Do you think Joe Rogan is smart?

I listen to him once in a while, and I think he makes sense a lot of the time. Of course, I don't agree with everything he says, but no one agrees with everyone.

I think he is knowledgeable about many things and tries to learn a lot about a variety of topics. Overall though, I think he's pretty intelligent.

I like Joe as a entertainer I was never really into his brand of stand up but he is funny and had me rolling in some of his stories. I can relate to Joe I'm just as old as he is and he's always doing shows I like testosterone driven sh!t.

As for being smart smart enough to be getting paid on a regular that's all the smarts you need.
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I listen to him once in a while, and I think he makes sense a lot of the time. Of course, I don't agree with everything he says, but no one agrees with everyone.

I think he is knowledgeable about many things and tries to learn a lot about a variety of topics. Overall though, I think he's pretty intelligent.

He is a certified gym rat manlet with a high school diploma. Guy is barely qualified to work at Walgreens.
He believes too many far right wing conspiracy theories. Something about being on that side makes you immune to logic, common sense, knowledge, and science (and the scientific process).

But I agree with many here that he knows enough to appear knowledgeable, but not enough to really put it all together. Or maybe he just doesn't have any common sense to believe some of the ridiculous shit he believes in.

I remember being very surprised when he said he didn't think the Bigfoot footage was real. He still left open the existence of Bigfoot though.
I don't think he's exactly dumb per-say, but not half as smart as his die-hards think he is.
He is very naive and gullible, and sometimes his "knowledge" that he shares is 20 years behind in the scientific department
Do you have a specific instance when he was 20 years behind scienctific department per say
You know someone isnt very intelligent when they talk about subjects in which they have little knowledge about and act as if they do, Dunning-Kruger is in full effect with Joe.

EDIT: Lol TS is a Roganroid, going around disagreeing with everyone who claims Rogan isnt very smart, I guess TS isnt very smart either.

What a stupid argument. Your premise infers people cannot learn anything about a subject unless they have a Harvard degree accompanying them. No, you can learn, and you can learn a lot on the internet. It likely won’t make you an expert in any given field but it will happen plenty laymen learn basic things from a variety of fields.
What a stupid argument. Your premise infers people cannot learn anything about a subject unless they have a Harvard degree accompanying them. No, you can learn, and you can learn a lot on the internet. It likely won’t make you an expert in any given field but it will happen plenty laymen learn basic things from a variety of fields.
Youre an idiot. How did you get any of that from my comment.
He's smarter than average, in a world where the average is abysmal.
I don't think he's exactly dumb per-say, but not half as smart as his die-hards think he is.
He is very naive and gullible, and sometimes his "knowledge" that he shares is 20 years behind in the scientific department

I like him alot anyway!
He has started an entertaining collective of positivity,knowledge,and discussion. For this,he has my hails.
I cant judge how smart he is. He seems to be very smart when it comes to a lot of things. I enjoy hearing him talk more than I don't. I do think he is very intelligent though. He is great at thinking outside if the box. He would be fun to debate with.
Probably. Or at least he may have been at one time.

But drugs have sure fucked him up. It’s hard to equate smart with “ once ever “. That’s just retarded.
Like you aint got a few "once evers" in your life
He's smart but he's successful because of fear factor. He parlayed that into being a sports commentator which he parlayed into being a famous podcaster.
Tyson said a lot of wrong stuff on Rogan 919. Tyson delivers bull shit in a smooth and confident voice and Rogan is wowed. Made both Rogan and Tyson look pretty stupid. See this and this.
Some of yhe smartest people in the world are bullshitters, which is unfortunate for normies like me.
Smart is relative.

Yea, he's smarter than the average person. He's certainly not dumb.

Does Joe say dumb shit? Absolutely.

It's hard to figure out what he's saying because he's paid to say it and what he geniunely believes.

I mean, the guy was a successful stand up comic and has one of the better podcasts out there. He gets paid millions of dollars to watch fights, say shit, and smoke weed. Can't be dumb and get to that point in life. Certainly takes luck, but you can't be dumb and get that far unless you are trust fund baby.
Joe Rogan got married even his friend who passed away gave him the great advice "Don't you ever get married".

People who marry cannot be that smart. Pussy has the greatest power on earth and only smart people know how to deal with it wisely.