Cohen's mystery 3rd Client

So does Cohen also flip like everyone else on Trumps team that has been arrested?
I think if Cohen is presented with some shit that leads to prison time, he will flip in a heartbeat.
I guess cussing out your employees all the time, and throwing temper tantrums does not invoke loyalty.

He begins the monologue in characteristic FOX news fashion, with a grammatical error.

He literally made a mashup of all the times CNN and NBC mentioned his name... what a colossal douche.

He finishes the monologue by randomly interjecting, state propaganda on Trump's behalf, " 105 out of 105 missiles hit their targets."

Even Hannity's lies for excuses don't make sense.

Fox won't fire their cash cow but hopefully he loses some advertisers.

He's got no shame but hopefully the soulless shell of a man feels a little bit bad about losing whatever if any credibility he had.


Hannity has just as many double standard tweets criticizing Obama as Trump does.

Cohens law firm also represents Cambridge Analytica.

There's so much dodgy dealings going on in the Trump team.
They're definitely covering up stuff.

Hannity is such a projecting 2 faced liar there is no doubt he's cheated on his wife. He did after all visit the Bunny Ranch.

There's also rumours coming out he's had sexual harassment cases against him in 2017.

Yeesh, I figured Cohen was as solo practitioner. His firm repping Cambridge is at the very least really shitty optics.
Nah, if Cohen provided legal advice upon which Hannity relied, that's an attorney-client relationship. Billing is not required, contrary to popular assumptions.

I was going to say that’s how solicitor-client relationships work here in Canada. You don’t need any kind of formal retainer agreement. The relationship exists as soon as the client starts giving you their information and you start giving legal advice.
So in addition to being an extreme Chump cocksucker, he's too fucking cheap to actually pay for legal advice? Lame-o.
I was going to say that’s how solicitor-client relationships work here in Canada. You don’t need any kind of formal retainer agreement. The relationship exists as soon as the client starts giving you their information and you start giving legal advice.

Yeah, as I believe panamaican said, the requirement of compensation would render all pro bono representation unprotected. I get it though: the whole "put a dollar in my pocket to protect this conversation" shtick is pretty common.
So we agree, as of today there is no evidence of any Trump collusion with Russia and its simply wishful thinking by anyone who pretends otherwise.
I dont know if you are trying to be silly or you just dont know you are.
Tell me, what evidence does Mueller have about anyone right now? Is anyone else going to be charged, and who is it?
It's a closed investigation. Are you on Mueller's team can you shed some light on it?

Right now we have:

email exchange w/ Don Jr trying to get dirt on Clinton
Don Jr DMing Assange on Twitter
tRUmp lashing out anytime he has to take a tough stance on Russia (and then backtracks said stance)
tRUmp's Russia if you're listening comment
Cohen's suspect as fuck potential Prague meeting
Carter Page under a FISA warrant for being in talks with Russian assets
So many tRUmp campaign officials lying about Russian contacts I've lost count
tRUmp/Cohen trying to establish a Moscow Trump Tower during campaign
tRUmp telling Holt he fired Comey at least in part because of the Russia investigation

That's a lot of coincidences. More than enough to make the average person believe something fishy is going on. Maybe tRUmp was smart enough to not directly involve himself so everyone else takes the fall which so be it. But there is a shit ton of odd happenings that took palce

But that’s all fake news.

See how easy it was to discredit all that information. It’s simply fake news.

What more can a person do?
From cnn:
Michael Cohen did not bill Fox News host Sean Hannity, according to a source familiar with the legal relationship.

There was no formal attorney-client relationship, the source said.

Hannity called from time to time and got input from Cohen on legal issues, this person said."

If there's no formal relationship there's no attorney client privilege

Comments for counsel, seems like a straight forward relationship.
Comments for counsel, seems like a straight forward relationship.
Comments from client say otherwise... Conflicting info.. At the best there's attorney-client regarding real estate questions Hannity had at the worst there's no privilege for any communications
do you guys get warnings for making these threads? i'm giving it all the seriousness it deserves
The only thing serious about you is the degree of brain damage you’ve suffered due to cognitive dissonance.
It's a true joy to watch another level of mental gymnastics on display by Trump/Hannity fans as this evidence emerges. Y'all are gonna end up like Jared Leto's Mom at the end of Requiem For a Dream, if you don't have something that tethers you to reality.