Conor Looking Jacked AF In latest Photo

can't believe how much his face has aged in such a short amount of time.
he's standing next to Dillon Danis, of course he looks jacked in comparison. That'd be like me standing next to Cody McKenzie.
But I was told Conor is soft from the 100 million and drinks Proper 12 every night.
Looks like he's cutting height for a lower center of gravity.

Conor has 2 rounds to get things done.
After that its all Khabib.

Good luck vs someone that has been training two decades plus.
Post your pic then.

Looks like the point flew over your head. I'm not jacked compared to someone like Conor. However, if I were standing next to Cody, you'd be like, hey that guy is muscular. Contrast. Learn how it works.
I can not wait for this fight. It's going to be one of the funniest moments in the history of the sport. The meltdowns and attempted rationalizing when Conor wins and rubs even more salt in the virgin pussies on here will be legendary
These "so and so looks jacked" threads are annoying.

They look the fucking same. They always look the fucking same.

They are pro athletes. They were in shape on instagram yesterday, they were in shape on instagram today, and, guess what, they'll be in shape on instagram tomorrow.
Conor at 175lbs 7 percent body fat me thinks. That's pretty damn big.
Looks like the point flew over your head. I'm not jacked compared to someone like Conor. However, if I were standing next to Cody, you'd be like, hey that guy is muscular. Contrast. Learn how it works.

Cody Mckenzie?
