Tucker Carlson's daughter verbally abused at country club

This happened a month ago and last week antifa showed up at the Carlson house and harassed his wife at home.

I wonder if avenatti had anything to do with last week? Would he or someone related to the case alert or get antifa to Tucker Carlson's home?
looks like that 'creepy porn lawyer' label by tucker really got to avenatti .. he is shook
When I read the thread title, I was ready to come into the thread full of sympathy for Carlson after the mob harassed him at his house.

But then I read the OP and lol what click bait this is.
yeah title is a bit misleading although technically she was verbally abused
yeah title is a bit misleading although technically she was verbally abused
technically Tucker said she was. Homeboy says the most he said to the girl was 'I can't believe you want to sit with him' or something equally tame.
Imagine coming face to face with an enraged Tucker Carlson?
So...someone broke a club rule and got revoked.
Moving on
Not so fast. He's gay and mexican. 2 bonus points. Tucker is white, straight and conservative. -10,000. Tucker victimized him before they even spoke.
What happened to freedom of speech? The guy called her a whore/cunt........He didn't truly harass her at all...It's not like he was chasing after her and calling her shit.

Tucker's son threw wine at em.

Why are they little snowflakes when his little whore, I mean daughter, gets called a whore?

Aren't they for freedom of speech?

You came into This thread just to call Tucker's daughter a whore.

Imagine coming face to face with an enraged Tucker Carlson?
That befuddled muppet look combined with an angry twitch would leave me defenseless due to uncontrollable laughter. I actually don't mind the guy.
What happened to freedom of speech? The guy called her a whore/cunt........He didn't truly harass her at all...It's not like he was chasing after her and calling her shit.

Tucker's son threw wine at em.

Why are they little snowflakes when his little whore, I mean daughter, gets called a whore?

Aren't they for freedom of speech?
I can't decide if your account is a gimmick and you don't believe what you say while believing its clever and funny or if you're just a disgusting individual with no moral compass.

Why do you call someone you don't know a whore? Is it just a wide miss that you thought was going to be funny?
You came into This thread just to call Tucker's daughter a whore.

Nah, he came into the thread to try to get a reaction. Thats what he does. He's gross.
You came into This thread just to call Tucker's daughter a whore.

Freedom of Speech...Is my right to call her a whore/cunt.

Em I invading your safespace, bro? Sorry snowflake.
I can't decide if your account is a gimmick and you don't believe what you say while believing its clever and funny or if you're just a disgusting individual with no moral compass.

Why do you call someone you don't know a whore? Is it just a wide miss that you thought was going to be funny?

The point is Freedom of speech....You know, what Right Wingers always claim when some Right Wing troll gets hit in the face for being a cunt trying to offend others.

The guy didn't really harass her...He asked a question, if she was Tucker's whore, then called her a cunt...That was the conversation...There was no following of her, no harassing of her.

The little snowflake whore, then went crying to daddy....and of course they were the one's to actually throw the glass of wine, they were the one's who crossed the line.

All Im saying is...If you are truly for freedom of speech like right wingers claim...You should have ZERO problem with a human being calling another human being a whore/cunt.

If you do have a problem with that....Maybe right wingers should realize that being against gays/gay rights/Minorities/etc is a big enough insult to some of those people, that they see it just like a daughter being called a whore/cunt....So next time, they should keep that in mind before they go around being real life trolls, then get hit in the face.
She's 19 and she burst into tears because some random middle aged man called her a "cunt"?
Makes the story hard to believe.
Oh well, good that they booted him from the club.
So this individual is an admitted activist and he expects us to believe that Carlson (who ostensibly doesn't know who this cretin is) was the instigator? Carlson doubtless would be well known to the cretin due to his fame/infamy.

This is an open and shut case. Carlson's account is manifestly more believable.