Look out Holly! Megan Anderson looking jacked and shifting serious weight.

Holly just squeaked past Rocky and Reneau was getting outsruck by Bethe, got completely outclassed by Cyborg and Val. If the hype around Megan is anywhere close to being true she should at least be competitive against Holly, if not she doesn't belong in the same zip code as Cyborg.

Yeah, look, I like Megan, but if you've seen her fight you'll know where I'm coming from. I think I saw all her Invicta fights and she just isn't going to do much. Her technique isn't really but or anything, but her speed is. She looks like she's moving through water half the time. Her striking defense isn't good either. In her last fight she struggled past Tweet, who Cyborg finished after like the first striking exchange.
If lifting weights equaled epic MMA fighter, then we'd be flooded with these dudes...


...and lots of this...

I remember all the "Holy shit Chris Leben is JACKED!" threads. Didn't seem to work out for him.
Yeah, look, I like Megan, but if you've seen her fight you'll know where I'm coming from. I think I saw all her Invicta fights and she just isn't going to do much. Her technique isn't really but or anything, but her speed is. She looks like she's moving through water half the time. Her striking defense isn't good either. In her last fight she struggled past Tweet, who Cyborg finished after like the first striking exchange.
Everything you said id true but Holly has struggled to outstrike any fighter who isn't a truly awful striker. Just maybe she will have an inspired performance against Megan like she did against Ronda who knows?

I do have some concerns about Megan's chin, she got rocked by Tweet and until she displayed zero fight IQ with those silly spinning backfists was holding her own against Megan.
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Lmao at the fat bastards on here saying how unimpressed they are with her lifts, she would kill you all, except me obviously
Fake plates.

I dunno why people use those, to make it look like alot more weight. I keep it straight 45lbs. I seen once that someone was using these huge plates that you would of thought were 100lbs but they were still 45lbs. Why? Are you really training or are you looking for attention?
Holly just squeaked past Rocky and Reneau was getting outsruck by Bethe, got completely outclassed by Cyborg and Val. If the hype around Megan is anywhere close to being true she should at least be competitive against Holly because the truth is that Holly really isn't that great of a fighter, so if Megan can't be at least competitive against Holly she doesn't belong in the same zip code as Cyborg.
"Outstruck by Bethe"
it looks 170ish

What the fuck are you talking about?

If you’ve never been in a gym in your life, why are you guessing?

That’s 275 lbs you goof. 285 if that’s a 55 lb trap bar (versus the more conventional 45 lb bar).
Holm via "sheh ushh ushh sha" unanimous decision, killing off the only legitimate featherweight contender for Justino.
If Holly Holm kills her off, then she was never legitimate to begin with. LOL
Round one..... "ISH ISH ISH".....
...."Its all over...!"
Breaking news, wmma fighter doing CrossFit and lifting weights... Instead of fighting
Trap bars vary in weight 35-55 pounds.

The two outside plates are twenty fives. Looks like the two inside plates are fourty fives.

It’s probably around 275.


That's 280 then without including the weight of the bar so easily 315 if it's a 35lb hex bar.
Breaking news, wmma fighter doing CrossFit and lifting weights... Instead of fighting
Right, because no fighter does S&C training. Ever.

Good avatar you have, considering your statement.