Social Roseanne tweets outrageously racist comment about former Obama staffer Valerie Jarrett

Olbermann is a douche.
Him and Dan Patrick were part of the greatest Sports Center team of all time, but Olbermann is a douche and nobody would give a shit if he was fired.
BTW it still does not change what Roseann said.
Just had this conversation with my daughter. Life is not fair, so you can spend all your time complaining about it not being fair or you can move on. Most successful people move on, and in life you will run across people who aren't successful and those people, usually will be complaining the most.
This whole thing is clearly a move against Roseanne due to her support for Trump and how outspoken she is about Hollywood, pedophilia, mind control, ect.

You're an idiot, a racist, a guy in internet blackface, ect.

No one is making Trump supporters do the things they do. They choose to be arrogant, incompetent, and to compare black folks to apes.
This whole thing is clearly a move against Roseanne due to her support for Trump and how outspoken she is about Hollywood, pedophilia, mind control, ect.

Lol, Well, they can't pull the wool over your eyes! The truth is out there.
You're an idiot, a racist, a guy in internet blackface, ect.

No one is making Trump supporters do the things they do. They choose to be arrogant, incompetent, and to compare black folks to apes.
There are different lenses on the floodlights though. Everybody does stupid shit, except you of coarse.
I thought we were talking about jokes. I don't know what was in her Trump-addled mind but I agree with the network that it was racist.
Whether or not she thought her cuntish words would be considered funny.
I was talking about her original statement about Valerie Jarett which was as follows:
"muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes had a baby=vj"

If you want to say it was an inappropriately racist joke, given the context of some of her other tweets and statements, then I might agree but it was a joke nonetheless.
It's apparent that she meant to be mean spirited and political.

There's no joke to be found there and to call it a joke stretches the definition of the word like taffy.

@HereticBD and @Kafir-kun have done a pretty good job at answering the whole joke/not joke thing so all I'm going to do is laugh at your inference that being mean spirited and political disqualify it from being a joke while we're all posting in the war room.

C'mon bro, a 1/4 of the jokes in this subforum check both those boxes.
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I don't know what to believe anymore.

I don't know what white people have to do with this. A Jewish woman made a racist comment and somehow that says something about white people. Ah yes, I forgot, Jews are only 'white' when they're up to no good and their bad behaviour can be used to bash whites over the head with.
You're an idiot, a racist, a guy in internet blackface, ect.

No one is making Trump supporters do the things they do. They choose to be arrogant, incompetent, and to compare black folks to apes.

Do you ever stop insulting people? You sound like an absolutely miserable person.
The fact that she doesn't look like a stereotypical black person doesn't diminish the pain of being compared to an ape when that's her heritage.

I think it's about time to get the fuck over it, as a people. When you've probably got more Caucasian blood in you than African, maybe it's time to, uhh, just act like all the white guys do when they get insulted. Take it personally, not racially. Don't make a problem where there potentially isn't one. And if there is a problem, de-escalating that problem usually works better than escalating the hell out of it.

"National emergency"?
Care to back off that moronic post?

This thread has had more posts than most American mass shootings. The tweet has seen a more immediate response being taken on the part of Americans, than mass shootings, as well.

The American culture is fairly shit at this point. They'll take the easy ways out, collectively stomping on a single person that has committed a social transgression in order to display their high virtues and keep pandering to the dumb motherfuckers who still keep buying it, but they continue to refuse to address any of the actual issues in the country. As in Roman times, feeding a person to the lions at the Colosseum was always found a more effective way to satisfy the pleb caste, than to actually address any of their socio-economic problems. They thrive more on seeing other people being taken down, than seeing themselves get uplifted.

Now I don't personally give a damn about you guys constantly ripping each other apart over this kind of menial bullshit, but the problem is that your divisive, identity-driven culture is landing over here as well. I'm not really being given an option here outside of pushing back on all of the madness that keeps spilling over from America, disrupting the social harmony that has taken centuries to accomplish between ethnicities, in countries where such harmony still exists.
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Its pretty clear they are more sensitive to certain sorts of comments and jokes. Wouldn't you say that the Jews are probably more sensitive to Holocaust jokes than most people and that there's a good historical reason for that?

So since white people were enslaved by the Moors, are white people allowed to claim slavery as their thing too?
It's apparent that she meant to be mean spirited and political.

There's no joke to be found there and to call it a joke stretches the definition of the word like taffy.

you have to be slow or a troll to not see that was clearly a joke .. especially coming from a 'comedian' .. whether you think it was 'mean spirited or political' .. it was still a 'joke'
Do you ever stop quoting me to squabble?

Oh, that's right, you only do that when you weirdly PM me accusing me of reporting your posts :rolleyes:

Oof. You didn't just disclose the contents of a PM did you... Oh no...
I think it's about time to get the fuck over it, as a people. When you've probably got more Caucasian blood in you than African, maybe it's time to, uhh, just act like all the white guys do when they get insulted. Take it personally, not racially. Don't make a problem where there potentially isn't one.
And Ashkenazi Jews basically look like white Gentiles most of the time, but they still get insulted by ethnic slurs against them. Probably because of the history of oppression, which is shared with blacks. It's easy for white guys not to take it seriously, because it's never been seriously used against them. This isn't being triggered by some microaggression. When white people compare blacks to monkeys as an insult, they know exactly what they're doing. Roseanne played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. She seems to be a cunt in many ways and she's had plenty of success anyway. Fuck it.
What if rather than being solely based on race and skin colour, a comparison to an ape-person is made due to an obvious resemblance?

Are you only allowed to make the observation if you're the right colour?

Isn't that racist?

Sorry. May have already been covered.

Only if someone is a total social retard would it ever be acceptable to say an African American in any way resembles something other than another human, given the long history of using such imagery to insult and dehumanize African Americans.

Either socially retarded or maliciously racist.
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That argument is bullshit.

Roseanne wasn’t fired just because she tweeted something the network didn’t agree with. She was fired because the tweet was objectively RACIST.

All those screencaped tweets contain insults directed at Trump, insulting his intelligence, competence, personal beliefs and moral character. As far as I can tell, not a single one attacks him because of his race, religion or ethnicity.

And before anyone tries to make the argument, allow me to preemptively say that NO, insulting a person’s politics or behavior is NOT the equivalent of insulting someone’s race. And only a racist fuck would consider the two to be so.
That argument is bullshit.

Roseanne wasn’t fired just because she tweeted something the network didn’t agree with. She was fired because the tweet was objectively RACIST.

All those screencaped tweets contain insults directed at Trump, insulting his intelligence, competence, personal beliefs and moral character. As far as I can tell, not a single one attacks him because of his race, religion or ethnicity.

And before anyone tries to make the argument, allow me to preemptively say that NO, insulting a person’s politics or behavior is NOT the equivalent of insulting someone’s race. And only a racist fuck would consider the two to be so.

wtf? lol so it's perfectly fine to viciously verbally attack the president of the united states and keep your tv job just as long as you don't say anything about his race .. did you even think before posting that shit ?.. he's also called him a nazi .. where do 'you' draw the line .. calling him a pedo, goat fker what ? you fkers on the left are deranged

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