What should Stipe's fighter name be?

Stipe knows his opponents are senior citizens so no need to panic. Geriatrics are chill that way.
Definitely something scarier about fighting a dude that doesn't seem that fussed, like there is nothing on his mind.
Mr. Sandman is associated w/ sleep/causing sleep.

Sand is used to put out fires.

Everybody done forgot about James Irving.

Sleepe Miocic has a nice ring to it....
Should be "The count 2" because he looks like Bisping
Stipe Cro-Fireman
stipe warrrbaralgalsd miocic
Stipe "CroCop Shorts" Miocic.
Stipe "Hype Extinguisher" Miocic
The cold one,he need a nickname with cold in it anyway