SNL mocks Navy Seal hero who lost eye, new low.

I dont get the hitman in a porno movie with a guy with an eye patch. Someone explain.
explanation: he's a shitty comedian.

the eye patch thing is just a generic badguy accessory

but saying "he looks like a badguy in an action movie" would be even less funny so he tried to make the joke more edgy and say "he looks like an hitman in a porno". which doesn't even make sense. i don't think i've ever seen a guy with an eye patch in porn.

it's sad that is what is considered funny by today's SNL writer's standards. the fact he couldn't even deliver that garbage line without cracking up is pathetic
explanation: he's a shitty comedian.

the eye patch thing is just a generic badguy accessory

but saying "he looks like a badguy in an action movie" would be even less funny so he tried to make the joke more edgy and say "he looks like an hitman in a porno". which doesn't even make sense. i don't think i've ever seen a guy with an eye patch in porn.

it's sad that is what is considered funny by today's SNL writer's standards. the fact he couldn't even deliver that garbage line without cracking up is pathetic

ok, I am thinking it has something to do with jizz flying into someone's eye, and taking the eye out. But I dont see why he added in hitman.
Love the excuse making for this bad thing “no one watches SNL, but the orange man made fun of war hero’s so it’s ok”
What do you want us to say ? Condemn a show that nobody watches or cares about?
How often do you see a SNL thread made on this board? The show sucks. It's one of the few things that most people seem to agree with
"The joke was wrong. It was the wrong thing to do. Pete shouldnt of done that." There you go

Also, do you not understand that THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES making a distasteful comment is not the same thing as some dork on SNL making a joke?
ok, I am thinking it has something to do with jizz flying into someone's eye, and taking the eye out. But I dont see why he added in hitman.
idk, the joke was shitty, that's all i know.

but after seeing that this guy is having success with shitty jokes like that it really makes you realise how true it is in hollywood that it's know who you know, it's who you blow. it's sad to think how far snl has fallen from the days of mike myers, chris farley, norm mcdonald etc.
Like say, Megyn Kelly Today?

The thing with her was that she was already a well known person. When she says something, it has a chance of going viral. Who knows who "Pete Whatever from SNL is? And who is going to make a big deal out of something on a comedy show that is supposed to be a joke?

I don't watch Megyn's show, but, I, like many other people, know who she is.
And we were less talking about Megyn, but more about her comments, because her comments are shared by many. She is going to get more "serious" talk because she is supposed to be a serious person.
The thing with her was that she was already a well known person. When she says something, it has a chance of going viral. Who knows who "Pete Whatever from SNL is? And who is going to make a big deal out of something on a comedy show that is supposed to be a joke?

I don't watch Megyn's show, but, I, like many other people, know who she is.
And we were less talking about Megyn, but more about her comments, because her comments are shared by many. She is going to get more "serious" talk because she is supposed to be a serious person.
I think we should either have standards or not. Anytime someone is slightly offended by anything, the offender gets banished from society. Or not. Which should it be?
I think we should either have standards or not. Anytime someone is slightly offended by anything, the offender gets banished from society. Or not. Which should it be?
I think we should be smart enough to make distinctions.
Having blanket rules makes no sense. NOTHING is straight up right, or straight up wrong. There are times where things are appropriate, and there are other times where the same thing isn't appropriate.

No one should give some D list comedian the same respect or authority as the president of the United States. We should expect different things from different people depending on their station.
Obviously, there are a few baseline things that EVERYONE should be expected to do...but on matters like this?
The president, a news reporter, a politician, a professor, a judge...No...we should not be putting them on the same line as a comedian, or some jackass blogger/Youtuber.
People aren't the same, and we shouldn't treat them that way.

I do not believe that people should be banished from society for offending people. But i also don't believe that that is what most people want. People lose their jobs over money.
Companies don't want to be associated with people that will lose them money
I think we should be smart enough to make distinctions.
Having blanket rules makes no sense. NOTHING is straight up right, or straight up wrong. There are times where things are appropriate, and there are other times where the same thing isn't appropriate.

No one should give some D list comedian the same respect or authority as the president of the United States. We should expect different things from different people depending on their station.
Obviously, there are a few baseline things that EVERYONE should be expected to do...but on matters like this?
The president, a news reporter, a politician, a professor, a judge...No...we should not be putting them on the same line as a comedian, or some jackass blogger/Youtuber.
People aren't the same, and we shouldn't treat them that way.

I do not believe that people should be banished from society for offending people. But i also don't believe that that is what most people want. People lose their jobs over money.
Companies don't want to be associated with people that will lose them money
But society is not smart enough to make the distinction. There was no malice or hate in anything Kelly said. But there was in what this retard said on SNL.
I thought the left were the snowflakes. It is really getting hard to tell which side is the Snowflakes the more time I spend in the War Room on this karate forum.
Joke was not that funny and would have been better without the whatever at the end but it seems to me everybody on the left and right look for a reason to be pissed. Everyone spends all their time waiting to point a finger at the other side as if it somehow makes their shitty team hold some moral high ground.

Bad joke move on.
I guess it’s only funny when Trump makes fun of veterans.
But society is not smart enough to make the distinction. There was no malice or hate in anything Kelly said. But there was in what this retard said on SNL.
For the last fucking time, NBC wanted to get rid of Kelly and she gave them the opportunity. Not the same thing.
If two people work at a company and the company wants to get rid of one. One day both show up late to work but only one is fired. As someone who at one time worked in a large company I have seen that situation happen. That’s life and the company’s choice.
People were trying the same shit with Al Roker dressing up like Doc Brown. Should I tell my son he can’t dress up like Thor because he is far as I know not a Norse God nor Scandinavian.

For someone who bitches about SJW’s you have turned into one.
But society is not smart enough to make the distinction. There was no malice or hate in anything Kelly said. But there was in what this retard said on SNL.
I think we can be smart enough to distinguish between a comedy show, where they are telling jokes, and a talk show, where they are having a serious talk on a social issue.
You're setting the bar way too low.

Having NO bar is not the way to go.
There was no malice in what Kelly said, I agree with that. And I also agree that she shouldn't of been fired. But she isn't some innocent lamb here either.
She said something unpopular on a liberal channel--and she has a history of saying stuff like this. She didn't get canned for this comment alone, it's her TOTAL history. It's not just about being a "sensitive snowflake". She got canned for a variety of reasons.
The company not wanting to deal with her and the fallout/accusations of employing a racist, her history, and for just being dumb/tone deaf. When your job is hosting a talkshow, and you don't know that having an opinion like that on the network you're working on is going to cause a shitstorm...can you be called competent?
It's SNL....personally I give comedy a "pass" when it comes to making shitty comments. If we're going to debate taste as it refers to a political climate then all things will eventually be off the table.

George Carlin said it best and I'm paraphrasing here, "Oh, you don't think rape can be funny? Imagine Porky Pig raping Elmer Fud."

Haha, actually was able to find it online.

As a side note fuck SNL and who the hell watches it anyway? It's just like late night talk shows as it's 100% liberal bias and hive mind silliness.
It's SNL....personally I give comedy a "pass" when it comes to making shitty comments. If we're going to debate taste as it refers to a political climate then all things will eventually be off the table.

George Carlin said it best and I'm paraphrasing here, "Oh, you don't think rape can be funny? Imagine Porky Pig raping Elmer Fud."

Haha, actually was able to find it online.

As a side note fuck SNL and who the hell watches it anyway? It's just like late night talk shows as it's 100% liberal bias and hive mind silliness.

SNL is obviously totally liberal, but I hear people complain about this, and I don't understand what is holding back "conservative comedy". I don't even know of any conservative comedians.
I know Tim Allen and Vince Vaughn are conservative..but I don't know any conservative comedians that get on stage
Is there really a bias? Or do conservative comedians even exist?
SNL is obviously totally liberal, but I hear people complain about this, and I don't understand what is holding back "conservative comedy". I don't even know of any conservative comedians.
I know Tim Allen and Vince Vaughn are conservative..but I don't know any conservative comedians that get on stage
Is there really a bias? Or do conservative comedians even exist?
They exist. It's just considering some of their beliefs it isn't exactly fit for tv.