International European Immigration Mega Thread v1-20,000 Armed Migrants Ready to Enter via EU Border

Some judicious help from a super plague to thin the global ranks would do much to change the perspective of both sides of the argument. It really is about time for another proper pandemic.
I'm really not. The left-wing always called right-wingers 'crazy conspiracy theorists' when they said that Europe would eventually be completely flooded with huge amounts of Africans and others. But now we see that the right-wingers were right all along.

Its a straw man because it has nothing to do with anything I said.

Can you understand why Europeans would be opposed to the total demographic transformation of their continent (Europe having an African population of between 150-200 million by 2050)?

I would expect that if they are opposed to a demographic change then they would vote for leaders who would serve their interests. If they vote for politicians that bring in 150 million migrants, then I would not be very empathetic to their complaints after the fact. Europeans should vote how Europeans see fit.
By an air plane you dumb fuck.

Thanks for admitting it is possible to keep this flood of migrants out... "even IF Japan wanted you"... Japan DOESN'T want them, therefore it doesn't allow them in. Mission accomplished.

are you angry?

did you see the map that i posted of percentages of how many people live on less than a dollar a day in these very same countries where people are leaving? how many are getting on airplanes if they made $100 all year last year smart guy? shit lol, would you get on "syrian air" at this point lol?

if you think all these migrants can just hop on a plane, then i guess we shouldnt spend money on walls right?
are you angry?

did you see the map that i posted of percentages of how many people live on less than a dollar a day in these very same countries where people are leaving? how many are getting on airplanes if they made $100 all year last year smart guy? shit lol, would you get on "syrian air" at this point lol?

if you think all these migrants can just hop on a plane, then i guess we shouldnt spend money on walls right?

They could, but they wouldn't make it without passport. That's why they pay a ton of money to smugglers so that they can come in illegally.
They could, but they wouldn't make it without passport. That's why they pay a ton of money to smugglers so that they can come in illegally.
Don't forget the Soros ferry service then ushered through land-bridge Italy.
The job argument is shit because automation will take over, there is also no reason why one should settle for low quality immigrants from 3rd World Shitholes instead of lets say Asians or Eastern Europeans, there is also no reason to take in immigrants with culture and religion not compatible with Western (now dying) culture. Lastly there is no reason to take in military aged men, that will do nothing for the demographics of the country, the whole thing will only result in sexual frustration.

That is why the right calls the left cucks, because you want males from another tribe to come into your country so you could share your females with them (<-- metaphorically speaking of course).
The job argument is shit because automation will take over, there is also no reason why one should settle for low quality immigrants from 3rd World Shitholes instead of lets say Asians or Eastern Europeans, there is also no reason to take in immigrants with culture and religion not compatible with Western (now dying) culture. Lastly there is no reason to take in military aged men, that will do nothing for the demographics of the country, the whole thing will only result in sexual frustration.

That is why the right calls the left cucks, because you want males from another tribe to come into your country so you could share your females with them (<-- metaphorically speaking of course).

The problem is also that the same people campaigning for increased immigration from the 3rd world, are the same people who campaign for out-sourcing of jobs to places like China. I have not seen a single policy being put forth by the neo-liberals, or even the left, that would enhance job growth domestically, particularly for lower-income jobs. All of their policies will only lead to a further out-sourcing of such jobs (the neo-libs intentionally, the left unintentionally).

It's just a recipe for disaster, since you're bringing in more labourers while at the same time decreasing the amount of that labour in the host country. Instead of working in industries, these people are coming in to clean toilets, sweep the floors and live on hand-outs. And at the end of the day, we're bringing in proud people. Not slaves. Men who are used to being the head of a family, to put food on the table. They are not going to be satisfied with the outcomes.

The road to hell is not paved with good intentions. It is paved with stupidity. And that's exactly what we are seeing here.

Immigrants to the West are better off voting for nationalist parties because at the very least they will have jobs and won't see a horde of illegals coming in to ruin their reputation, taking away opportunities that they earned rightfully.
95% of the people debating never lived in Europe and never will.
They could, but they wouldn't make it without passport. That's why they pay a ton of money to smugglers so that they can come in illegally.

they could what? fly to japan?

hitchike across the himalays? inner tube across the china sea?
when their population starts aging, we'll see.

It already is. Upside down population pyramid, incoming...


this is that outgroup homogeneity issue again. youre making the assumption that i like diversity for the sake of diversity. india is developing. its like the USA right around 1900. we had overcrowded shitty cities then too. this is a process all countries go through.

And Indians, due to their extreme racism, xenophobia & tribalism will NEVER allow the type of immigration Europe has allowed.

japan's leaders have literally said that economic growth is no longer a national goal lol. they are seeking to maintain, and thats basically it.

They won't even be able to maintain, when losing 300,000 - 1,000,000 per year.

Point is though, they are successfully keeping immigrants out - because they don't allow them in. It's really THAT simple. Amazing, I know.

south america is already ultra diverse.

But it could be more diverse. And if diversity is a strength, they should be welcoming it. Not many Muslims in South America. And I don't see masses of Africans being allowed to migrate there (yes, I know, many South American countries already have a lot of black folk, but why not allow in more, newer immigrants?)

most people in africa/syria etc cannot get to south america even if they wanted to.

Still going with this spectacularly dumb argument, eh?


They can cross oceans. Didn't you know?

have you seen tokyo? where would these immigrants go?

Who said anything about Tokyo? We're talking about Japan as a whole. There are entire depopulated villages & towns in Japan. They can go there, just like German towns & villages have had loads of third world immigrants dumped on them.

england's population density is not comparable.

Yes there are.

UK population density, per square mile: 704
Japan population density, per square mile: 865

and not suggesting that places like england open the floodgates. im saying that they should take people they need.

You've argued that it's impossible to prevent this transformation... so why even bother trying? You're contradicting yourself.

lol. you're being F'ing silly again. how much is airfare?

Air travel is dirt cheap today. And the vast majority of third world immigrants Europe has taken over the past few decades have arrived via air travel. I ain't silly, but you're REALLY fucking stupid.

thats a part of it, but also proximity. if japan were located where europe is, theyd have a much tougher time of it. it goes back to that mobility issue. most desperate migrants of the middle east, africa, and south america cannot F'ing walk or float to japan lol. you'd think this would be obvious, but i guess not.

But they can get a plane. Just like the vast majority of third world immigrants into Europe over the past few decades hopped on a plane. But you're not aware of that.

brain drain is also near inevitable. im not opposed to letting in a few albert einstein's from india and africa. if you want to keep them out because you feel so strongly for the countries that they leave behind, be my guest.

Again, it's only "inevitable" if you ALLOW it to happen. Your arguments are so feeble.

what about now....NOW? italy's population is literally going backwards lol. their death rate exceeds their birth rate. they need people working NOW.

Immigration doesn't do shit to help anything and only causes more problems. NOW, you change the culture and make everyone realise what is going to happen if they don't move back towards a conservative, family value culture. Materialism, individualism & hedonism have a short lifespan. The only way to sustain a country is to have a socially conservative culture.

Like I said, Japan is losing at least 300,000 people per year, but it's not allowing immigrants in. Third world immigrants don't do SHIT to save a country's economy in the modern world. Stop being materialistic and go back to traditional family values and you'll be fine. Simple.

japan has tried propaganda, incentives, threats, begging......but none of it will change that basic math that i posted in the previous post. people....will.....not....make.....more.....babies.....against....their....own....personal....interests. denmark will never again exceed a fertility rate of 2. never. you can turn them into amish zealots and ban condoms, and it will not happen.

Of course the fertility rate will go back above 2.0 if they embrace traditional family values and stop being materialistic, individualistic hedonists. Stop saying it can't be done when it quite clearly can be done. Let people know that if they don't do this, their country will be transformed into Africa, and it'll give them extra incentive.

You do realise ancient Greece & Rome had these same fertility rate problems, yes? People stopped having enough children and their populations eventually declined. Well why aren't they extinct now? Because eventually their fertility rates DID go back up, above replacement. Of course it can be done. Don't be so ridiculous.

no. i explained it to you. its very simple.

ROFL at thinking Africa's high fertility rate isn't due to religion, lack of education (especially for women) & culture. You are so fucking dumb. lol

every country has gone through this process. every one.

more agricultural economy = kids are an asset.

I already told you, even in African cities, women have shit loads of kids. Farming does play some role, but that's not the only reason. Religion, culture & poor education are the biggest influences. Get educated, dummy.

right. the same thing happened in every other country initially. when you make that jump from rural agriculture to urban industry, it takes people one generation to realize......"holy shit. i shouldnt have 10 kids. theyre expensive as hell now. they cannot feed themselves on my farm. now I have to buy all of their food. now they have to go to school. school costs money. holy shit."

One generation? ROFL it's taking A LOT more than just that... BECAUSE OF RELIGION, LACK OF EDUCATION & CULTURE. Africans think of each child as 'a gift from god'... so they just keep on having children, because god keeps on giving.

no lol. average cost of raising a kid in the USA is now estimated at $200k +. how much do you think it is in senegal? stop being silly.

You don't even know what I meant by "Because they are liberal, individualist, feminist & materialistic (worshipping money)". lol

This'll be my last reply to you. You're a real fucking dumb ass. A special kinda stupid.

lmao. see above.

Raising a child in the West is that expensive ONLY if you want to spoil him/her. This is a well known fact.

this is a luxury that most people cannot afford in an industrialized economy. you may want your country to go back to 1950, but it cant, and it wont. its just math.

It's not a luxury LOL what the FUCK are you talking about? Fuck it, don't bother answering, I'm not even gonna bother reading your reply to me.

We don't have an industrialised economy you idiot. It's post-industrial. And failure to go back to traditional family values will mean total collapse. You're an apathetic, defeatist, depressed leftist, so of course you view things this way.

yet, you cannot explain how traditional values will suddenly make people overlook the fact that a child now costs 200k in the USA.

It doesn't cost that much to raise a child you moron. lol

you cannot explain how people in developed countries notice the fact that they have pensions and reitrement plans, not needing to rely on 8 kids to care for them. you cannot explain how traditional values will make many people in tokyo realize that they live in an apartment the size of a closet (literally), and cannot house 3 kids. shit......1 kid.

Who said anything about 8 kids? 2 or 3 is fine. You're stupid.

immigrants try to move to places nicer than their country, as they always have. job opportunities. safety. no one from sengal wants to go to india. people are leaving india to go to other places. net out migration for a reason.

Immigrants can only move to places they're allowed into. If they're not allowed in, they won't move there. It's so simple to understand but you have so much trouble with it.

And India doesn't even try to attract immigrants. And when it becomes prosperous, it STILL won't. Because diversity is shit.

are you stupid or what? most countries with LOTS of people leaving are coming from the middle east and africa. you can literally float on a piece of foam across these bodies of water and probably live. you can hitchhike and ride from algeria to croatia and not even see the water. can you get to japan from senegal if you made $100 as your salary last year? gtfo.

But that's NOT how third worlders have migrated to Europe, so your argument is INVALID.

No, I'm not stupid... but you are. You think Britain & Ireland have taken in third world immigrants who have arrived on boat? ROFLMFAO! The vast majority of them have arrived by AIR PLANE you MORON. And no, you can't "float on a piece of foam" from Britain to Ireland. The Irish Sea is very dangerous.

You're dumb. Very dumb.

new yorkers in 1890 felt the same way about the irish. the horror. all of those drunk anarchist terrorists. how did they ever survive?

Stop comparing Irish immigration to the USA 100+ years ago to third world immigration into Europe today. The USA back then was underdeveloped & underpopulated. The Irish BUILT the USA. Third world immigrants are building SHIT in Europe today. Europe is merely importing a permanent underclass.

im pointing out that cultures always change, and evidently, in a wide variety of ways with wide ranging outcomes.

And it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

they took the place over and created the yuan dynasty.

That was due to military conquest, not mass immigration therefore is in no way comparable to what is happening today with Europe. Mongols & Chinese are a lot closer racially & culturally than Africans (and other third worlders) & Europeans.

most chinese today have mongol blood in them

Evidence needed.

yea it does. look at a map before ww2, and after ww2 in europe. nation states before.....multiethnic after.

Nothing to do with mass immigration. Stop making yourself look like such a dumb ass.

Any multi-ethnic states in Europe after WW2 didn't include masses of third world immigrants, so AGAIN, your argument is invalid.

you can contain it and slow it.

You said you can't do anything to stop it, so why even try? You're contradicting yourself. Seriously, you must have an IQ below 70.

the notion that youre going to maintain some pure culture (that doesnt exist and never has) though, is silly.

Putting words in my mouth because you have no solid arguments. When have I ever mentioned anything about a "pure culture"? Answer: never. I am talking about preventing the total transformation of an entire continent, demographically, culturally, religiously & politically, due to the mass migration of tens (possibly hundreds) of millions of poor, third world migrants.

Don't bother replying, because I ain't gonna read it.
japan has tried propaganda, incentives, threats, begging......but none of it will change that basic math that i posted in the previous post. people....will.....not....make.....more.....babies.....against....their....own....personal....interests. denmark will never again exceed a fertility rate of 2. never. you can turn them into amish zealots and ban condoms, and it will not happen.

This is pretty much it. Women's education = lower fertility rate.

Of course it's not the only factor, but it's a major one. The only developed country with an above replacement fertility rate is Israel, and of course they're a special case.
What say I? Increased trade and economic opportunity.

I say over and over again - people cannot realistically expect to operate economically between 2 countries and still attempt to shut down the transfer of people.

If a country wants to isolate, it has to be both socially and economically.
Automation will take 50% of jobs and maybe even more than that.
mass migration is sold on complete lies. Especially when its proven fact that the immigrants who arrive are going onto welfare and arent even active in the economy.

The elite see these invaders as weapons against Europe. Resistance to this genocidal plan is building .
I think it's really a non issue as long as the host countries keep running things as normal. It's when people come from shitholes and then try to implement shithole policy's in the the host country is when things get hairy.
Good. When you destabilize and destroy a country, you get to deal with the consequences.
There will be wars long before it happens. Some of the current EU countries will be torn apart, and multiple muslim countries will be formed in western parts of Europe. At some point, the push will meet the shove and it is really hard to predict how it all turns out.

What say I? Increased trade and economic opportunity.

I say over and over again - people cannot realistically expect to operate economically between 2 countries and still attempt to shut down the transfer of people.

If a country wants to isolate, it has to be both socially and economically.

Why couldn’t you trade with other countries and have little to no immigration into your country, why is that mutually exclusive?