Elections Striking Photo Comparison Between GOP and Dem Class of '18

The party of virtue signaling virtue signaled their way through the election.

I don’t give a shit if a candidate is pink with green polka dots and born with both sets of genitals. I care that they can do the job. Queens elected a know nothing bartender.
The party of virtue signaling virtue signaled their way through the election.

I don’t give a shit if a candidate is pink with green polka dots and born with both sets of genitals. I care that they can do the job. Queens elected a know nothing bartender.
And the United States elected the biggest know nothing of all an orange, serial lying reality TV host.
Yeah, the dems have people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They are more interested in diversity hires etc than putting forth the best.

And the Republicans have Steve King who is being admonished by his own Republican governor.
Man, that sums up 2018's retardation in very few words. Obviously the homogenous party of the historically dominant traits in a relatively multicultural society is the one that cares about skin color (and gender) way more than the party that is more representative of what the people actually look like.

You should win an award for your stupidity.
Give the man credit for being funny. I threw a like his way.
I guess Republicans care more about politics than skin color.

And gender.

Alternate theory: Democrats actually represent the population as a whole whereas Republicans appeal to older white men.

BTW, Republicans know this is a problem too. Graham was recently on the record discussing this problem with his colleagues as they try to figure out how to appeal to a broader electorate (this is a silly discussion since we know why they don't but I'm just pointing out the GOP knows it's an issue going forward). The demographics are looking really bad for the GOP's future and they know it.
There really is no argument about who the corrupt party of racists is in the US. You fucking re-elected this guy for a 4th term,
"Steve King, the Iowa Republican known for regularly saying racist things and sympathizing with European and Canadian neo-Nazis, eked out a narrow win in his race for reelection to the US House."

And there were 3 races where a Republican was in charge of the election and also running in it. There's only one explanation for the Republican voters allowing this to happen.
So democrats hire people based on race, religion and sexual orientation over actual qualifications.

Seems like everybody already knew this.

You don't think that perhaps Republicans are doing the same? It seems they prefer white men because they are white and men. Why are so few Republican women qualified and willing to run? Not smart enough? Too emotional? I get that AK had bad luck with Palin, but still there must be some R women who would be excellent.
Alternate theory: Democrats actually represent the population as a whole whereas Republicans appeal to older white men.

BTW, Republicans know this is a problem too. Graham was recently on the record discussing this problem with his colleagues as they try to figure out how to appeal to a broader electorate (this is a silly discussion since we know why they don't but I'm just pointing out the GOP knows it's an issue going forward). The demographics are looking really bad for the GOP's future and they know it.
In 2018 the Republicans got absolutley curbstomped among African Americans, Latinos, Asians, Arabs, Jews, Muslims, voters under 40 and white college educated women. They can deny and deflect all they want but the numbers don't lie.

Democrats got: 90% African American vote
77% Asian vote
69% Latino vote
59% White college educated female vote
79% Jewish vote
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