Trump Says Europe Is ‘Losing’ Its Culture Because Of Immigration

I live in a country that is 96% white and I know for a fact you talk pish

That's the case here in the US resoundingly. I'm up for correction if you have any data to support your assertion. @Karp, did you like how I did that?
You're just confused. Note that we've actually observed many stateless societies, and they aren't necessarily equal outcome, and status-seeking is part of them all, but none are anything like capitalist. It requires gross ignorance about the real world to imagine that humans would have capitalism without a state or that an anarchic society could be anything but communistic.

Then the examples are anarcho-primitivist, as I already established. It's still flatly going against our biology to suppose we would have an equal outcome society, which syndicalism and communism require, absent a perpetual and ubiquitous threat of violence by the state.

In short, if your world view requires the elimination of hierarchies, then you must have a state to impose that.
aye but they are actually just "put together" there..... nobody is designing cars for BMW out of America lol

whilst those cars are designed and made in the UK. so try again muppet

I'm glad you agree that being build there means fuck all if its r&d elsewhere like much of the Uk military LMAO
That's the case here in the US resoundingly. I'm up for correction if you have any data to support your assertion. @Karp, did you like how I did that?
you made the first claim, onus is on you to provide evidence. Living in a majority white country that is left leaning(and has been for almost 50 years). Thats the only evidence I need
I'm glad you agree that being build there means fuck all if its r&d elsewhere like much of the Uk military LMAO
no it means fuck all in Americas case because the entire world laughs at your car industry.

Europeans are a bit different, we know what we are doing!
Then the examples are anarcho-primitivist, as I already established. It's still flatly going against our biology to suppose we would have an equal outcome society, which syndicalism and communism require, absent a perpetual and ubiquitous threat of violence by the state.

In short, if your world view requires the elimination of hierarchies, then you must have a state to impose that.

The issue here is that you're redefining "communism," which is an inherently anarchic system when properly defined. The equality of capitalism isn't total and isn't enforced--it comes from not a state to maintain inequality. Meanwhile, capitalism requires markets in land, labor, and currency, which we have no reason at all to think would occur without a powerful state.
you made the first claim, onus is on you to provide evidence. Living in a majority white country that is left leaning(and has been for almost 50 years). Thats the only evidence I need

For your dissonance.

The issue here is that you're redefining "communism," which is an inherently anarchic system when properly defined. The equality of capitalism isn't total and isn't enforced--it comes from not a state to maintain inequality. Meanwhile, capitalism requires markets in land, labor, and currency, which we have no reason at all to think would occur without a powerful state.

The definition and intent isn't an equal outcome society, and thus one necessarily with no hierarchies?
no it means fuck all in Americas case because the entire world laughs at your car industry.

Europeans are a bit different, we know what we are doing!

Dependent on Russian gas Dependent on Murican military and tech and getting mass raped and terrorized by 3rd worlders.

Interesting how a recently started up car maker from Murica pushed the shit in of all those European car makers, now all are falling all over them selves trying to make a decent EV car.

Clearly Europe knows wtf its doing.
The definition and intent isn't an equal outcome society, and thus one necessarily with no hierarchies?

"Equal outcomes" in the sense of having no subordinate class, yes. Not in the sense of everyone having equal power/stuff. And, right, having no hierarchies means removing the support of organized violence for hierarchical relationships.
@Jack V Savage and don't be your usual dolt. Property rights are antecedent to the state. You have to have property before it can be expropriated.
Dependent on Russian gas Dependent on Murican military and tech and getting mass raped and terrorized by 3rd worlders.

Interesting how a recently started up car maker from Murica pushed the shit in of all those European car makers, now all are falling all over them selves trying to make a decent EV car.

Clearly Europe knows wtf its doing.
lol the delusion is strong in you ya bawbag
"Equal outcomes" in the sense of having no subordinate class, yes. Not in the sense of everyone having equal power/stuff. And, right, having no hierarchies means removing the support of organized violence for hierarchical relationships.

Sure, and eliminating hierarchies isn't the communist's goal?
@Jack V Savage and don't be your usual dolt. Property rights are antecedent to the state. You have to have property before it can be expropriated.

Property rights factually are created by states. And your last statement is meaningless. The creation of private property rights requires using force to take it from everyone.
you specified "white males" ..... and the other guy just claimed "men" so wtf is this supposed to prove?

Women, more precisely single women, tend to vote left. White men do not, hence why the demographic shift is such an important issue in the states.
Women, more precisely single women, tend to vote left. White men do not, hence why the demographic shift is such an important issue in the states.
you really love generalisations dont you?
Property rights factually are created by states. And your last statement is meaningless. The creation of private property rights requires using force to take it from everyone.

Verifiably they're not, because retention of property has to exist before someone can demand that be taken away.