Conor Looking Jacked AF In latest Photo

I will be glad when the fight is here. The dick worship from the newbees has taken a strange turn.
Conor already has an amazing legacy. Kebob needs this win to soldify his legacy.

And he should want every single eyeball in the world watching when he does.

For the record.

Head says Kebob will roflstomp Conor
Heart wants Conor to win.
Let's see where this legacy is in 5 years.
Wtf is wrong with you...I swear all of Connors fans favorite word is hater. You sound like a 12 year old cheerleader “hashtag hateeeer”
Wtf does that even mean? That you don’t like something?

Dude calm down. You're getting angry because you don't know the meaning of a word lol? WTF is wrong with me for you not knowing the meaning of a word?

"Connors fans favorite word is hater."

First of it's Conor with one "n". And second I still don't get why you're complaining about a word that you don't understand. If you understood the meaning you wouldn't complain because being a hater does not just mean to dislike something, the hater comes from the reasons for disliking someone: Jealousy, insecurity, envy, etc. If those are the reasons for disliking, then yes you're a hater, and most Conor haters have no logic to dislike Conor, they are just ignorant insecure pussies who's emotions are out of control/they don't know how to handle their emotions.

Ok cool I’d rather be a “hater” anyway than a dick riding cheerleader Who is a loser and he knows So he tries to live vicariously through another grown man instead of making a name for himself. You will always be on the sidelines cheerleading because you’re a weak minded cocksucker.

I'm definitely not weak minded. You don't know me at all but I'm very mentally strong. Can't say the same for you, the guy who just lost control of his emotions (just like I mentioned above) and went on a rude and unnecessary verbal assault. But I literally find it comical that you're calling me weak minded as you literally have lost control of your own mind which means you're the weak one and this is obvious because of your anger and frustration.

Honestly I would love to whoop your fucking ass in real life but people like you don’t say these things to people in real life, you sit in the corner and cry and then act all big online.

I would destroy you in real life my friend. I would McGregor you by doing what McGregor does which is make weak minded people like you angry during a fight and then your insecure mind would cause you to run at me, resulting in a counter that would put you unconscious. I'm sorry, but that's truly how I see a fight going with anyone who's mind is so weak that they say bullyish things like "I would love to whoop your fucking ass in real life". You're an out of control idiot.

You’re probably cried your fucking eyes out after the Mayweather fight, pathetic gullible sheep mindset

No. Conor and his fans are strong minded, so they take it on the chin and move forward. The haters are the sheep. Their emotions are stirred watching other men like Conor succeed, while the fans take inspiration from the losses and the wins. How ironic for you to call us sheep while exhibiting sheep mentality in the same exact post.

Conor Bless you.

lol@ Dildo-Anus sporting a shiner.

McG has been wailing on him.
big and ripped, at ufc 196 he was big but chubby, at 205 he was ripped but not this big
I wonder if Danis loves it as much as Artem?

Also have you noticed Artem has been nowhere to be found?

If Artem was in all the sparring videos, looking beat the fuck up you'd be critical on Conor's preparation. You guys are never happy.

Lol ok Brendan.

One of Conor's faithful servants