Stipe Miocic vs. Francis N'Gannou - Heavyweight Title

Francis should go to a real camp.. duh
I feel like Stipe is carrying him and I don't know why.

Stipe is not a good grappler positionally or with strikes. Never has been. The Mark Hunt and Gonzaga fights were intolerable to watch for this reason.
Stipe figured da wey....

Its too late now... he is gonna wrestle him into oblivion. I think its a wrap
very smart getting it down right away. Ngannou was still dangerous on his feet. Take him off his feet.
Ngannou has heart, he dont want to give up
Non-americans are so fucking terrible at defending single legs or high-crotches. Just terrible lol like they've never seen that type of move before. It's embarrassing
One in a million athlete can't go for 5 minutes