is all right.

Don't be a pussy who falls in line with the triggered snowflake cucks on Sherdog.

They whinge about Thomas but he'd have them eating dirt in seconds IRL,

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