Social Roseanne tweets outrageously racist comment about former Obama staffer Valerie Jarrett

Does it really need to be said that mean-spirited racist jokes are hurtful? Because aside from that pretty obvious statement, it seems like you're implying that black Americans can be more offended than white Americans. Do you believe that is true?
They have a background littered with violence against them for their race and discrimination that still continues today. There are certainly more opportunities to dig at wounds...
At this point, multiple ignorant mean spirited NON JOKE tweets have been posted in refutation of the idea that she was making jokes.
Surrender, Dorothy.
Did you read what I wrote at all? The mere fact that she has posted tweets that aren't jokes on her twitter doesn't mean that everything she posts on Twitter isn't a joke and vice versa as well. Now, you can say the joke was mean spirited and partisan and inappropriate and a number of things along those lines and still hold it against her. It being a joke doesn't mean we have to give her a pass. But it is a joke nonetheless.
Does it really need to be said that mean-spirited racist jokes are hurtful? Because aside from that pretty obvious statement, it seems like you're implying that black Americans can be more offended than white Americans. Do you believe that is true?
Its pretty clear they are more sensitive to certain sorts of comments and jokes. Wouldn't you say that the Jews are probably more sensitive to Holocaust jokes than most people and that there's a good historical reason for that?
Its pretty clear they are more sensitive to certain sorts of comments and jokes. Wouldn't you say that the Jews are probably more sensitive to Holocaust jokes than most people and that there's a good historical reason for that?
what is this "holocaust' you speak of?

Did you read what I wrote at all? The mere fact that she has posted tweets that aren't jokes on her twitter doesn't mean that everything she posts on Twitter isn't a joke and vice versa as well. Now, you can say the joke was mean spirited and partisan and inappropriate and a number of things along those lines and still hold it against her. It being a joke doesn't mean we have to give her a pass. But it is a joke nonetheless.
Then it's a matter of opinion since jokes are subjective.
In my estimation , she was just being a cunt.
Its pretty clear they are more sensitive to certain sorts of comments and jokes. Wouldn't you say that the Jews are probably more sensitive to Holocaust jokes than most people and that there's a good historical reason for that?

I agree, and yes.

My question was if he was implying something beyond what I consider to be obvious. I get I was vague, I just didn't want to impose my implication on the guy without knowing for sure what he meant, this thread has already incensed people as it is.
Then it's a matter of opinion since jokes are subjective.
In my estimation , she was just being a cunt.
Not really, any reasonable person would say that a love child statement is a joke, or an attempt at one at least.

Now, that doesn't mean she's not being a cunt while doing so. If I make a Holocaust joke at a Holocaust memorial museum, the fact that my statement is a joke doesn't mean I'm not being a cunt and if I get kicked out for it I don't think most would have an issue with that.

But my point here is that it was obviously an attempt at humor and we should all agree at the bare minimum that it was a joke. But I'll emphasize that this doesn't mean we should criticize her for it and I'll go further and concede that her other mean spirited tweets suggest that this joke was bad with ill intentions.
I agree, and yes.

My question was if he was implying something beyond what I consider to be obvious. I get I was vague, I just didn't want to impose my implication on the guy without knowing for sure what he meant, this thread has already incensed people as it is.
Nah I get it, I was just saying that there is good reason to assume that African-Americans are going to be more easily offended when it comes to certain kinds of jokes or statements. So even if he was implying that, its a defensible statement in my eyes.
I agree but blacks have been demeaned and degraded historically and presently by being compared to apes/monkeys and thus are seen as subhuman.

Bush being compared to a chimp (strictly on mannerisms/appearance) ain't the same as the Obamas being compared to chimps (racial insult) and we all know it despite those feigning ignorance.
So it's OK to dehumanize someone as long as it's based "strictly on mannerisms/appearance"? Good to know.
Look at the types of things Tom Arnold is saying! How salacious!


"When I read her social media in the very beginning, and I saw how she was so into the conspiracy stuff with Donald Trump and so how far gone she was, and the 'pizzagate' and Hillary is a pedophile and Obama wasn't born here, she was, you know, a 'birther,' and how crazy that was -- I just knew that this would not end well," Arnold said.


"It's a meme that she and thousands of her alt-right fans do," Arnold said. "They love calling black people monkeys. It's not a one time joke, OK. They do it because we have a white trash racist president. That's a fact. Donald Trump -- Roseanne and I have both known him 30 years. That's an absolute fact."


Arnold also questioned whether Trump was really ever a fan of his former wife or just wanted to take credit for her ratings' success. He told Cooper of a time that Trump criticized her directly after their divorce.
"He's with Melania and I'm with my wife at the time, Shelby Roos, who's a political consultant," Arnold said. "And he said to me, oh my gosh, you married up in the world. And he goes, Roseanne was disgusting. And he said that to me out of the blue. Like, you know what, no matter what kind of divorce you had, that's a weird thing to say."

She looks like a bunch of Finnish grandmas that I know.

Manufactured outrage, nothing more.
The fact that she doesn't look like a stereotypical black person doesn't diminish the pain of being compared to an ape when that's her heritage.
For the life of me I can't figure out why so many grown men are outraged and concerned with this. The lady said something offensive so what.
I'll ask again then; do you think she was making a serious statement about Jarret's ancestry with that tweet?
I thought we were talking about jokes. I don't know what was in her Trump-addled mind but I agree with the network that it was racist.
Whether or not she thought her cuntish words would be considered funny.
This whole thing is clearly a move against Roseanne due to her support for Trump and how outspoken she is about Hollywood, pedophilia, mind control, ect.

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