Do you think Joe Rogan is smart?

He seems to be willing to discuss topics that are not conventional and he has a willingness to learn. Whether he is smart or not, those are wise choices.
You know someone isnt very intelligent when they talk about subjects in which they have little knowledge about and act as if they do, Dunning-Kruger is in full effect with Joe.

EDIT: Lol TS is a Roganroid, going around disagreeing with everyone who claims Rogan isnt very smart, I guess TS isnt very smart either.

Dunning-Kruger has nothing to do with intelligence.
You know someone isnt very intelligent when they talk about subjects in which they have little knowledge about and act as if they do, Dunning-Kruger is in full effect with Joe.

EDIT: Lol TS is a Roganroid, going around disagreeing with everyone who claims Rogan isnt very smart, I guess TS isnt very smart either.

Problem with Joe is that his money and success make him believe that he’s qualified to debate with more knowledgeable people on specific subject matters just because he had a previous podcast guest espousing a conflicting viewpoint. He literally doesn’t have the education or mental aptitude to mentally spar with 98% of his guests or even normal, educated or well-read folks.
Smart like anything in life is a relative term. Smart compared to who?
I listen to him once in a while, and I think he makes sense a lot of the time. Of course, I don't agree with everything he says, but no one agrees with everyone.

I think he is knowledgeable about many things and tries to learn a lot about a variety of topics. Overall though, I think he's pretty intelligent.

Smarter than the dopes that buy his crap pills.
He's not dumb and has an open mind and wacky ideas. He is successful too. I wouldn't call him a genius nor is he always right.

But he can be considered pretty smart.
Joe Rogan starts smoking dope when he's in his 30's and was blown away by stuff I knew as a teenager. I don't think he's that smart. He's a good speaker but his opinions go where the wind blows.
He's a smart guy. Not a genius, but I think he always has something interesting to say and is knowledgeable about many different subjects.
He Is smart enough to have turned millionaire and to be able to talk for 3 hours with almost anybody.
"i'm not smart, i just remember things..." -jr
He Is smart enough to have turned millionaire and to be able to talk for 3 hours with almost anybody.

This is an amazing skill that he has, I think he can make nearly anyone interesting. He even managed to rattle that Milo Yiannopolous which I haven't seen any interviewer manage to do.
You know someone isnt very intelligent when they talk about subjects in which they have little knowledge about and act as if they do, Dunning-Kruger is in full effect with Joe.

to quote rogan himself "i know im dumb and yet im smarter than 90% of the people i meet" and i agree lol
I would say his IQ is probably over the national average. How far above I'm not so sure.
he is smart but he is not wise. and he is stoned as a Towlie a lot of the time.
I don't think he's exactly dumb per-say, but not half as smart as his die-hards think he is.
He is very naive and gullible, and sometimes his "knowledge" that he shares is 20 years behind in the scientific department
Exactly, I don't think he is very smart in an IQ sense but he is smart in a marketing sense. Many conspiracy theorists are like that, they make a lot of "sense", until you dig at it a little more and see it's all bullshit and you get surprised at how somebody can believe at that stuff.
Smart is relative.

Yea, he's smarter than the average person. He's certainly not dumb.

Does Joe say dumb shit? Absolutely.

It's hard to figure out what he's saying because he's paid to say it and what he geniunely believes.

I mean, the guy was a successful stand up comic and has one of the better podcasts out there. He gets paid millions of dollars to watch fights, say shit, and smoke weed. Can't be dumb and get to that point in life. Certainly takes luck, but you can't be dumb and get that far unless you are trust fund baby.

I think he speaks his mind for the most part. He says stuff disagreeing with the UFC all the time.