OVERWATCH, v5: The Wicked Witch is Dead

Playing Reinhardt or Orisa into a Moira is probably one of the most annoying things in the game at the moment. You're constantly having to hear her overly loud abilities.

That’s why I stopped playing. The tanks have more damage output than the squishy heroes. Makes no sense at all because it’s basically a free to play game that they charge money for.

There are two tanks that have burst damage anywhere near a dps character, Roadhog and D.Va. Roadhog has to hook you in order to take advantage of his high damage and D.Va... well D.Va is ridiculously strong right now. She's basically a 400hp Tracer with her current set up.
I was playing random heroes and 3 Moira ults popped of at the same time, I almost puked it was so bad.
I was playing random heroes and 3 Moira ults popped of at the same time, I almost puked it was so bad.
It's brutal, there's so much visual and audio clutter.

Also, why does nearly every Moira think they're dps and not heal?
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Yeah, it's worth it for the sword alone. The only must-get for me is Zen's Sanzang from last year since I just switched to PC and don't have a damn thing there.
Sanzang and Reinhardt's is really unique.Reinhardt's lunar skin stands out completely from the rest of his skins.
Has Mei been changed in the last few months? It feels like she's more difficult to deal with now than when I was playing a ton a few months back. Feels like she has 0 cool down on her freezing and it's annoying.

Moira is OP as shit, I hope that they nerf her.
Has Mei been changed in the last few months? It feels like she's more difficult to deal with now than when I was playing a ton a few months back. Feels like she has 0 cool down on her freezing and it's annoying.

Moira is OP as shit, I hope that they nerf her.
I don't think the Mei changes are live. There are some changes on the way, a couple might have gotten onto the live client instead of the PTR like the Sombra changes.

I don't necessarily think Moira is OP, but I was in a comp match the other day and there was a guy that was hard stuck in silver for about 6 seasons and then this season he decided to become a Moira one-trick and he had climbed over 1700 sr this season alone before decaying down to 3000. So they might want to take a look at some aspects of Moira.
anyone try the comp capture the flag mode... i just played it so i could grind lootboxes for the new pharrah skin but it's actually a lot of fun

a lot more dynamic than payload imo
@Makani got the GOAT potg the other night. Anxiously waiting for him to share it here.
@Makani got the GOAT potg the other night. Anxiously waiting for him to share it here.
Haha, it's not as funny when I downloaded it.

When Corona and I watched it after the game there was like an extra 2 seconds of running and no one died. We were dying.
Haha, it's not as funny when I downloaded it.

When Corona and I watched it after the game there was like an extra 2 seconds of running and no one died. We were dying.

Lmao it cut off before a shot was fired and to top it off we lost the game like a second later.
I like when the game is lost by the matchmaker even before character selection. Earlier I had a match and 4 of the 6 people on my team were full on one-tricks; two Junkrats, one Symmetra, and a Mercy. None of them joined voice chat either. The cherry on top of that fantastic match was that it was 6 randoms against a 5 stack.

So, Blizzard, since you made your decision that one-tricking is allowed, I'll ponder this instead.. separate solo and group queues for competitive when?
As soon as the "season ends in x days" notice pops up, it's nothing but toxicity, throwing and leavers
I rarely play a competitive game. I'm either part of a dominating team, or I'm getting dominated.
As soon as the "season ends in x days" notice pops up, it's nothing but toxicity, throwing and leavers
Then again, I'm almost at the point where I don't blame people for playing like that. The game seems to get worse each 'balance' patch they release and that trend isn't changing with the next one if what's on the ptr goes live.

I really don't understand the ranking system in competitive. I played through all 10 placement matches with a friend. He played really well, but I consistently played a little better, we go 5-5 and he gets gold with like 2200 and I'm in silver wIth 1990. That makes absolutely no sense.

Then I play a few ranked games without him and I'm bouncing all over the place. We win, I go 43-5 with D Va, silver in kills, gold in objective kills, objective time, and healing because I started the game with Lucio. I had like 5500 heals. I go up 30 points after that game. The very next game I end with gold in kills and objective kills, silver in objective time. We lose, and I go down 30 points. I just don't get it. I played really solid in back to back games, go up 30 with a win, down 30 with a loss. But my friend was placed higher than me even though we both went 5-5 and I played a little better.
Then again, I'm almost at the point where I don't blame people for playing like that. The game seems to get worse each 'balance' patch they release and that trend isn't changing with the next one if what's on the ptr goes live.

Lol, people have no idea what they are in stored for.. being constantly hacked and frozen by the enemy team is going to be a nightmare, meanwhile the Mei on our team will be too busy walling off their own team.

It's going to be a weird fucked up meta

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