PWD 568: It’s Thursday

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Ultron was lame. Should have kept the hammer for Cap to pick up in Infinity War. Vision sucks too.

Sadly it looks like they are going to 'Ultron' Thanos, selling us a super dark end of the world story but in reality it's just another yuck yuck comedy.
Sadly it looks like they are going to 'Ultron' Thanos, selling us a super dark end of the world story but in reality it's just another yuck yuck comedy.
Remember the epic trailer with this creepy song

Marvel was finally going dark on us. WE ALL BOUGHT IT
Remember the epic trailer with this creepy song

Marvel was finally going dark on us. WE ALL BOUGHT IT




I'll do it if no one else wants to
Few people in here I wouldnt mind watching squirm on the ground and writhe in pain screaming for help and begging for mercy until finally they meet their ultimate demise
I mean you know whatever

That's the only point I disagree with, Roman wasn't getting any boos until Daniel Bryan came back and people decided amogst themselves it was Bryan who deserved to main event WM31 against Brock Lesnar, especially in a crowd in Philadelphia, the smarkest city in the US.

The point I made with busted open is that people like Max keep moving the goalposts when it's convenient for them. Which is why the Busted Open crew keeps asking why fans are still turning on Roman because the answer is constantly changing. instead of them just being honest and saying "I don't like him, he's not my guy"

This reminds of the disagreements I used to have with someone on here named thestruggle. He would say things like cm punk was a talentless hack and that he sucked. I would contstantly point out that he had some of the best matches and promos during his period in the wwe. I would also say it’s completely fair to not like him but objectively he was great in the ring and one of the best talkers since the attitude era. But struggle would never admit to any of those points instead just calling him a hack and saying he was only over because of neckbeard internet fans. It’s funny that you are using the same argument and even the same language I did when I argued these points with him.
This reminds of the disagreements I used to have with someone on here named thestruggle. He would say things like cm punk was a talentless hack and that he sucked. I would contstantly point out that he had some of the best matches and promos during his period in the wwe. I would also say it’s completely fair to not like him but objectively he was great in the ring and one of the best talkers since the attitude era. But struggle would never admit to any of those points instead just calling him a hack and saying he was only over because of neckbeard internet fans. It’s funny that you are using the same argument and even the same language I did when I argued these points with him.

I gave Punk credit for having good matches with Cena and Brock but he's career was largely overblown by a 18 month stretch of his last 2 years he was actually a main eventer. Nobody actually likes to talk about 2006-2011 when the best thing he did was make fun of Jeff Hardy's drug habit, but one promo and suddenly he's one of the greatest, missed me with that.
I gave Punk credit for having good matches with Cena and Brock but he's career was largely overblown by a 18 month stretch of his last 2 years he was actually a main eventer. Nobody actually likes to talk about 2006-2011 when the best thing he did was make fun of Jeff Hardy's drug habit, but one promo and suddenly he's one of the greatest, missed me with that.
He had many more good - great matches than those. If you were watching you would know that. And I can’t recall you even admitting those two - perhaps if you did I missed it.

Same with his promos - I’m not saying he’s stone cold or rock level - but he’s solid on the mic. Go ahead and compare his promos feuding with cena to Romans. Punk could hold himself well on the mic and get fan reactions. Even before all that when he was in straight edge society. He had the great promo at the rumble.

I actually agree with some of ur points with Roman. I think a lot of the backlash isn’t about his actual talent but rather the circumstances around him being pushed, as you pointed out. Although I think he needs a lot of improvement on the mic.

But yeah ... i think it’s a bit ironic of you to point those things out and say just admit you don’t like him rather than bury him for some stupid reason that doesn’t have merit. Because I’ve seen you do the same thing with cm punk and Daniel Bryan.
This reminds of the disagreements I used to have with someone on here named thestruggle. He would say things like cm punk was a talentless hack and that he sucked. I would contstantly point out that he had some of the best matches and promos during his period in the wwe. I would also say it’s completely fair to not like him but objectively he was great in the ring and one of the best talkers since the attitude era. But struggle would never admit to any of those points instead just calling him a hack and saying he was only over because of neckbeard internet fans. It’s funny that you are using the same argument and even the same language I did when I argued these points with him.
Every fucking word spelled correctly...
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