Wasteland this forum please


Steel Belt
Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score

It was great when this subforum first came out to keep this bullshit out of the heavies but anyone who is still talking about Floyd vs Conor deserves to have that conversation in the sherdumpster.
This is now the deepest darkest corner of sherdog. Only bronies, 4chan rejects and deep web types regularly post here.
It’s a Internet forum. If this triggers you this much.........?

Thank you for contributing to this increasingly active forum. With 10 active threads since yesterday alone, you are helping to make sure it remains.

Seriously though. Have a look through the discussion in the threads here. Are you saying you want these posts and threads appearing in the main MMA forum? That the posts and threads here are substantive and relevant to MMA fans? Because if the answer is a screaming "NO" like it should be, then this forum has to remain, for as long as it has to. This place is an Alcatraz that keeps the rabid Conor fans (CONOR ONLY LOST BECAUSE HE WAS TIRED AND IS TEH GREATEST, ALMOST FINISHED FLOYD IN THE 9TH ROUND) and extreme Conor/MMA haters (FLOYD WOULD WIN IN A MMA FIGHT TOO LULZ MMA FIGHTERS CANT FIGHT) away from polite civilized society.