Elections Striking Photo Comparison Between GOP and Dem Class of '18

Look at all these white people in here
I didn’t mean anything when I said that
Do you know what thread you're in and the thread topic?

Right, probably not because you're too edgy to care about the thread.
I guess Republicans care more about politics than skin color.

When white people get elected, they PLANNED it.

When minorities get elected, they only got it because of bullshit cuck snowflake soyboy sjw identity politics.
Someone will have to sit down and really do the math but the Dem line up is closer to the demographic breakdown of America.

~40 seats. Half to women. Some blacks, hispanics, Asians, etc.

GOP had about 30 seats. One woman. No blacks, hispanics, Asians, etc.

That's a very stark difference. People will interpret that difference in their own way.

EDIT: I see that I'm stating the obvious.
In general, the majority of people running in politics are white men, and the vast majority running in republican areas are white men. And they also tend to be better qualified, better educated, more experienced, etc.
In general, the majority of people running in politics are white men, and the vast majority running in republican areas are white men. And they also tend to be better qualified, better educated, more experienced, etc.

Like Donald, lol. More qualified, more experienced, better educated, best haircut, etc. Top shelf white guy.
Like Donald, lol. More qualified, more experienced, better educated, best haircut, etc. Top shelf white guy.
Might want to look up the word phrase 'tend to' there bud
I sees diverse set of ideas up top, and a whole bunch of NPC clones at the bottom
In general, the majority of people running in politics are white men, and the vast majority running in republican areas are white men. And they also tend to be better qualified, better educated, more experienced, etc.
Well, the second half of that is speculation.

As for the 1st half - does that change that one is closer to the demographic make-up of the country?
Lol what do you expect from a group of morons that call themselves the grand old party. Honestly surprised they elected a woman, her opponent must have been a trans mexican or gay black.
If those white males joined the D party, the Ds side would look the same.. But then the males would be standing behind, in the back, making overly gleeful soy face when the non-white male gets elected on the not-so-subtle "screw white men" platform.
Man, that sums up 2018's retardation in very few words. Obviously the homogenous party of the historically dominant traits in a relatively multicultural society is the one that cares about skin color (and gender) way more than the party that is more representative of what the people actually look like.

You should win an award for your stupidity.
So is diversity more important that qualifications?
That dem pic is closer to a representation of the us demographics. Still more white people than non, but easy for a bigot to see a bunch of non-white people in that pic.

Probably not in their respective communities though. Really you would have to look at who everyone ran against. $10 says the Republican winners ran against a bunch of white guys
Well, the second half of that is speculation.

As for the 1st half - does that change that one is closer to the demographic make-up of the country?
The demographic make up of the country doesn't matter in this case. The demographic makeup of the candidates running would if you care about drawing any conclusions.
GOP has a pirate as a congressman.


I’ll take that over some muh diversity any day but the dems have a chick from Somalia right? Shit just got interesting
I don't care. I just think its hilarious that dems are giving themselves such a huge pat on the back for it. Who gives a fuck what color they are?
Exactly. It’s funny how a supposed Liberal is the first to notice race. I notice that that seems to be the first priority from liberals. Qualifications are just a minor part of their criteria.
So democrats hire people based on race, religion and sexual orientation over actual qualifications.

Seems like everybody already knew this.

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