Kevin Lee doesn't lift weights

Well he's only so college wasn't that long ago. So he lifted and got big and strong there and now constantly works out in other ways. It's not surprising at all that he is still jacked.

He's got a traditional strength coach they just don't so traditional weights.
everytime i see that picture I imagine a bird about to feed a worm in his mouth ..


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100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10km running every single day.
Side effects may include overwhelming strength and speed and extreme hairloss
For all the bar junkies with bloody vages, listen to the podcast. He's working with exos, and they work on strengthening his joints and smaller muscles. He states he feels stronger than ever.

If that really translates into strength gains, I think that's really smart for fighting, since the goal is to be as lean as you can while being as strong as you can at the same time.

Caught my attention, I'm planning on looking it soon.
this just in - moving people is harder than moving weights, most of the time
Yeah so I if someone just starves and runs all day he will look muscluar.

Wow. Talk about oversimplifying, eh? Look at marathon runners and I guarantee you you will come away with a different perspective on what you just said. You're misunderstanding your coach. Nothing you said that he said was incorrect but what you just said absolutely is incorrect.
I guess you're not a fan of Saitama, the strongest being in the universe?
You know, I've never seen that anime.....

But I'd hate to be able to do 60 *proper* pushups in a row but couldn't do 2 *proper* pull ups. No reason to be so strong in pushing and so weak in pulling.

But that's just me, and I'm no Saitama, for the record.
On the JRE he talked about doing a lot of explosive exercises while training for Tony. That could include things like sprints, cleans/snatches and weighted calisthenics.

All are way more effective than traditional weightlifting.
See the pimples in his stomach TS?

Thats how...


probably uses resistance and his own body weight. you dont need to lift weights to lift weight.

thats called calisthenics... look it up. Its the ultimate fuckboi kind of bodybuilding
Those African genetics help.

Throw in a proper diet and working out/staying in shape for a living and we got a recipe for one fit motherfucker

It's not like we've never seen a buff Black guy in sports before. It's just what we do
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Yeah, but he did (and still does?) hundreds of pushups daily. Just a few sets here and there won't get you a build like he or Lee have.
Yeah, there isn't an easy workout that gives you a crazy ripped physique. All the workouts take a lot of effort. Just illustrating that it doesn't have to involve weights.
There are some sports that will provide full body workout. He probably does strength and conditioning that simply doesn't involve good ol' weights.