Name Three Officially 'Normal' Things that you find Totally Unacceptable

Ghost in the Dark

Dec 7, 2017
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I'll start:

(1) abortion for non medical reasons
(2) keeping animals in little cages and tanks
(3) mass-smoking at the entrances of buildings (making the smoke unavoidable)

I'd be happy to impose extreme prison sentences or death penalties for these.
1) Wearing shoes in the house
2) Ketchup/A1 on Steak
3) Steak cooked past medium rare

If you do any of these, you're a communist and not allowed in my home.

Politically though?

I guess I'm against abortion but I don't know if that's normal
I'm against allowing illegal immigrants to stay
I'm against affirmative action because we should be hiring based on merit
Obesity is all I've really got. Like it's not a big deal for kids to be fat although I think it's one of the worst kinds of child abuse. Parents are putting kids on a totally wrong path and making their lives harder for what? the sake of convenience or sheer laziness.
1) Wearing shoes in the house
2) Ketchup/A1 on Steak
3) Steak cooked past medium rare

If you do any of these, you're a communist and not allowed in my home.

If you changed number 1 to diet coke you woulda got a robert de niro finger wag gif from me. So close bud, so close and it woulda been totally appropriate since TS put this in the warroom.
Fashionable consumerism.
built-in obsolescence.
Private prisons.

Two of them are just about the same thing but it's fucking reprehensible the amount of waste we all contribute just to have a newer version of something we already have.
Wheelchairs make me sick.
* Empty virtue-signaling
* Promoting certain policies as long as they don't affect themselves, their children or neighborhoods.
* People that enter stores and immediately stops their shopping carts dead in their tracks and begins to contemplate about the weather or whatever they are having for dinner.
* People that wait for the store teller to say the amount their groceries total, before they pick up their wallets and credit cards.

Four things but I'm triggered!
1. Chewing with your mouth open
2. Parents not watching/disciplining their kids in public
3. People who drive slow in the left lane

I agree with your number 1 and 3 TS
Mobile Phones.
Lack of discipline (especially of children).
* Empty virtue-signaling
* Promoting certain policies as long as they don't affect themselves, their children or neighborhoods.


If I have to have triggers, those would be important.

I suppose my one pet peeve would be people who really, really hate other things, or especially other people, and then do nothing to understand the people or things that they hate.

Those who hate a cartoon version of reality where they are the white knight, and then preach we should all be hitting each other with giant mallets.

That, or anyone who is just so consumed with hatred, and usually by addition add depression, anxiety, and abuse to those around them, that everything is awful, and of course, everyone else's fault.

The list of faults to choose from, endless, and each solution adds more aggravation to whatever unrealistic goal they set for themselves, or more likely others.

Rumor has it that satisfaction comes from inside.

"There are having flowers in Spring, breezes in Summer, moon in Autumn, snows in Winter. If there is nothing worrying over you, it will be the best seasons at all times." - Gautama Buddha
1. Homosexuality
2. Transgenders
3. Skinny jeans
1. Public consumption of alcohol
2. Childless marriages
3. Yoga pants in public outside the context of yoga or exercise
Mobile Phones.
Lack of discipline (especially of children).
These are good responses as well.
1) Advocacy and support of transgenderism
2) Non free-range produce from animals.
3) Smoking.
1. White Privilege

2. Tax Exemption for Religious Organizations

3. Institutional Racism

* 4/5. Gender Specific Bathrooms and Borders
Men who think they can tell women what they should do with their bodies. And the same men who cry about abortion but haven't adopted any children themselves.
1. Political Propaganda
2. Intentional or deliberate ignorance
3. Unintentional ignorance
Female drivers
Assholes who don´t properly train their dogs
The "find something to be butthurt about" culture that has arisen from the internetz