War Room Lounge V20: Halloween Awareness: Dispatches Blast Yo Ass from a Pumpkin Patch

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White folks giving Native American recipes in a cookbook called Pow Wow Chow

That’s not offensive in the least.

Enough though. No one is changing anyone’s mind here. In today’s political landscape I really don’t see this as being a political killer even if she lied through her teeth about this whole thing

Is it smart the way she’s trying to play this currently. Hell no. She should just lay low for awhile then run on her platform
I didn't say it wasn't offensive. It's a strong reason to believe Warren is being honest about her the stories from her upbringing.

Elizabeth said on video that her father's parents wouldn't let him marry her mother because she was Cherokee and Delaware Indian. And she said they had to elope because of that.

Who knows maybe Warren's mom was saying all this stuff back when she was young, that she was a Delaware and Cherokee.
Of course she did. How else would Warren come by the story? Her brother and her cousin both said they were told her grandfather was part Delaware and her grandmother is part Cherokee.
I wonder what it is about the left that makes them unwilling or unable to see this. I got into an argument with some Canadian proportional representation proponents on my facebook the other day. This is a favourite hobby horse of the Canadian left, and the Canadian right whenever they would stand to benefit. They really don't seem to realize that, though it would positively tickle their taints to finally get to vote for someone with just the right stance on palestine or carbon emissions, they don't realize that there's about 15% of Canada, and indeed every western country, who are batshit insane and a further 20% who don't mind making bedfellows with them.

One person said ''I've always voted green and my vote's never been counted.'' Stop voting for a bunch of bum ass hippy losers, then. Very simple, but compromise is anathema to them. To them, democracy should be burger king: have it your way, always, only, and exactly.
Nah, I'll never let it go. Hillary was the wrong candidate for the moment and its her own fault that she lost. As a Bernie voter I don't exactly agree with everything he said(e.g. $15 MW) but in hindsight there seems to me to be little doubt that he would've been the better candidate to put up against Trump.
Nah, I'll never let it go. Hillary was the wrong candidate for the moment and its her own fault that she lost. As a Bernie voter I don't exactly agree with everything he said(e.g. $15 MW) but in hindsight there seems to me to be little doubt that he would've been the better candidate to put up against Trump.

I mean, she was a shitty candidate buuuuut...
Nah, I'll never let it go. Hillary was the wrong candidate for the moment and its her own fault that she lost. As a Bernie voter I don't exactly agree with everything he said(e.g. $15 MW) but in hindsight there seems to me to be little doubt that he would've been the better candidate to put up against Trump.
I think you're right. Bernie is sort of third party himself, and way more charismatic than Hilldawg. It probably would've made a difference in the 3 states that swung the election.
I think you're right. Bernie is sort of third party himself, and way more charismatic than Hilldawg. It probably would've made a difference in the 3 states that swung the election.
I just have a hard time imagining anyone who would vote for Hillary not voting for Bernie but I can see it the other way around. The x factor are voters who would've been excited to vote for Hillary but would stay home if it was Bernie but I don't think that would've been a significant factor.
You know it to be true, just admit it.

Bernie was the better candidate to run, for sure. If only because then the precious ''I'm a democrat but I just can't bear to cast a vote for Hillary'' voters might've stepped in line.
Bernie was the better candidate to run, for sure. If only because then the precious ''I'm a democrat but I just can't bear to cast a vote for Hillary'' voters might've stepped in line.
Its a democracy, once a candidate like Hillary feels she's entitled to votes from sectors of the electorate she's doing it wrong.
I just have a hard time imagining anyone who would vote for Hillary not voting for Bernie but I can see it the other way around. The x factor are voters who would've been excited to vote for Hillary but would stay home if it was Bernie but I don't think that would've been a significant factor.
Yeah, I'm almost positive a Hillary letdown would not have been a factor in the states that were close. Might have reduced the difference in popular vote.
Nah, I'll never let it go. Hillary was the wrong candidate for the moment and its her own fault that she lost. As a Bernie voter I don't exactly agree with everything he said(e.g. $15 MW) but in hindsight there seems to me to be little doubt that he would've been the better candidate to put up against Trump.

I've never heard it said that it's the candidate's fault for losing before, and I don't really get it. I guess it comes from sporting analogies, but elections are not like sporting contests. I also think that we really don't know if Sanders would have done any better, and we had no reason to think that in advance. Note that Clinton outperformed down-ballot Democrats.
I've never heard it said that it's the candidate's fault for losing before, and I don't really get it. I guess it comes from sporting analogies, but elections are not like sporting contests. I also think that we really don't know if Sanders would have done any better, and we had no reason to think that in advance. Note that Clinton outperformed down-ballot Democrats.
You don't get blaming the candidate? Sure an election has many more moving parts than a boxing match so on some level there's blame to go around. But the candidate is the face of the campaign, her presentation and her reputation have a non-negligible impact on its success or failure.

Its true we don't know that Sanders would've done better and had no reason to think so before hand. But in hindsight it certainly seemed like an anti-establishment year and Sanders was no doubt seen as the anti-establishment candidate from among the Dems.
Again, her claim (the very same one that was used to label her a "minority") was that she heard she had a distant NA ancestor. The test backs that up. I'm not reticent to acknowledge any facts; I'm just not *interpreting* facts in an unreasonable way to infer a claim that wasn't made and that was explicitly disavowed. It seems to me that you're just upset that I'm not putting words in her mouth (something you're normally quick to accuse others of doing, I should note).

You keep repeating that claim as if it's the only one. I'm talking about her other claim (i.e. listing herself as a minority at UPenn based on her having one relative in her lineage generations prior). For her not to be making a false claim in this particular instance you would have to believe one of the following. Either UPenn themselves chose to embellish her ancestry or that believing you have one great-grand parent of NA blood (that you've never met) is enough to claim minority status. The first could be true but there's no evidence to suggest it and Warren herself says she was listing herself that way for social reasons. The second is simply ridiculous and no honest person would claim minority status based on such a small percentage of ancestry. They would say they have x, y, or z blood, but they wouldn't claim to be x, y, or z.

No idea what your last sentence refers to. But it's one of your usual cheap ploys anyway so not that it matters.
We don't got nothin' in common (no!)
We don't got nothin' in common (no!)
Y'all into stuff like doubled-up Styrofoam cups
On them uppers-and-downers (woo!)
I'm into stuff like doublin' commas
Find me a brother who's solid
To count the shit up and then bust the shit down
When the cops hit us up, we can flush the shit down
Kinda bummed that the Mueller report will only be seen by Congress and the American people at the discretion of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein
I was mistaken. I owned up to it. There's a difference.

See, if I was Jack, I'd just ignore the correction that was made, and continue on spreading falsehoods, despite evidence to the contrary.
Actually, I was talking about that pinhead you threw your support behind.
The outrage would come from her still playing political football with it, after she got the results back. Ignorance is one thing. If she just didn't know, and then apologized after getting the results back, that would be one thing, but she's still using it as a feather in her cap, like she proved the Native status she's been touting all these years.

Don't take my word for it though. Take the Cherokee peoples' word for it, who have denounced her, called it insulting, and told her to shut the fuck up about it.
In fairness, she took an awful lot of abuse from Trump and others over nothing much; she's trying to get some revenge. It may be unwise, but it's totally understandable.
In fairness, she took an awful lot of abuse from Trump and others over nothing much; she's trying to get some revenge. It may be unwise, but it's totally understandable.
It makes her look even worse though after claiming she supposedly didn't care about it.
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