S--t you hate in video games.....

Easy games that are way too forgiving. Like how you can't fail in Skyrim or Oblivion, you just keep trying till you get it.
That's literally every game ever made.

I mean, some make you start from slightly further back (souls), but saving and trying again has gone on forever.
Shitty inventory systems that make it impossible to find what you're looking for. Especially problematic in games where you loot everything in sight.
That's literally every game ever made.

I mean, some make you start from slightly further back (souls), but saving and trying again has gone on forever.

Yup. Sucks. Imagine if in Skyim SPOILER ALERT during the quest where you have to find the crown thing. You team with either imperials or storm cloaks and retrieve it. But wouldn't it be so much cooler if you could lose that mission, and then the other side had the upper hand? But you can't lose. You just go through the motions until you win.
Season passes are bullshit. Thanks assholes for partitioning out the content you likely had done at release to make more money. I remember when they were called expansions, and were actually worth buying.

Multiplayer games should have at LEAST a 15 hour single player campaign. No campaign? F**k you.

Checkpoints are garbage. Bring back quicksaves. If I want to save scum, Thats my business, not anyone elses... if you want to make specific achievements that can only be completed without, no problem.

Any pay to win aspect of a non F2P game.

$60 price on new games (inb4 you sound poor) I have a GTX 1080 in my main comp, and a 970ti in my backup, I have an HTC Vive... but f**k paying for games at release when I can get the GoTY/special edition a month later on sale for like 50% or more off.

Pre-menu, unskippable company logo spam. I already know who the f*ck made it, thats why I bought it.. do you have to brow-beat me every time I play your game?

AI fairness handicaps. Any game publisher that does this needs to be gassed. Make your AI better, or deal with it... but making the players guy miss fast break dunks because you're up by 30 is nonsense, especially when you arent given the same treatment if the comp is torching you.

Fighting game AI that does things that are literally impossible for you to do.

I give them a pass if it's a discounted price such as $30 and no single player.
Delivery missions that exist solely to make me learn my way around and have no significance to the storyline. I can operate the fucking map.

Running in circles around starting towns with "talk to Jerry" or "take these eggs to Anne" type quests drives me insane
Why does every npc that I have to follow for a mission run faster than my walk but slower than my run?

To keep the player engaged so they dont become detached. Also provides the player the ability to never fall behind the NPC.
Not being able to customize controls or the HUD in games. I find it annoying when you play certain genres using a button for acceleration/jump/attack and you find out you can't change the controls except for a couple pre-sets.
Health regen in shooters.
Same character models with a different color who are 40x stronger due to pigment
To keep the player engaged so they dont become detached. Also provides the player the ability to never fall behind the NPC.
Meh. Many games make the npc match the player's speed which makes way more sense. If I'm relying on someone to protect me from monsters and bandits I'm not going to run way ahead of them or let them get way ahead of me. It's also less annoying.
It's also way less annoying.

Developers approach this in a different ways. In WoW the quest can fail yet the player can abandon and restart the quest. While in RPG's like Skyrim you choose to escort or meet them at the destination. An even if you escort the player can still break off the designated path and still meet the NPC at the designated destination. Linear games dont have this luxury. It must be programmed to avoid at all costs the requirement of loading from the last save point.
Linear games dont have this luxury. It must be programmed to avoid at all costs the requirement of loading from the last save point.
Please give an example of what you mean. I'm having trouble thinking of an example of a game where neither having the npc match the character's speed or having the npc just go ahead to the destination would work.
Please give an example of what you mean.

In WoW the NPC will normally mount an move at a pace slightly slower than character running speed. For the programming in place doesnt query the player to see if they have a mount and or if they do have a mount what riding speed do they have.

With WoW its an open world PvE/PvP game. Unseen outside factors within the game can pull the player away from the escort quest. Blizzards stop gap is the ability to restart the escort quest.

In linear single player games the stop gap is restarting the game from the last save point. A penalty designed for players primarily for character death. Most modern single player games have done away with escort quest. It has transitioned into a follower quest. Where the AI shadows the player.
That would be QTEs. Shenmue was the first game I remember encountering them in, and they were all over the fucking place. They're why I avoided Heavy Rain and Azura's Wrath. I did at least try the Heavy Rain demo, and turned it off after having to QTE a fat plod behind a bin and then shake his inhaler for him. Glorified fucking Dragon's Lair.
Naughty Dog still uses them in Uncharted and The Last of Us on rare occasion (usually as part of a specific plot point).
In WoW the NPC will normally mount an move at a pace slightly slower than character running speed. For the programming in place doesnt query the player to see if they have a mount and or if they do have a mount what riding speed do they have.

With WoW its an open world PvE/PvP game. Unseen outside factors within the game can pull the player away from the escort quest. Blizzards stop gap is the ability to restart the escort quest.

In linear single player games the stop gap is restarting the game from the last save point. A penalty designed for players primarily for character death. Most modern single player games have done away with escort quest. It has transitioned into a follower quest. Where the AI shadows the player.
MMOs are a good example. I hadn't thought of those.
Naughty Dog still uses them in Uncharted and The Last of Us on rare occasion (usually as part of a specific plot point).
Occasional ones I can deal with. I don't like them, but I can cope. More than that and I get bored. If I wanted to watch for button prompts I'd have got a Guitar Hero game.
Open worlds filled with collectibles and not much personality.
Witcher 3 is the champion imo. The game is a masterpiece, but having nothing worth of your time in the endless loot in the open world is travesty.

If they put a sign that said "You came here for nothing you idiot, everything in this chest is worthless", I'd be happier than finding a sword I have 40 in stock.
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