Tyron Woodley: Georges St-Pierre dropping to lightweight the ‘hugest b*tch move on the planet’

Ridiculous comparison. Again. Penn came up to fight for his belt. The ufc named him the contender. What was he going to do say no? I don't think that guy's earned a shot? Then you guys would have called him a duck and said he was afraid because he lost the first Penn fight. Which he didn't. You guys talk out of both sides of your mouth. Whoever he fights that guy is a can after he loses, even if people were calling for him to ko gsp beforehand. AND he was simultaneously ducking some other guy.

Then he fights that other guy and that guys The One to beat gsp. Until he loses. Then once again that guy was just a can AND gsp was ducking some other guy by fighting him. Rinse and repeat for the last decade on here.


he could have said no the same way (you claim) he couldn't put his division on hold to move up...

Logic is never strong suite of an excuse maker...
Also that First Penn fight was when neither of them were ww champ, and not far removed from Penn fighting Hughes for the belt. GSP -Penn 1 was a fight he absolutely had to take to get to a ww shot. More revisionist history from mad Penn and Anderson fans. Why you so mad tho?
the fact you can't accept that 4 years beating the top fighters didn't clean the division is an amazing thought.

Yes, I noted there would always be other fighters rising up or being added to the roaster.
No one EVER cleans completely a division, but that's you nitpicking definition.

Beside, it is highly hypocritical of you to claim "he couldn't put the division on hold" to fight at MW when he fought BJ penn TWICE while putting his division's top contenders on hold... and you obviously loved it.
Haha I consider you a pure troll right now so consider me talking past you and not to you.

GSP with 5 title defenses and Shields, Condit, Diaz and Hendricks in front of him had not cleaned out the division no. And had he left then you would be the first one saying he ducked his toughest competition so troll on. Sorry the facts do not fit the narrative you want to say which was when Anderson was talking retiring and legacy fights that GSP was at the same point in his career as that is factually false.

And yes again Troll on. BJ was not a diversion from his WW run and he did not put his WW run on hold to fight BJ as BJ was a WW fighting at WW in both fights. And a highly regarded one and former champ to.

Anyway you really are too stupid to discuss this with rationally and its obvious you have no intent but to troll so i'll move on.
he could have said no the same way (you claim) he couldn't put his division on hold to move up...

Logic is never strong suite of an excuse maker...
Lol ok. And all of you would have called him a duck and a bitch and the ufc would have been pissed at him for ruining a superfight. Really the ONLY super fight of that era. Again pure revisionist history. People like you would be calling him a pussy to this day if he had turned down either Penn fight.
and yet here we are... 3 GSP fanboys, all crying and comparing GSP with SIlva when the point I made was specific to GSP...

Kid, learn logic before you attempt it.

It just shows your hypocrisy and bias. You are right on one thing, GSP will never match Silva in some categories....like failed drug tests. Go ahead and support your cheater GOAT, by your writing skills, looks like you needed to cheat your way through middle school.....kid.
I'm not even mad at Silva fans anymore. They just amuse me now. So incredibly illogical. Silva never fought for the lhw belt when he was a champ. Even when a lhw champ called him out he said no. But he's not a duck. Because he beat fucking James Irvin. So amazing. But gsp is a duck for not going up in weight at the exact time they felt he should. Nevermind that he hadn't cemented his legacy at ww yet and was vocal about wanting to do that before ANYTHING else. Nevermind that he had seen what happens when you worry about fights in other weight classes instead of defending your belt. He's the one that kicked Penn's ass when he came up, then saw Penn immediately decline and NEVER cement himself as lw goat.

Now he comes out of retirement WAY past his prime to beat the mw champ and he's ducking fucking Tyron Woodley. The same Tyron that was around for years while gsp was champ. Getting his ears boxed off by Jake fucking Shields. Tyron wants to blame someone, he should blame himself for being a low level gatekeeper the entire time gsp was champ.
ya at this point we are just being trolled by guys like Shaddows who do not believe what they are saying but are so full of hate they need to say it.

GSP at not even age 30 and before his Shields fight and with Condit, Hendricks and Diaz all in the wings should have said I am done with WW, my legacy is complete, simply because Anderson had cleaned out a much thinner MW division and finally wanted some legacy fights when prior to that whenever asked Anderson said he wanted no part of a GSp fight as he was 'happy in his category' and felt he was building his legacy first as the best MW? Heck GSP only had 5 defenses at WW and Hughes had 7 and many were still saying Hughes was GOAT WW back then and GSp had not surpassed him yet. It was GSP beating Shields, Condit, Diaz and Hendricks and getting to a record amount of title defenses and adding those big names that cemented his legacy as the GOAT WW.
ya at this point we are just being trolled by guys like Shaddows who do not believe what they are saying but are so full of hate they need to say it.

GSP at not even age 30 and before his Shields fight and with Condit, Hendricks and Diaz all in the wings should have said I am done with WW, my legacy is complete, simply because Anderson had cleaned out a much thinner MW division and finally wanted some legacy fights when prior to that whenever asked Anderson said he wanted no part of a GSp fight as he was 'happy in his category' and felt he was building his legacy first as the best MW? Heck GSP only had 5 defenses at WW and Hughes had 7 and many were still saying Hughes was GOAT WW back then and GSp had not surpassed him yet. It was GSP beating Shields, Condit, Diaz and Hendricks and getting to a record amount of title defenses and adding those big names that cemented his legacy as the GOAT WW.
That dude is on like his second or third account and has ALWAYS been a massive troll on here. I don't even frequent the heavies that often, but I still know to associate that name and av with nonsense trolling.

As far as gsp goes people seem to forget his greatest challengers were towards the end of his reign when he started having the acl injuries and was clearly past prime. He made THREE MORE title defenses after returning from double acl surgeries. That's more defenses than many great fighters ever get to begin with. His career is unparalleled.
Right? As if it's better if he never came back. I'm a huge gsp fan and I'm fucking excited that he's coming back so far past his prime for huge fights. The ufc is fucking boring right now. This guy is coming back at damn near 40 years old to try new challenges and add to his already untouchable legacy. The spirit of Hendo for real, someone people idolize on here. Shit, he did something Hendo couldn't do. Either could Silva. Either could Rockhold. Oh but it was such a gimme fight and Bisping is so terrible.

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And that is what GSP haters don't want and the only reason for their criticisms. After GSP took that MW belt his GOAT status rose. Fedor had been the lead in most polls and ranking sites and discussions prior and that accomplish put GSP ahead for the first time with many more. If GSP takes the LW belt as well i will bet it will pretty much be unanimous that GSP is GOAT outside the rounding error you have to have for haters and huggers. And that is the last thing his haters want to see.

They are truly mad. Mad and scared.
Also that First Penn fight was when neither of them were ww champ, and not far removed from Penn fighting Hughes for the belt. GSP -Penn 1 was a fight he absolutely had to take to get to a ww shot. More revisionist history from mad Penn and Anderson fans. Why you so mad tho?
Ya I am not even going to reply to Shaddows anymore. He is on pure troll mode now just fishing for reactions so why give him them. No champ should say no to a fight in his own division if the Org says that is his next fight. Had GSP said no to a second Penn fight when Penn was arguably the closest to beating him outside Serra in that run of fights haters like Shaddows would never let that go.

If GSP or Shogun made weight at MW and the UFC put them up for fighs against Anderson you bet Anderson would have taken it. He said he would. Just as GSP said he would take Anderson if he made weight at WW and the UFC offered it.

To call defenses within ones own divisions that the ORg put forth ducking of other top contenders is jsut asinine and trolling.
Haha I consider you a pure troll right now so consider me talking past you and not to you.

GSP with 5 title defenses and Shields, Condit, Diaz and Hendricks in front of him had not cleaned out the division no. And had he left then you would be the first one saying he ducked his toughest competition so troll on. Sorry the facts do not fit the narrative you want to say which was when Anderson was talking retiring and legacy fights that GSP was at the same point in his career as that is factually false.

And yes again Troll on. BJ was not a diversion from his WW run and he did not put his WW run on hold to fight BJ as BJ was a WW fighting at WW in both fights. And a highly regarded one and former champ to.

Anyway you really are too stupid to discuss this with rationally and its obvious you have no intent but to troll so i'll move on.
so you claim GSP who won his belt in 2006 (one year after Silva) had a lot to clean up while SIlva cleaned his division while moving up to LHW and all....

Seems either Silva was a lot more efficient or that you are making up excuses... I vote the later.
And that is what GSP haters don't want and the only reason for their criticisms. After GSP took that MW belt his GOAT status rose. Fedor had been the lead in most polls and ranking sites and discussions prior and that accomplish put GSP ahead for the first time with many more. If GSP takes the LW belt as well i will bet it will pretty much be unanimous that GSP is GOAT outside the rounding error you have to have for haters and huggers. And that is the last thing his haters want to see.

They are truly mad. Mad and scared.
Yep it's super, super transparent. They want him to take the fights they hope will get him knocked the fuck out, so they can then hate on him for that. The serra loss is so old people laugh at them when they post their little gifs, and they're bitter they have no other ammo to use because gsp is hands down the greatest fighter we've ever seen in this sport.

Did it all, never ducked anyone, champ at multiple weights, never failed a drug test and tarnished his career. Didn't fall off of a cliff and start losing to everyone at 30. They have no real ammunition to use against the man, they thought they could mock him for retiring as a divisional goat. Well they didn't count on him coming back and adding to his legacy after EVERY other goat contender either started losing or tarnished their career. They want him to fail and he won't, and it just makes them SO MAD.

Ya I am not even going to reply to Shaddows anymore. He is on pure troll mode now just fishing for reactions so why give him them. No champ should say no to a fight in his own division if the Org says that is his next fight. Had GSP said no to a second Penn fight when Penn was arguably the closest to beating him outside Serra in that run of fights haters like Shaddows would never let that go.

If GSP or Shogun made weight at MW and the UFC put them up for fighs against Anderson you bet Anderson would have taken it. He said he would. Just as GSP said he would take Anderson if he made weight at WW and the UFC offered it.

To call defenses within ones own divisions that the ORg put forth ducking of other top contenders is jsut asinine and trolling.

GSP should have dropped to LW to take Penn's belt. Just out of spite, nothing else.

Woodley should just F.O.
Lol ok. And all of you would have called him a duck and a bitch and the ufc would have been pissed at him for ruining a superfight. Really the ONLY super fight of that era. Again pure revisionist history. People like you would be calling him a pussy to this day if he had turned down either Penn fight.
Sorry, but he IS a duck. That's just a fact!'
Or you saying he didn;t just duck whittaker and is working hard to duck Woodley???
At this time there is no indication that GSP has any interest in this fight. Infact, Ariel recently said on his show that neither party seems to be interested, and it's just an idea from the UFC.
didn't he just give up MW title? run from Whittaker?

yeah, make all excuses you want, he was at MW. That's two divisions.

And even one, didn't he mention it would take years??? so.. my quesitons stands... still unanswered by any GSP fanboys...

Amazing hwo you can;t answer following your own logic.

Yes he did say it would take years to move up properly to MW, he tried to fast track it and ended up with UC and only weighing ~3 more pounds than he normally did at WW. He tried and failed at getting to an average MW size, so he just took the MW title as a WW.
so you claim GSP who won his belt in 2006 (one year after Silva) had a lot to clean up while SIlva cleaned his division while moving up to LHW and all....

Seems either Silva was a lot more efficient or that you are making up excuses... I vote the later.
Or Silva was in a thinner division where the guy he took the belt from Franklin only had two title defenses against the likes of Nate Rock Quarry and David the Crow. And the guy before him had even less.

Whereas Hughes prior to GSP had 7 defenses and was regarded not just as GOAT WW but also one of the GOAT overall for some time.

So yes Anderson had cleaned out his division earlier and secured his MW GOAT claim which is perfectly logical and GSP before his 30 birthday had not with only 5 defense to Hughes 7 and some of his biggest name WW fights in front of him.
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so you claim GSP who won his belt in 2006 (one year after Silva) had a lot to clean up while SIlva cleaned his division while moving up to LHW and all....

Seems either Silva was a lot more efficient or that you are making up excuses... I vote the later.
Or silva was in a much weaker division. So weak he had to fight guys that barely had a streak going, or had just been koed. Silva cleared his division within a year because it was the weakest division in the ufc except arguably hw. WW was the most stacked division except arguably LW
Further to my post just above lets not forget that after Franklin took that MW belt and cleaned out the MW division with only two defenses (David the Crow and Nate Rock Quarry) and they used a fan vote to give Anderson the title shot since the division had no one else, that when Anderson took that belt from Franklin he cleaned out the MW division with that single fight. Even though Anderson had not been fighting in the UFC MW division prior and only had a fight with Leben there was not a single MW with a resume worthy of a title shot one fight after taking the belt from Franklin.

That is how weak the MW division Anderson fought in was. The MW division remained painfully weak until Hendo and Vitor parachuted in for quick title shots. That was nothing like the WW division GSP was fighting in at the same time.
Sorry, but he IS a duck. That's just a fact!'
Or you saying he didn;t just duck whittaker and is working hard to duck Woodley???

Sorry, GSP being a duck is your opinion; Silva being a cheat, is a fact.

See the difference......kid.