International Trump/Putin Summit

Simple answer, in a world with Trump as president.

Enjoy right wing SCOTUS for the next 20 years and 7 years more Trump. This is the only one reality and your croc tears are not going to change it.

lol this guy mad.
Simple answer, in a world with Trump as president.

Enjoy right wing SCOTUS for the next 20 years and 7 years more Trump. This is the only one reality and your croc tears are not going to change it.

All i want is a sane and competent president. All the other nonsense you spew doesn’t matter to me.
the collision conspiracy theory between Trump and Putin is probably nonsense
I actually agree with Trump to some extent about the mainstream media. They are tools of the elite, they are heavily distorted and biased, and they whip up hysteria. That said, the role of the media is to be objective and accurate, not to be blindly loyal to the president or anyone else.
You need to read various outlets. If you have a discerning mind it will quickly be obvious when you are reading from a biased source. It's not all that hard to glean the facts and determine where the bias lies.
Where are all the Republicans that bow to the ghost of Ronald Reagan?


I wonder how he would have dealt with Russia interfering in US elections. Would he have shit on his own country in front of the world?

What Would Reagan Do?
Where are all the Republicans that bow to the ghost of Ronald Reagan?


I wonder how he would have dealt with Russia interfering in US elections. Would he have shit on his own country in front of the world?

What Would Reagan Do?

One of the MANY mistakes that Trump made that Reagan and really any other president would NOT make is meeting with him alone. Putin is highly educated, trained in manipulation at a high level and naturally gifted in these arenas. It is fucking known that you dont go into the room with him alone.

The mistake Trump made was not so much that he got beaten by a stronger human being, that could have happened to many American presidents. The mistake he made was his arrogance and pride in thinking he could or should go in alone with him. He got beaten and Trump is not equipped for this beating because he lacks even a semblance of humility.
President Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev had several private meetings (including a secluded & private stroll along a scenic lake).

Back in 1988, high level republicans were purchasing whole-page ads in newspapers to inform the public that RR was gargling Gorbachev's balls.

We all know what happened after that. (J/K. Most of you have the attention span of a beagle puppy)
It's not just their word, there is evidence and there have been successful prosecutions and more are on the way. And not only that, but Trump advocates for a hostile foreign government to be part of a joint investigation into their own interference in our presidential election. That's the treasonous part. The man is clearly compromised and not fit for office.
He obviously has no morals. If Mueller provides real evidence I hope the Ttumpbots don't try to start a civil war over it.
I firmly believe that it is in the west's benefit, meaning the US, that we seek to improve relations with Russia.
Cooler heads, hopefully, will prevail.
The Cold War is over, and good riddance.
I'd like to see a future where we work together, or at the very least, not against each other.

Pat Buchanan makes some good points here:
Totally makes sense now, why Trump did not release his taxes. His businesses are swimming in Rubles.
Where are all the Republicans that bow to the ghost of Ronald Reagan?


I wonder how he would have dealt with Russia interfering in US elections. Would he have shit on his own country in front of the world?

What Would Reagan Do?
"Mr. Gorbachev, this is a beautiful wall." - Donald Reagan
I know it's poor form to kick a chap while he's down, but I'll just leave this here;)

Totally makes sense now, why Trump did not release his taxes. His businesses are swimming in Rubles.
Actually, yeah, this is correct.

It’s not a secret that Russian oligarch money has kept Trump afloat for decades.

Whether or not there was co-ordinated collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, there is a clear mutual interest between Trump and Russian oligarchs.
100% agree, every nation needs a border. Trump supports legal immigration based on merit and this is how it should be. I am perfectly fine with that.

wrong, but I had many friendly conversations with rip on sherdog. I don't even know what happened to him exactly. Obviously he got banned, but why? too bad, I liked rip.
yea.......thats herpes, you never completely get rid of him