International Catalonia's Rebellion: 170,000 Spaniards in Madrid March Against Amnesty Plan for Catalan Secessionists

Americans remember this event. This is when an autonomous region exercised self-determination via the democratic process with an overwhelming majority, and in response, Spain is seizing control of the region, removing their government officials, and also discussing the takeover of their banks, police AND media (which they blame for the uprising).

And all with E.U. support
Americans remember this event. This is when an autonomous region exercised self-determination via the democratic process with an overwhelming majority, and in response, Spain is seizing control of the region, removing their government officials, and also discussing the takeover of their banks, police AND media (which they blame for the uprising).

And all with E.U. support

The referendum had a 42% turnout, so it wasn't even remotely an "overwhelming majority."
But first they need to be part from a Football League. It will be interesting to know what's going to happen on that matter.

Maybe UEFA grant them special Notre Dame-esque status, and just make them a mainstay of Champions league every year.
Looks like it's time for.. the Spanish Inquisition..

Every source ive read said that it was voted 70-10.

Where are you getting this 42% turnout?

The Catalan government released the figures themselves, all new sources are reporting the same thing. 43% of the eligible people voted and the results of those votes were 9-1 in favor of leaving. 58% of voters stayed at home and didn't even recognize the referendum, presumably because it wasn't official.

If they truly want to be democratic, they need to hold an official independence referendum like the UK did with Scotland. According to wikipedia figures they have 5,313,564 voters, and 2,044,038 voted to leave. Having 2 million dictate the path for 5 million isn't democracy, it's populism.
Man, who is gonna hash out the EU shenanigans over this?

Meh. Call me when what happens in Spain effects nations that actually matter.
The referendum had a 42% turnout, so it wasn't even remotely an "overwhelming majority."

You mean the referendum where they were blocking polling stations with police and beating people up so they couldn't vote <puh-lease75>
Democracy for who?

Funny how health care is a "right" but self-governance isn't.

In a constitutional monarchy, like in a constitutional republic, the constitution is the ultimate law authority.
You mean the referendum where they were blocking polling stations with police and beating people up so they couldn't vote <puh-lease75>

Yup. Totally agree that was fucked up. That's why the need to get themselves another vote with official recognition.
Good for the Catalans. Hopefully other regions of Spain will follow their lead and get those damn Bourbon scum out of the country.

Can somebody explain why the left which seems to be fundamentally opposed to movements which seek independence from supranational unions suddenly appears to be rather supportive of a separatist movement after throwing a tantrum over Brexit, though?
Or am I wrong? I though I saw several supportive articles in left-wing media and some lefty posters here being pro-independence.

I dont think leftists support independence movements in countries with functional constitutional democracies.
I dont think leftists support independence movements in countries with functional constitutional democracies.
there definitely were some supportive articles published in HuffPo and similar crap papers
how sherbros think about it, idk
there definitely were some supportive articles published in HuffPo and similar crap papers
how sherbros think about it, idk

I wouldnt know.

Although im not particularly opposed to an independence movement, im simply opposed to achieving it unilaterally.
there definitely were some supportive articles published in HuffPo and similar crap papers
how sherbros think about it, idk

I think it's just the American left, or maybe just your perception of them. The former USSR was as left as they come, and have had more territory peacefully seceded from them out of any modern country. Scotland is a socialist country and they had a very close independence referendum in which almost half the country voted to leave.