Elections Striking Photo Comparison Between GOP and Dem Class of '18

In general,
White people => more are highly educated => more likely to be a successful politician

You're making this up. Asians aren't more likely to be politicians.
You're making this up. Asians aren't more likely to be politicians.
Maybe not on the mainland but Hawaii is dominated by Asian politicians and is the most one party state (Democrat) in the country.
You are absolutely right. Everyone knows there is only one woman to every 31 men in rural America...

I guess I forgot half the population
I guess Republicans care more about politics than skin color.
It's the exact opposite. Same with the argument that democrats don't care about getting the best person for the job. Think about it for a second, branching out to both genders and all races makes the pool of best candidates so much bigger.

Does anybody seriously believe that these guys are the superior politicians every single time, simply because of their skin color and gender?
Democrats couldn't care less about the best man for the job. There you go. No need to thank me.
Assuming a balding tubby white guy is the best person for the job is just as silly as electing someone because she's a women or brown. Most of our politicians are still men and everything is still pretty fucked.
Yeah, the dems have people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They are more interested in diversity hires etc than putting forth the best.
Republicans elected a dead pimp
Didn't you try this hacky approach several posts back?

I even used these images when you tried this before.


You're awful, lol. You're even recycling shitty logical fallacies within a few pages of the last time you typed them.
So sticking with I’m not saying but I’m just saying I see
Geez, there is something subtly different about the makeup of the respective incoming GOP vs. Democratic Congressional classes just elected...

Can't quite put my finger on it...


Edit: Sherdog WR 2018 Inductive Reasoning Test

Given two groups of people:
- Group A: 32 people, of which 31 are white men
- Group B: 11 white men, 13 white women, 3 black men, 5 black women, a 5 Hispanics, 3 Asians...

Group B is obsessed with TRIBALISM and IDENTITY POLITICS!!!!!


The Republicans were the only ones strong enough to elect a pirate.

Meanwhile the Dems took a gamble and elected a female genie.

I for one, can't wait to see how this plays out.
That would suuuuuure not be the conclusion I took away from those two pictures, lol.

Here's the hilarious thing: Democrats still elected 12 white guys. But because they didn't JUST elect white guys-- and nothing else-- obviously they are the party obsessed with race and gender.

Can't make this shit up.

Also, somehow, well-to-do white women count as minorities in their world.

I'll never understand that one.
So you ignore policy and only care about race and "gender".

Sounds about right for the left and "it's her, it or whatever turn".

I tend vote on their policy and not care about the rest.

You find me a conservative transgendered anything and a liberal white guy and guess who I voting for.