Political spectrums clarification

The first two points make sense.

To me the strict separation of church and state in the western world is a given, and an absolute must, and that's probably why I completely over looked that point.

Feel free to substitute. This is just a quick and simple list I put together from the more "popular" topics in the WR.

lol I ended up deleting my post. When I finally filled out your list I thought it was pretty thorough.
lol I ended up deleting my post. When I finally filled out your list I thought it was pretty thorough.
I wanted to make the questions as easy to answer as possible, a little varied on subject matter, and make the list user friendly, so to speak. I should have included something about climate change, and refined 7 better though. I'm not one for staring threads, so maybe my next one, 5 years from now will be better. lol
My interests lie in identity politics, the migrant situation in Europe, and religion

If those are the topics that interest you, I would also include the EU. In particular, read article 17 of the Lisbon treaty and article 18 of the UDHR.

It's not really my thing, but have you read Clash of Civilization by Samuel Huntington?

After reading these things, you will see very different views on those topics you mentioned.
This doesn't really provide a good platform. There's a lot more to immigration than "open borders" - "pro deportation" for example.

1) Pro choice
2) Don't care.
3) Pro
4) Industry specific through trilateral negotiations (employer, employees/union, government).
5) Public aid based on household income.
6) Same (in my country), no opinion on the U.S.
7) Too broad a category.
8) Decriminalization of most drugs. Marijuana should be legal. Cocaine, ecstacy and psychedelics should require a license to sell. Illegal to sell very harmful drugs like heroin or meth.
9) Controlled immigration based on rule of law and equality principles.
10) Rework of healthcare system to something ala what they have in France.
11) Should be put as much effort into combating climate change as possible. Subsidies for companies that promotes sustainable production methods (in particular in food and energy production), public procurement criterias should favor innovative and "green" companies more, and in general more policy initiatives to do away with dependence on fossil fuel etc.
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If those are the topics that interest you, I would also include the EU. In particular, read article 17 of the Lisbon treaty and article 18 of the UDHR.

It's not really my thing, but have you read Clash of Civilization by Samuel Huntington?

After reading these things, you will see very different views on those topics you mentioned.

art. 17 TFEU?

Not really interesting. It basically just excludes the EU from enacting legislation, or otherwise meddle in the religious affairs of the member states.

The EU is very careful with such topics (as they should be). Not even the vigorous EU court dares to touch religious affairs with a ten foot pole. As could most infamously be seen in 1990 with the abortion case in Ireland (C-159/90). Which if religion had not been involed, had been a clear cut decision.

It's a pretty amusing case if you're into EU law (a student group in Ireland "advertised" for abortion services in the U.K):

Basically the EU courts just deemed that abortion was not an "economic activity" (which is a never before used argument in term of free movement principles, since it's the principle that matters, and thus even a hypothetical situtation i.e. it could have been an economic activity/cross border trade/etc. is enough to make way for a judgement), and thus managed to free themselves from making a decision on the subject.
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a quick run down.
1 pro choice
2 genital based
3 pro for the most part except forcing certain churches and services to adhere
4 no
5 no
6 a little more
7 less
8 no legalization american's can't even text and walk
9 better border security and controls, deport anyone who has broken the law (except for being illegal)
10 Better VA system , get rid of death/inheritance taxes
Pro choice-

Genital based-




Same or less-

Less, besides environmental needs to do so-


By stringent background checks, deport-

I think environmental issues need to be addressed much more.
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1) pro choice

2) Genital base

3) pro SSM

4) Not $15 immediate, but a series of mandated, smaller increases could work over a decade or so

5) big yes to government funded education

6) less gun control

7) selectively yes and no to this one. Too broad a question.

8) some drugs remain criminalized, some not. Again, it's a yes and no thing for me.

9) revamp legal immigration, crack down on illegal.

10) Would like to see modifications in the way government interacts with unions and reforms within unions themselves. I still believe they have important work to do but the union model has to change with changing times, and on the state side, a move away from the adversarial relationship between government and unions would be good. Tall order though.

1- Choice but with restrictions to number of weeks (unless mothers life in danger). I believe contraception should be free or available at very low price to anyone at the age of consent.

2-Genital base but separate available for trans and family.

3-I don't care whom marries who or how many as long as the church is not forced to do it.

4-15 is too high but 10 sounds about right for now.

5-Some government help especially for STEM education.

6-Less gun control and more criminal control.

7-Goverment needs to protect its citizens but only up to a point.

8-Yes and no depending on the drug.

9-Pro fence and control the border then talk about how to keep the ones that are good citizens and can relay become Americans per T.R. view of it. Would not mind making it easer to become a US citizen if the above is meet.
1) Abortion - Pro choice.
2) Trans bathroom- If you can use a urinal the men's is for you.
3) SSM - Pro.
4) Minimum wage - Flexible by industry and cost of living, and adjusted automatically by economic indicators. Or simply replaced with something better.
5) Gov't paid higher education - Not sure exactly what would be the best method of distribution, but a lack of income/wealth should not be a barrier to higher education.
6) Gun control - Common sense measures like background checks and safe ownership requirements are ok.
7) Government regulations - I can't quantify this. Good regulations are good, bad regulations are bad. Essentially, whatever prevents the market from interfering with democracy and constricting the individual freedom and quality of life of citizens, is probably a good regulation.
8) Drugs - Pro decriminalization.
9) Immigration - Pro pathways to citizenship and greasing the wheels of legal immigration.
10 ) climate change - This is a real and urgent issue.
11) War - Stay out of them.
12) Infrastructure - Focus all the time and money spent on the above on this instead.
I feel like I take nuanced approaches to most issues, so it's difficult to give clear yes or no answers on some of these. I'll try to summarize.

1) Pro Choice
2) Personally Pro-trans, but fine with letting the establishment decide it's own policies (also fine with consumers disagreeing with decision)
3) Pro SSM
4) Gradual increases, not instant $15; should be tied in with inflation
5) No in general, yes in select cases
6) Depends on specific policy
7) Depends on what type of regulation
8) Pro decriminalization
9) Pro path to citizenship
10) Climate change is real
1) Abortion - pro choice
2) Trans bathroom- genital based
3) SSM - I don't care, Pro I guess. It is none of my business
4) Minimum wage - maintain
5) Gov't paid higher education - no
6) Gun control - very little
7) Government regulations -less.
8) Drugs - legalization of pot
9) Immigration-path to citizenship
10 ) Money in politics.-against
11) Climate Change- Real
Abortion- Trimesters are a good way to approximate the viability of life. First trimester, go nuts. Second trimester, comes with a few strings but not prohibitive ones. Third trimester, the argument of viable life begins to become strong and it may be a good time to begin transferring rights from the mother to the child.

Trans bathroom- Non-issue. We're all going to be okay.

SSM- Non-issue. See, we didn't all get swallowed into the pits of hell! Neato.

Minimum wage- Catch it up to $15 over ten years and apply COLA. It's not exactly just a bandaid, but it's not going to solve the problem long term.

Unions- The fundamental problem in America is that workers do not demand a large enough share of the profits from their labor. Anybody who says he believes in freedom of capital but wants to restrict unions is selling you a turd wrapped in shit and wants to steal your money.

Gov't paid higher education- Give kids some money for their first two years. Don't make it free, make them work for it. Reward the best students further.

Gun control- Permits, expanded checks, cradle-to-grave registry, notarized sales, waive bureaucratic fee for smart guns. No further restrictions to weapons, restore cosmetic restrictions.

Government regulations- Expand them in most areas. Especially churches. We need to audit the fuck out of churches.

Drugs- legalization /decriminalization- Decriminalize all possession. I can't in good conscience normalize meth and heroin by just legalizing them. But feds should give cities the chance to experiment with on-site shoot up clinics supplying low-cost pure drugs.

Immigration- Legalize everybody who is here working and staying out of trouble, make them a smoother path to citizenship. And our government needs to stop playing touch-butt with Mexican cartels.

Climate Change- This is possibly going to solve itself, but set very high efficiency standards for light vehicles. No 30 mpg shit. 60. 90. 120. Do it right.
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I am not American but can I join? Please??

1) Abortion - Pro Choice,

2) Trans bathroom- genital based

3) SSM - pro, But government and other institutions should point out that butt sex is dangerous.

4) Minimum wage - There should be an increase in min wage but not to the point that it will cripple business also income tax should be lessen

5) Gov't paid higher education - No need for free college if there will be an increase in minimum wage provided there will be high employment

6) Gun control - People should be able to own an assault rifle, I think assault riffle training should be mandatory in Senior High school.

7) Government regulations - Less control but certain institution should have government control like the quality of education and vital installations and government should focus more on nation building goals. But communist should not have a seat in the government

8) Drugs - If we will legalize guns to everyone they better not be drugged like shit so no

9) Immigration - There should be a ban on certain demographics, religion etc, Cultures who don't respect,freedom of religion, freedom of speech or thinks capitalism and secularism is evil should be banned entry or atleast scrutinize heavily.

10 ) Government should at least have the ability to protect the people and the economy but not to the point that major infrastructure will be owned by the government, but there should be minimum guidelines like certain price control and make sure the public does not get ripped off.

11) I believe Man made climate change is happening and should be acknowledge but until we can find a better cost effective alternative to fossil fuels we should not waste our time if we will let the government or a corporation build more Coal/Oil fire power plants or continue mas production of essential goods.
1) Abortion - pro choice
2) Trans bathroom- don't care
3) SSM - pro
4) Minimum wage - agreed with ehtheist, "a series of mandated, smaller increases" could work
5) Gov't paid higher education - yes, but needs to be based on grades and only for certain fields. Sort of like a scholarship from the government if you meet the criteria.
6) Gun control - pro 2nd amendment
7) Government regulations - don't know enough to form an opinion
8) Drugs - legalization of weed / decriminalization of the rest of the drugs
9) Immigration - pro legal immigration
10) climate change - the science is pretty obvious on this one, I think we need to move away from fossil fuels, but over a period of time while different and renewable energy sources are being developed.
1)Yes. Also there should be laxer laws allowing for men killing other men by duel.
2)Trannys fine. Macho men do most of the molesting.
4)Yes. Now. Indexed to inflation.
6)No more no less.
7)Less for safety and liability more for information and pollution.
9)Borders moderately enforced while we re-appropriate landownership globally per capital every 40 years per ancient Jewish law of Jubilee.
10) Real time transparency. Full disclosure of all information on a regular basis by all large power structures.
11) Meteor shield for earth. (Climate change would be fixed after disclosure and land redistribution.)
They made it so any party in Europe, and the West in general who opposed immigration are far-right extremists..

Use the fascist card which of course only applies to White people.. much like racism

When you have a European leader, with the interest of their people, they are then vilified in the media like Viktor Orban of Hungary.

Mass immigration has more negatives than positives, for us it is destructive to our population and history can prove it. If these people bought over bars of gold and I would still oppose it. What future do European people have in the future? a bleak one.. no future.

They are trying to ban such parties who oppose immigration which shows there is an agenda shared by the establishment. Why would they flood European who have an aging population with non-European people? to replace, to destroy?

So yes immigration has in a way been forced on our populations and the EU regime are complicit in all of this. The Left-Right parties never bring change on immigration, they all support this European project.

What exactly is fascism, and why does it only apply to White people who oppose mass immigration?

For example.. Jewish nationalism, Zionism... all the major parties in Israel are for Jewish immigration, not flooding Israel with loads of non-Jewish people. This is not called fascism, or hatred. Of course there are difference in parties, the more right wing Israeli's believe more in ethnic cleansing of Palestinians...
I feel like I take nuanced approaches to most issues, so it's difficult to give clear yes or no answers on some of these. I'll try to summarize.

Fair enough, but I think that statement applies to most people in the WR. I haven't seen too many people in here with simple, black and white views.

I was going to compile the answers from this thread into something visual, but life got crazy busy, and I'm off to Europe in a few days. Not sure when I'll get the time.

Thanks for the contributions so far.
After trying to fill in the blanks in @Arkain2K poll, and failing I decided to try to clarify where people stand on a few issues. Hopefully this will help others as well, and I think it's worthwhile because it's a pretty interesting project Arkain2K is doing. This is going to be a fairly basic yes/no, pro/con type of deal. See this thread if you're out of the loop: http://forums.sherdog.com/threads/w...gulars-sit-on-the-political-spectrum.3249693/

1) Abortion - pro life, or pro choice
2) Trans bathroom- genital based/feeling based
3) SSM - pro, con
4) Minimum wage - $15, or as is
5) Gov't paid higher education - yes, no
6) Gun control - more, less
7) Government regulations - more, less. I realize this is a very broad category, but can't really whittle it down to make this a user friendly format.
8) Drugs - legalization /decriminalization - pro, con
9) Immigration - are you more pro open borders or pro deportation.
10 ) Fill in the blank.
11) Complete brainfart,....I meant to put something about climate change in here. Thanks @Jack V Savage

My interests lie in identity politics, the migrant situation in Europe, and religion so I'm sure I missed something important. Feel free to add or substitute something depending on what you deem important. I deliberately didn't include anything about religion because while it influences people leanings, it's not a stance in itself.

I refuse to take part due to the fact that my choices are binary, and we do not live in a binary world. Answering the questions in a binary fashion would give a false impression of my positions.

So instead I will comment on each topic.

Abortion - we have more pressing issues
Trans bathrooms- we have more pressing issues
SSM- we have more pressing issues
minimum wage - yes, but only if a path to trade and immigration reform is blocked. Supply and demand are the key to wages, MW increase would be a Band-Aid
Free college - yes, as long as we are in competition in a global labor market
Government regulation - more corporate regulation, less small business
drugs - legalize with massive treatment investment
immigration - massively reduced until wages recover
climate change - real threat, many paths forward
After trying to fill in the blanks in @Arkain2K poll, and failing I decided to try to clarify where people stand on a few issues. Hopefully this will help others as well, and I think it's worthwhile because it's a pretty interesting project Arkain2K is doing. This is going to be a fairly basic yes/no, pro/con type of deal. See this thread if you're out of the loop: http://forums.sherdog.com/threads/w...gulars-sit-on-the-political-spectrum.3249693/

1) Abortion - pro life, or pro choice
2) Trans bathroom- genital based/feeling based
3) SSM - pro, con
4) Minimum wage - $15, or as is
5) Gov't paid higher education - yes, no
6) Gun control - more, less
7) Government regulations - more, less. I realize this is a very broad category, but can't really whittle it down to make this a user friendly format.
8) Drugs - legalization /decriminalization - pro, con
9) Immigration - are you more pro open borders or pro deportation.
10 ) Fill in the blank.
11) Complete brainfart,....I meant to put something about climate change in here. Thanks @Jack V Savage

My interests lie in identity politics, the migrant situation in Europe, and religion so I'm sure I missed something important. Feel free to add or substitute something depending on what you deem important. I deliberately didn't include anything about religion because while it influences people leanings, it's not a stance in itself.

1) - I am Pro Choice but personally against abortion
2) - genital based. If you are post op then you can use the other can
3) - Edit : Pro Same Sex Marriage (Googles SSM and dont think it means the things i found there so can't answer)
4) - Gov't out of minimum wage as i believe it hurts the poorest and only benefits the unions who are the ones pushing it up and up
5) - Yes to more gov't subsidy of education as I believe it has direct ROI back to the citizens
6) - yes to restricting certain 'war' guns but no otherwise in general
7) - No generally. Gov't should be focused and smaller
8) - Legalize
9) - More open borders myself to a degree but think the citizens overall of a nation should choose.
10. - HEALTHCARE - Yes to gov't single payer insurance but no to gov't provided
11) - re Climate Change - no doubt its changing. Question is why? Wish the topic was not so politicized by those in favour from the start, particularly gov'ts who tried to ensure all data supported only one conclusion to the threat of cut off funding if you were even researching the con side. Skepticism is the back bone of science and this topic has not allowed for skepticism to be in the debate which makes me trust all result far less.
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1) Abortion - Pro choice
2) Trans bathroom- No action of any kind whatsoever is required
3) SSM - Pro
4) Minimum wage - Neither, but raise the federal minimum a couple bucks
5) Gov't paid higher education - Partial
6) Gun control - A little bit more, but would rather replace 2nd amendment w/right to self defense
7) Government regulations - Reverse the regressive trend of today
8) Drugs - legalization /decriminalization - Decriminalize possession of certain qty, get rid of intent to distribute
9) Immigration - Increase immigration, apply selective amnesty

I've moved a little since 2016, pretty much the same though. Would be interesting to see where people have changed.

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