Are you happy with your life?


Brown Belt
Aug 9, 2012
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Are you happy with your life currently? Suicide rates are at all time high, even when poor people are doing better than kings from just a hundred years ago.
I am but this weather is annoying. :D Suicide rates in Europe are low AF
I am.

The human race overall is enjoying better quality of life, the problem is internet allow us to connect with each other. What that does is that it greatly increases the frequency and exposure of ways people compare with one another. People are constantly showing off online, and if you bought into it, you get a very twisted sense of how normal people are living their their and as a result a twisted perspective of your own life. The stronger your core values are, the less you will be affected by this of course but a lot of teenagers who haven't had the chance to develop them are drowning in FB/IG/Twitter feeds that it's not surprise people are less happy even though we are supposedly living better lives.
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some parts yes, but some parts no. but hey im still upright and brteathing so i cant complain.

i need snow
Are you happy with your life currently? Suicide rates are at all time high, even when poor people are doing better than kings from just a hundred years ago.
Which poor people are doing better than Kings from a hundred years ago?
From last I heard, Fed Ex was taking care of this "poor homeless" issue were dealing with.

I better get at least 5 likes for that joke.
Its relevant. Its good. And it's funny
Not bad. Got a red-belt and like to post ratio is good.
Why not? You only live once. We have a right to enjoy our life. Find the treu meaning of life and you cant but enjoy yours
Hell yeah. The closer I get to retirement the happier I get. in 3.5 years my happiness meter will fn explode.
I went through a bit of a "valley" the last year or so, but I've gotten out of it and yeah I'd say I'm happy. Sure there are things that I would like to be different, but that's what you wake up for every day. Keep moving forward, not dead, can't quit.
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Yes, many people my age are having a mid life crisis. I’m having a renaissance.
It's alright. I am trying to move myself into a better place in life, so yay, progress?
Yes I am. I have food, a place to live, money and health, but most important - peace. I believe most people in the world are good and strive to do the right thing. I've done a lot of traveling and visited different cultures and can truly say that.

I've found that most people that are unhappy with life have reached that point because of the person they are having a relationship with, poor friends, and a bad job. They have little to no money. They are involved with drugs and drinking. They have made bad choices in life and not learned from it.
No, I am not happy. I want to be swimming in big chested, big azzed babes, but I am not. But I dont complain about it on the dog, and tell people I want to off myself. There are other things I enjoy, like really great food.