Do you get tired of hunting for new music/new favorite artists?

Man I hate when I find a band that's new to me and they have at least 5+ albums that I gotta find the time to listen to haha
In many ways it would be very easy to stop making the effort, there’s almost certainly enough stuff I love to keep me going until I die without worrying about new stuff, but then I’ll hear something (usually at random, without actually making any effort) I’ve never heard before and think is awesome and it reminds me how exciting it is to discover something new.

I’ve been with my missus around 15 years now, so new pussy is a closed door to me these days, but I genuinely think that discovery new music is nearly as exciting.

In my 20s I listened to all kinds of metal, obscure shit. After 30, I've resorted back to my favorite hard rock and metal bands of my teenage years..


I don't get tired of those guys and never have to make up my mind whether it's good. It was always good. The band Death I still listen to extensively. That's about the heaviest I go anymore.
I go through cycles where I'm constantly finding new music, then I chill for a bit.

No, it's so easy to find new songs to listen to now.
No but I do find I have less time for it than I did before and I am finding less gems now days than ever before

Recently I did get into the lost dog street band and jesse stewert and was quite pleased by the find

2 new bands to enjoy in 6 months isnt too bad at 35 I would say
No but I do find I have less time for it than I did before and I am finding less gems now days than ever before

Recently I did get into the lost dog street band and jesse stewert and was quite pleased by the find

2 new bands to enjoy in 6 months isnt too bad at 35 I would say

Found Jesse Stewart doing Cold Beer a few years ago and was blown away. Have followed his videos ever since.
Found Jesse Stewart doing Cold Beer a few years ago and was blown away. Have followed his videos ever since.

I like the studio version of it better cuz i hate hearin all the people noise but usually live that kinda thing sounds better .

I marked out bout the line bout osgood and patty roy first time i heard it
As somebody said earlier, I think you need to constantly be expanding and pushing your 'taste' in music into new areas if you want to keep the search fresh. This can work both in the present and discovering music from the past. I think it is natural as we get older to grow comfortable and set in our ways, content with what we are familiar. Some people are happy listening to same same things over and over. This can be extended to the rest of the activities in their life, doing the things they have always enjoyed and are comfortable with. But others need change and discovery of the new and those kind of people tend to push themselves into things they aren't necessarily comfortable with and their tastes change with them accordingly. I'm one of those people that tend to get bored easily so I have to push myself to explore new stimuli. I still love the classics but .......
Nope. These days new music is all over the place and incredibly easy to find. When I was growing up there was no internet, no instant access to reviews, videos, downloads. I used to buy albums based on whether I liked the cover or the band's name. It was actually a pretty good system. I'd recommend trying it.

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