Media Jon Jones Reacts To Chuck Liddell vs Tito Ortiz 3

Jones is such a scumbag. Guys like chuck paved the way for idiots like jon jones
Shit talking Chuck but ducking mention of the Natty LHW GOAT who flatlined Chuck last night.
Chuck has been shit talking him for years .... why should Jones show Chuck respect, when chuck has never shown him any ?
When Chuck initially floated the idea, correct me if I’m wrong, I remember it being more of a, “I want to test myself” kinda callout. How is that disrespectful. Someone mentioned that he said recently that Jon is “protected,” which I’ll admit is stupid. But Jon, in his response to the callout, chose to kill a mosquito with a cannon. I’ll never understand why guys take it so personally being called out when someone does it with no disrespect.
Why would you show a lying cheating narc any kind of respect? I mean don't forget Jones is the kind of piece a shit that did smash into a pregnant woman and ran off. He's also the guy that did a bud light commercial about driving drunk just days before driving drunk and crashing with teenagers in his car?
So he's not boyfriend material for you due to you believing your own made up shit. Cool

When Chuck initially floated the idea, correct me if I’m wrong, I remember it being more of a, “I want to test myself” kinda callout. How is that disrespectful. Someone mentioned that he said recently that Jon is “protected,” which I’ll admit is stupid. But Jon, in his response to the callout, chose to kill a mosquito with a cannon. I’ll never understand why guys take it so personally being called out when someone does it with no disrespect.
How is all of that Jon's fault?

Chuck was a dbag towards Jon. Jon responded. He got what he deserved. Don't talk shit when you're shot.
Jon is so courageous when he is on drugs.
Jon is as deluded as Chuck for actually thinking about this fight.
I'm surprised he was so nice, I would have been meaner if I was him.
The whole chuck thing is just sad tbh
For the average fan Chuck calling out Jon Jones is rather harmless. No sane fan actually thinks the guy has/had a chance against Jon Jones or any top 100 fighter for that matter.
I don't think you should kick a man when he's down. But I'm not JJ.
How is all of that Jon's fault?

Chuck was a dbag towards Jon. Jon responded. He got what he deserved. Don't talk shit when you're shot.
Give me some examples dude. That’s why I prefaced it by saying, “correct me if I’m wrong.” You didn’t even answer what I asked. HOW WAS THE CALLOUT DISRESPECTFUL? You say chuck was a dbag towards so? I’m not familiar with any backstory.

What was the premise of this? It looks like they are in a casino kitchen or something. Says ufc 200 so i am assuming it was when Juicehead was pulled from the card for PEDS and DC fought Silva, but i thought it was a few weeks before the fight, so why would they be in the casino?
Cheap shot but not terrible. Chuck could have waited until after the fight before making his recent disparaging remarks.
Jon Jones could not get a win over Chuck Liddell at this point in time and i'm being 100% serious

it would be a no contest
So he's not boyfriend material for you due to you believing your own made up shit. Cool
Hahaha typical snowflake... what exactly did I make up? I spoke the truth and you deflect?