Former UFC zombie selling his twitter account


Brown Belt
Jan 8, 2012
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Why would anyone want to buy this?!
Guess his real estate business isn't going so great.

Bobby Southworth is rumored to be putting in a substantial bid.
Ugh, gonna have to unfollow Leben now.

This is after seeing what happens when a fighter sells his twitter (Ex. Jake Shields)
Dang that’s rough. You know things are bad if you’re trying to flip your twitter account.
such a shame he never got his shit together. he looked to be in a good place for a while once he moved down to the islands.
Wtf you can sell a twitter account?? What's the value on that? The buyer gets to pretend he's Chris Leben??
Wtf you can sell a twitter account?? What's the value on that? The buyer gets to pretend he's Chris Leben??
The followers... especially those in a particular market, I would assume....
this has got to be some sort of a joke...someone hacked him or sth. Cause its ridiculous. Who would pay for this and why.
Wtf you can sell a twitter account?? What's the value on that? The buyer gets to pretend he's Chris Leben??

Some stupid MMA gossip rag bought Jake Shields' twitter.

Now it's just sending out stupid spam posts.
Wtf you can sell a twitter account?? What's the value on that? The buyer gets to pretend he's Chris Leben??
There is some value in broadcasting ads disguised as tweets to 100K of Leben's followers, but I imagine once that begins to happen, Leben's fans are going to be unfollowing in masses.

Seems to be a major act of desperation from Leben due to financial issues. Guy can't get it together, unfortunately.
remember when he knocked out Wanderlai
Wtf you can sell a twitter account?? What's the value on that? The buyer gets to pretend he's Chris Leben??

It is actually illegal in twitter terms i am pretty sure but whoever if buys it he or she just can delete his old tweets and photos, change name and bio etc and start twitter with a lot of followers but it is pretty lame thing to do
He should include some coke to sweeten the deal
That's too bad. For a guy that was in a lot of great fights he probably didn't make that much money fighting. Sad to see him reduced to this, was always a fan.
I've just put in an offer of 5 million Bison Dollars

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