Cenk Uygur of TYT apologizes for sexist, lewd, perverted comments

Are Trump, O'Reilly, Eric Bolling, Roger Ailes, Geraldo, James Woods etc also leftists?

Or is it just that the right doesn't care about this stuff as much?

who did The POTUS sexually assault or harass?

oh thats right





So now he's kicked out (didn't he actually start this group with Bernie?) because of some shit he wrote almost 20 years ago?? Maybe they're just sick of the fat fuck and this is a good excuse to get rid of him.

Shaun King endorses Cenk being removed from the Justice Democrats.

Shaun King endorses Cenk being removed from the Justice Democrats.

I don't even like this fuckin guy, but wtf? It was almost 2 decades ago, supposedly he deleted all this shit like 10 years ago, he has the perfect "redemption" type story to work for them "I used to be a Republican back then", why would they want to kick him to the curb so quickly? I gotta think that having the platform of TYT dedicated to promoting them would help their candidates next year.

Damn if they're so unflinching and unforgivable when it comes to those blog posts from 2000, it makes you wonder: what do they think about guys that got out of prison for violent crimes and gang activity? Can a guy get rehabilitated or can't he? Or maybe they know that Chunk is a #metoo waiting to happen and they're getting out in front of it.
Quite honestly I doubt anyone would give a fuck if he wasn't grandstanding on the issue constantly like he is some kind of saint.

Also his blog post comes off as someone who generally doesn't see women as people on the same level as him. I also found his comments kinda funny at first, but when you realize it was written by an awkward late 20s sex deprived creep and not your usual horny 16 year old teenager, it gets a whole hell of a lot weirder.

Fuck this hypocrite I hope he loses his job. He's just an idiot who spews propoganda to other idiots dumb enough to take him seriously then pass it off as "news".
must have been some low self esteem chicks lmao
kissed over 23 different women, saw and felt countless breasts,
I love the “when I was a different man” type justification. Funny how that wasn’t good enough for POTUS during that one bus ride 10+ years ago but continuous, deliberate blogs that go out to the public daily are OK because “I was a different man and I was conservative too”

What a joke. I can’t believe even leftists can respect this guy.
I don't even like this fuckin guy, but wtf? It was almost 2 decades ago, supposedly he deleted all this shit like 10 years ago, he has the perfect "redemption" type story to work for them "I used to be a Republican back then", why would they want to kick him to the curb so quickly? I gotta think that having the platform of TYT dedicated to promoting them would help their candidates next year.

Damn if they're so unflinching and unforgivable when it comes to those blog posts from 2000, it makes you wonder: what do they think about guys that got out of prison for violent crimes and gang activity? Can a guy get rehabilitated or can't he? Or maybe they know that Chunk is a #metoo waiting to happen and they're getting out in front of it.

Could be a ploy to give the appearance of justice being served to keep focus away from TYT, which is undoubtedly the one thing Cenk wants to keep intact. Him stepping down from TYT would be the worst possible outcome and he's likely aware that a mob could easily be riled up, demanding his job. Incidentally, this is a point people have been making for some time- if you contribute to building a world where people are made to step down at the first sign of impropriety, no matter how obscure the charge, be prepared to live in such a world yourself. It's a lesson those who advocate for violence against their political opponents, and those who want to silence those they disagree with need to learn; you're not immune.

I won't lie, the schadenfreude is strong with me on this one, but objectively, who cares... It's not like anyone believed this guy was a paragon of virtue to begin with.
Cenk was a right wing republican back then.

Cenk Uygur: Me going from liberal Republican to Independent progressive is definitely a sort of a transition, and it was over a long period of time. It was mainly the Republican Party moving opposed to me moving; there were literally a dozen issues on which they simply went nuts.

And half of this was probably them moving moving to the right and half of it was me realizing they didn’t mean anything they said. For example, when they said they cared about deficits, through long experiences, I realized that they don’t at all. All they care about is cutting taxes for the rich. And they run up huge deficits time and time again. On issues where they could reduce the deficit, they choose not to in order to protect the rich. So half of it was the realization the Republican Party was entirely full of crap and half was, as Charles Barkley says, “I used to be a Republican, until they went nuts.”
Good fucking cringe.

I thought I couldn't dislike Cenk more, but there it is.
Well the leftwing hysteria movement called "#metoo" has claimed another one of their own. It's been about 15-1 since this whole thing started. And even that 1, being Roy Moore, is disputable.

It seems TheWrap found some old blog posts of his and they are um...not good.


Needless to say Cenk hasn't attempted to defend these comments and has offered an apology:

Notice how he passes off being a sexist pervert as being "conservative". Also notice how he admits that he has and will continue to heavily criticize others on his show. But whatever, lets add Cenk to the list of lefties who have fallen under the weight of their own hypocrisy.

Sexual Predator Leftist Counter:

Cenk Uygur
Chris Matthews
Al Franken
Matt Lauer
Charlie Rose
Kevin Spacey
Russell Simmons
Tavis Smiley
Harvey Winstein
Bill Clinton
John Conyers
Mark Halpren
Louis CK
Glen Thrush
Jordan Charitan
Lol TCK shitting on all the leftist in here like

who did The POTUS sexually assault or harass?

oh thats right


This would make more sense if he hadn't also been accused of harassing and/or abusing several Miss USA contestants, Miss Finland and a porn star.
I don't even like this fuckin guy, but wtf? It was almost 2 decades ago, supposedly he deleted all this shit like 10 years ago, he has the perfect "redemption" type story to work for them "I used to be a Republican back then", why would they want to kick him to the curb so quickly? I gotta think that having the platform of TYT dedicated to promoting them would help their candidates next year.

Damn if they're so unflinching and unforgivable when it comes to those blog posts from 2000, it makes you wonder: what do they think about guys that got out of prison for violent crimes and gang activity? Can a guy get rehabilitated or can't he? Or maybe they know that Chunk is a #metoo waiting to happen and they're getting out in front of it.
Well, just a few weeks ago he was cheering on John Oliver for confronting Dustin Hoffman about 40 year old allegations. Here we have Cenk damning himself with his own pen, don't even need an accuser.

Fuck Cenk. He is a dishonest sanctimonious hypocrite.

I do like that the party he helped found and of which he acts as the main shill for on his programs is dumping him so fast. Left wing nuts devourering each other. Same with Shaun King which Cenk brought on to work for TYTs.
Well, just a few weeks ago he was cheering on John Oliver for confronting Dustin Hoffman about 40 year old allegations. Here we have Cenk damning himself with his own pen, don't even need an accuser.

Fuck Cenk. He is a dishonest sanctimonious hypocrite.

I do like that the party he helped found and of which he acts as the main shill for on his programs is dumping him so fast. Left wing nuts devourering each other. Same with Shaun King which Cenk brought on to work for TYTs.

Even the name of his show is massively dishonest, and he won't address any facts about it that he doesn't want to hear. It's like these people have a mental disorder or something.
What a puss.

What he should have said was "That was exactly how I felt at the time, young, dumb, about to burst and not sure how to get it. Is it really a secret that just about all that a young man thinks about is pussy? I wouldnt say those things now, Im old, I dont have that drive anymore, but dont be shocked people, and for gods sakes, dont be offended."
Exactly. We are literally criminalizing male nature with this #metoo movement.

Stand behind that feminist/minority "my feelings are always valid (even if they're irrational and offensive)" lineman. That dude never fails to block.
What a puss.

What he should have said was "That was exactly how I felt at the time, young, dumb, about to burst and not sure how to get it. Is it really a secret that just about all that a young man thinks about is pussy? I wouldnt say those things now, Im old, I dont have that drive anymore, but dont be shocked people, and for gods sakes, dont be offended."


The problem is Cenk and his show helped to create the finger pointing, mob hysteria trend we are seeing now. TYT are always quick to jump on the outrage bandwagon and stoke the fires of hysteria and now Cenk is getting a taste of his own medicine and feeling the outrage he helped to encourage.

It is fun to watch the left being forced to eat the shit they smear on everyone else.
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I mean holy cow, this is a natural part of human interaction, are we trying to act like it isn;t now?

Getting wasted and then kissing and fondling numerous women at a degenerate celebration is natural human interaction? It seems more like a mental disorder.