Manafort Pleas, Thank you (Investigation+ thread v. 23)

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You didn't really answer me, you just kind of screamed at me here. I prefer the likely explanations, like that the Trump campaign was conspiring with Russia for dirt on Hillary in exchange for dropping sanctions, behind the State Department's back, which literally happened in Trump Tower in the summer of '16. Not that all of Western intelligence conspired against the Trump campaign.

You left out the part where the only party to actually pay Russians for dirt, were the democrats.

I’m curious how a coffee boy has come into so much inside confidential information.
It is weird how much Trump tried to downplay his role. But he's also not some mastermind, as evidenced by his ridiculous conspiracy theory that the Russia collusion didn't happen, despite it happening, and that it was really the FBI etc setting him up somehow. Maybe they spy-tricked him into hosting a meeting with Cuntlenitskaya and Ol' Sergei?
I’m curious how a coffee boy has come into so much inside confidential information.

Because he was the one who was set up by these people, and had to sit through intense questioning by Mueller, where a recollection of the events was critical.

He did so well, Meuller sent him on a two week vacation!!!
It is weird how much Trump tried to downplay his role. But he's also not some mastermind, as evidenced by his ridiculous conspiracy theory that the Russia collusion didn't happen, despite it happening, and that it was really the FBI etc setting him up somehow. Maybe they spy-tricked him into hosting a meeting with Cuntlenitskaya and Ol' Sergei?

Why did Stephan Harper contact him?

What was the date and how do you explain Halper being dispatched before the downer conversation was relayed to US authorities?

You realize someone directed this action and paid Halper to pay GP to write his BS analysis?
Just you wait, the all new super duper Nunes memo is really gonna blow the roof off this rigged fake witch hunt.
Devin Nunes is from the butthole of California. Suits him.
Why did Stephan Harper contact him?

What was the date and how do you explain Halper being dispatched before the downer conversation was relayed to US authorities?

You realize someone directed this action and paid Halper to pay GP to write his BS analysis?
This is straight up 9/11 troofer-style interrogation. You'll keep bringing up the next "question" instead of sticking to the premise.

If this is all some western intel plot against Trump, how did western intel conspire to make him have a completely unethical and probably illegal meeting with Russian state actors about exchanging sanctions relief for dirt on Hillary? How did they trick his campaign into being borderline treasonous?
Because he was the one who was set up by these people, and had to sit through intense questioning by Mueller, where a recollection of the events was critical.

He did so well, Meuller sent him on a two week vacation!!!

I guess you’ll want to do the George P vacation next Summer since it sounds so fun?
This is straight up 9/11 troofer-style interrogation. You'll keep bringing up the next "question" instead of sticking to the premise.

If this is all some western intel plot against Trump, how did western intel conspire to make him have a completely unethical and probably illegal meeting with Russian state actors about exchanging sanctions relief for dirt on Hillary? How did they trick his campaign into being borderline treasonous?

Not even an attempt to answer or understand the question, just a misrepresentation of the argument and pivot back to your talking point. How very NPC of you...

You know what was super handy in figuring out this crazy “conspiracy theory”, remember when Strzok named the conspirators in his texts. Then when he went on to name the people who he was worried about talking to investigators, who are now talking to investigators. That was cool...

Btw, there is nothing wrong with opposition research, have you noticed nobody cares about the meeting? That’s because it amounts to nothing more than opposition research. Ugly, yup. The reality of politics. Definitely.
Not even an attempt to answer or understand the question, just a misrepresentation of the argument and pivot back to your talking point. How very NPC of you...

You know what was super handy in figuring out this crazy “conspiracy theory”, remember when Strzok named the conspirators in his texts. Then when he went on to name the people who he was worried about talking to investigators, who are now talking to investigators. That was cool...

Btw, there is nothing wrong with opposition research, have you noticed nobody cares about the meeting? That’s because it amounts to nothing more than opposition research. Ugly, yup. The reality of politics. Definitely.
You're not doing a good job of supporting George P's theory that there is a massive western intel conspiracy and that there wasn't Russian collusion w/the Trump campaign. You and Georgey Boy are unable to satisfactorily answer how it was that the Trump campaign was somehow tricked into colluding with the Russian government in the summer of '16.

That does seem to be your position, that there was no collusion and that it's all a huge western intel conspiracy. The meeting w/Russians is immediately disqualifying to the theory.
I guess you’ll want to do the George P vacation next Summer since it sounds so fun?


If two weeks in prison would cause the amount of liberal butthurt that GPs two week sentence did, I’d turn myself in tomorrow.
You're not doing a good job of supporting George P's theory that there is a massive western intel conspiracy and that there wasn't Russian collusion w/the Trump campaign. You and Georgey Boy are unable to satisfactorily answer how it was that the Trump campaign was somehow tricked into colluding with the Russian government in the summer of '16.

That does seem to be your position, that there was no collusion and that it's all a huge western intel conspiracy. The meeting w/Russians is immediately disqualifying to the theory.

If you would like to actually engage on the topic, answer the questions. Otherwise, continue posting for future shaming.

Calling something a conspiracy doesn’t work when the public has the conspirators texts.


For the third time, I have no problem with the meeting. It’s opposition research, politics 101 (which btw also goes for the Steele dossier). It is however, a completely separate issue from trumps campaign being spied on. I’m not sure why you need to conflate the two issues.

Oh wait, yes I do, you can’t argue the topic on it’s merits, so you resort to shartdog liberal debate tactic #2, conflating two issues. It doesn’t work in high school debate club, it certainly doesn’t work here.
If you would like to actually engage on the topic, answer the questions. Otherwise, continue posting for future shaming.

Calling something a conspiracy doesn’t work when the public has the conspirators texts.


For the third time, I have no problem with the meeting. It’s opposition research, politics 101 (which btw also goes for the Steele dossier). It is however, a completely separate issue from trumps campaign being spied on. I’m not sure why you need to conflate the two issues.

Oh wait, yes I do, you can’t argue the topic on it’s merits, so you resort to shartdog liberal debate tactic #2, conflating two issues. It doesn’t work in high school debate club, it certainly doesn’t work here.
Yeah I'm interested in George Ps central claim here. That the collusion is fake and there's a huge western intel plot to perpetuate it. The collusion is clearly not fake, it is in evidence. So how does that square?
Too much smoke for there to be no Covefeve...

"The U.S. Justice Department on Friday unsealed a criminal complaint charging Russian national Elena Alekseevna Khusyaynova for her alleged role in a Russian conspiracy to interfere in the U.S. political system, including the 2018 midterm election.

According to the complaint, Khusyaynova was the chief accountant for "Project Lakhta," which it said was funded by Russian oligarch Yevgeniy Viktorovich Prigozhin and two companies he controls, Concord Management and Consulting LLC and Concord Catering.

Using social media platforms and other avenues, the participants waged “information warfare against the United States,” attempting to sow distrust towards candidates for U.S. political office and the U.S. political system, according to the complaint."
My prediction.

Muller drops the bomb immediately after the Mid Voting polls close and before the results are in.

it is pretty clear that after the Mid Terms (win or lose) Trump will fire a whole bunch of people around the investigation and hope his new AG will 'Temporarily Pause' the Muller investigation while they appoint new investigators to look into whether the investigation is being done fairly or not. That is the tact the Repub's are setting up so they can say 'the investigation is not canceled. We have just paused it while we investigate the investigators', which would never end and would just see the whole thing die.

So Muller, knowing this will file all his charges for the Public to see so regardless of what happens to him, no one, including a new AG will be able to avoid dealing with it. As ballsy as the Repub's are in defending 'The Don' from everything and ignoring all his wrongs, it should be near impossible to 'Temporarily Pause' an investigation if charges are filed accusing the President of direct crimes. Those charges will have to be dealt with first and foremost.
Yeah I'm interested in George Ps central claim here. That the collusion is fake and there's a huge western intel plot to perpetuate it. The collusion is clearly not fake, it is in evidence. So how does that square?

There was no transfer of information, there was no sanctions relief for the information (that was never transfered), and Trump was not in the room. Your butthurt is as far as the meeting will go to removing trump.

There is no question there was an intel operation on the trump campaign, the only question is if you’re dumb enough to believe they did it to help trump.

My prediction.

Muller drops the bomb immediately after the Mid Voting polls close and before the results are in.

it is pretty clear that after the Mid Terms (win or lose) Trump will fire a whole bunch of people around the investigation and hope his new AG will 'Temporarily Pause' the Muller investigation while they appoint new investigators to look into whether the investigation is being done fairly or not. That is the tact the Repub's are setting up so they can say 'the investigation is not canceled. We have just paused it while we investigate the investigators', which would never end and would just see the whole thing die.

So Muller, knowing this will file all his charges for the Public to see so regardless of what happens to him, no one, including a new AG will be able to avoid dealing with it. As ballsy as the Repub's are in defending 'The Don' from everything and ignoring all his wrongs, it should be near impossible to 'Temporarily Pause' an investigation if charges are filed accusing the President of direct crimes. Those charges will have to be dealt with first and foremost.

And what “direct crimes” are those?

Why haven’t they leaked, and why is Cohen saying trump will have to be voted out by the people?

How butthurt will you be when trump walks?
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