Ngannou might be the first A-level athlete in the UFC HW division, but he is not the first A-level

LOL trust me soccer is not competition for combat sports,

it's a largely a huge lottery whether one will be gifted with co-ordinated feet and isn't a typical human athletic quality regardless, in other words there are tonne of people with greater physical potential than soccer players, they are literally just not good at kicking balls around, I'm talking about actual bums on the street

Best athlete on a soccer team by the standards we are typically thinking of here, is the goalkeeper, and often thats a (albeit a large and athletic) 40 year old man loool
Sounds like you have shit footwork

There are plenty of soccer players who can dunk and outrun anyone in the history of the NFL

I never got the shitting on a sport cus u suck at it thing, golf is the most boring shit on the planet, but I don’t pretend it’s easy, even if they literally have 0 people with any athletic ability
partly true, but if it were suddenly say ping pong that was the worlds most popular highest paid sport, would we say they are A level athletes?

or are we eventually defining athleticism by the ability to be good at said sport. I'm thinking there is some objective measure like performance in track and field or whatever which truthfully hasn't been clearly defined here. That said the physique of a decathlete isn't too dissimilar from that of some footballer and certainly isn't overmuscled.

People think I'm pro-american sports it couldn't be further from the truth, a lower size and athletic requirement can actually make the sport more competitive. You would just have to have a finer appreciation of skill and value the brain over body to accept it.

Actually you don't have to say ping-pong; the highest paid sport is golf, which by your definition of athleticism is even less athletic than ping pong.

But I'm trying to understand why you'd want a definition of athleticism which doesn't involve being good at a sport. I remember people saying Steve Nash for instance wasn't athletic; lots of folks in a lot of basketball forums say they have kids sitting on the bench on their high school team more athletic than he was. Which led to the curious situation where one of the better players in the NBA (I don't think he should have won the MVP over Shaq, but he was definitely top two or three that year) was less athletic than your average high school basketball player, 99.999% of which would never make it to the NBA, let alone be star. Doesn't that strike you as an odd definition of athletic?

How do you define a good surgeon? By how well they do when they operate. A good writer is someone who writes good books. So why wouldn't a good athlete be someone who does well in sport? It's the obvious definition.
Lmao. Yeah a USA only sport has the best athletes... ignorance is bliss.

Name one that doesn't have an equal in American sports. I'll start with LeBron James. Name your soccer playing equal. I'll wait.
Name one that doesn't have an equal in American sports. I'll start with LeBron James. Name your soccer playing equal. I'll wait.

LeBron plays basketball which is far far far more global than NFL. He is way above those guys too.

Ronaldo is better though.
Name one that doesn't have an equal in American sports. I'll start with LeBron James. Name your soccer playing equal. I'll wait.
LOL @ any soccer players being half the athlete LeBron is. Lebron could win the world cup or whatever the fuck they call it with two weeks of kickball training.
I'd like to see how real 'A-level' athletes perform after they get punched in the face.
That is delusion. You are brainwashed by your NFL is athleticism propaganda. It's not just muscles and explosion. A football (soccer) player has top of the range endurance, balance, coordination, agility. They are insane athletes. Endurance is just as important as explosive strength. Ronaldo is a better athlete than anyone in MMA history. He is the best (along with Messi) in a talent pool of billions.
Top of the line NBA athletes like Westbrook,wall, Lebron, Wiggins have all those traits you mentioned for soccer players plus explosion and long ass arms(reach) plus they got hand eye coordination
Top of the line NBA athletes like Westbrook,wall, Lebron, Wiggins have all those traits you mentioned for soccer players plus explosion and long ass arms(reach) plus they got hand eye coordination

NBA players are great athletes too.
I'd like to see how real 'A-level' athletes perform after they get punched in the face.
That depends, has nothing to do with athleticism. All sorts of people can take punches including some A-level athletes. Fuck I’m just a normal dude and I have no problem taking punches to the face(boxing)
That is delusion. You are brainwashed by your NFL is athleticism propaganda. It's not just muscles and explosion. A football (soccer) player has top of the range endurance, balance, coordination, agility. They are insane athletes. Endurance is just as important as explosive strength. Ronaldo is a better athlete than anyone in MMA history. He is the best (along with Messi) in a talent pool of billions.
Fucking bollocks. Put a soccer player in a MMA ring and they will last literally two minutes. I'm not talking about getting knocked out either, have them wrestle with Khabib for one minute and I doubt they could walk.
Fucking bollocks. Put a soccer player in a MMA ring and they will last literally two minutes. I'm not talking about getting knocked out either, have them wrestle with Khabib for one minute and I doubt they could walk.
Lets have Ngannou run after a ball for 90 mins, and see if his heart is still beating.
Not a football fan but these comparisons are fucking useless
Fucking bollocks. Put a soccer player in a MMA ring and they will last literally two minutes. I'm not talking about getting knocked out either, have them wrestle with Khabib for one minute and I doubt they could walk.

I bet their VO2 max is way better than MMA fighters
Everyone forgets Georges I guess lol the guy who never wrestled in middle , or high school ! nor did he even go to college lol Let alone wrestle in one. Can take anyone down at will ! Plus has ridiculous striking & can do standing back flips
Stipe is a better athlete than Ngannou.

Brock was about as A level as it gets.
Maybe, but it's debatable. Brock moves quite fast for a HW, but he lacks that A-level coordination, in my opinion.

B+ athlete
You're using a gif where he takes a shot to the temple before stumbling around to question his coordination? <{katwhu}>
Everyone forgets Georges I guess lol the guy who never wrestled in middle , or high school ! nor did he even go to college lol Let alone wrestle in one. Can take anyone down at will ! Plus has ridiculous striking & can do standing back flips
And there was some real talk of him trying to make the Canadian Olympic team at some point.
LOL trust me soccer is not competition for combat sports,

it's a largely a huge lottery whether one will be gifted with co-ordinated feet and isn't a typical human athletic quality regardless, in other words there are tonne of people with greater physical potential than soccer players, they are literally just not good at kicking balls around, I'm talking about actual bums on the street

Best athlete on a soccer team by the standards we are typically thinking of here, is the goalkeeper, and often thats a (albeit a large and athletic) 40 year old man loool
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How many a level athletes can run and sprint for 90 plus minutes and be able to jump that high for a header? Majority of American football players wouldn’t even last 25 minutes.

Cardio, endurance and technique is the more important for mma than strength and size.


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