PWD 638: Ice Beaner grammar edition

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box office bob was in jackie brown and meet the parents off the top of my head.

Jackie was pre-Heat I think. I’ve never seen Ronin. Always looked like a De Niro Light movie to me. Same way that Metro was Beverly Hills Cop without being Beverly Hills Cop for Eddie Murphy. I would accept Meet The Parents
It deserved to die. I hope the lion didn't even bother to eat it.
It’s a male so probably not. The females kill for food(to bring to him) but the male? He kill for fun, chico

Ronin has the best car chase scene I ever saw
Been saying this forever.
Jackie was pre-Heat I think. I’ve never seen Ronin. Always looked like a De Niro Light movie to me. Same way that Metro was Beverly Hills Cop without being Beverly Hills Cop for Eddie Murphy. I would accept Meet The Parents

1995 Heat

1997 Cop Land
Jackie Brown

its been a long day, its been a hard day. im turning in early, brothers

These are good movies but he’s still not the leading man. Dead last on the call sheet for both posters

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