How come nobody tried to mess with Mike Tyson in prison? He was only 5'10 and 215

You know there's an interesting quote from Jeffrey Dahmer floating around who was Mike's cell mate while he was locked up:

"I look at that physique and I see raw power. I'd estimate he can bench 550+ raw easy and OHP 400+ raw. Judging by the thickness in his back I'm thinking he's a 700+ raw puller. If his legs are on par with his brutish upper body, then there's no doubt in my mind he squats 800+ raw. Mike Tyson could bend you into a human pretzel with one hand while completely satisfying your woman in a way you couldn't ever satisfy her with the other. Those frying pan hands and thick, powerful sausage fingers are capable of bringing absolute pleasure and unimaginable pain."

So yeah if Dahmer wouldn't mess with Mike I doubt anyone else would.

Funnily enough Dahmer was beaten to death by this guy:

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Ok, here’s what I know; I used to lift with a guy who had been in prison with Tyson at Westville Indiana. I asked him how it went for Tyson in there; he said he mostly kept to himself and was a pretty nice, laid back guy. He claimed nobody really ever tried to mess with him, but did say that there were some monsters in there who would’ve wrecked Tyson. We trained together for a couple years and I never knew him to be a bullshitter, so I assume he was telling the truth.

Honestly I think that's the main reason. I'm sure there are certainly guys in prison who would take a shot at Tyson if they felt disrespected or offended. There aren't any rules in prison and nothing to stop someone from putting a shiv in his back. However from everything I've read about Tyson is that he's normally a fairly respectful guy and pretty chill. He doesn't seem like the type of guy to go in and mean mug everyone and cause trouble. He seemed very humble and shy outside of the ring (and outside of Don King's press conferences).
If he did fight dudes in prison, it would go something like this. Only with more kicks.
Mike was only 5 foot 10 and 215 pounds and had short arms. Mike said when he was in prison he never had anyone test him and claimed people were very nice to him giving him extra food and drinks because he was a simple guy and wasn't acting like a gangster. Do you buy this? I think Tyson probably got extra stuff because they feared him, but he claims nobody tried to test him in the pen.

I would expect someone to at least test him and size him up seeing how small he was, a lot of other fighters in the early UFC including Shamrock said tough guys in bars would try to size them up and say this guy aint so big I can take him.

Here is Mike right out of Prison he looked like a killer

American former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Mike Tyson. In 2005 he said "I measured myself as 5ft 10in....I'm a f****** dwarf!" and again in 2013, "I'm only a small guy, I'm five foot ten"


I found this video of Tysons hotel lobby brawl, where he knocked out 3 guys who tried to ask for his autograph but these guys at least tried to fight back.

She said Tyson was explosive!!

Ok, here’s what I know; I used to lift with a guy who had been in prison with Tyson at Westville Indiana. I asked him how it went for Tyson in there; he said he mostly kept to himself and was a pretty nice, laid back guy. He claimed nobody really ever tried to mess with him, but did say that there were some monsters in there who would’ve wrecked Tyson. We trained together for a couple years and I never knew him to be a bullshitter, so I assume he was telling the truth.

Was your friend one of those guys who also claimed he could have wrecked Tyson as well?

It doesn't make sense nobody tried to test him though, Ken Shamrock said he got tested all the time when he was in the first UFCs, and Shamrock is a scary looking dude who was an all around fighter

I remember he told a story about how some big redneck guy saw him and said he was small and he could take him this was in the 90s
Honestly I think that's the main reason. I'm sure there are certainly guys in prison who would take a shot at Tyson if they felt disrespected or offended. There aren't any rules in prison and nothing to stop someone from putting a shiv in his back. However from everything I've read about Tyson is that he's normally a fairly respectful guy and pretty chill. He doesn't seem like the type of guy to go in and mean mug everyone and cause trouble. He seemed very humble and shy outside of the ring (and outside of Don King's press conferences).

Tyson was apparently at his most angry when he first came to prison, then he found the Muslim brotherhood in prison and he converted from Catholicism to Islam

But man Tyson was so furious he had some pent up anger, I remember when he came out of prison he was stone solid his body was like a tank before prison he was always a stocky guy but had some fat to him he looked softer but right out of the pen was his best physique lean and muscular and he was always angry yelling at reporters
Ok, here’s what I know; I used to lift with a guy who had been in prison with Tyson at Westville Indiana. I asked him how it went for Tyson in there; he said he mostly kept to himself and was a pretty nice, laid back guy. He claimed nobody really ever tried to mess with him, but did say that there were some monsters in there who would’ve wrecked Tyson. We trained together for a couple years and I never knew him to be a bullshitter, so I assume he was telling the truth.


Unless you're a top-level MMA heavyweight with a wrestling background and immediately go for the the double leg, you're not wrecking a prime Tyson.

And I don't think there were very many of those locked up alongside Mike.

Unless you're a top-level MMA heavyweight with a wrestling background and immediately go for the the double leg, you're not wrecking a prime Tyson.

And I don't think there were very many of those locked up alongside Mike.

Hidden weapon?
When people ask serious questions everyone here trolls them...

When people ask dumb questions like the OP... 3 pages of serious answers so far.

The Mayberry is weird.
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Mike was only 5 foot 10 and 215 pounds and had short arms. Mike said when he was in prison he never had anyone test him and claimed people were very nice to him giving him extra food and drinks because he was a simple guy and wasn't acting like a gangster. Do you buy this? I think Tyson probably got extra stuff because they feared him, but he claims nobody tried to test him in the pen.

I would expect someone to at least test him and size him up seeing how small he was, a lot of other fighters in the early UFC including Shamrock said tough guys in bars would try to size them up and say this guy aint so big I can take him.

Here is Mike right out of Prison he looked like a killer

American former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Mike Tyson. In 2005 he said "I measured myself as 5ft 10in....I'm a f****** dwarf!" and again in 2013, "I'm only a small guy, I'm five foot ten"


I found this video of Tysons hotel lobby brawl, where he knocked out 3 guys who tried to ask for his autograph but these guys at least tried to fight back.

Is this a serious question? Mike was one of the best boxers in the world and if you put him and another guy in a small space I'd say he was probably the most dangerous man alive. Why would anybody want to fuck with that? Mostly they picked on people they knew they could beat up or they did it in groups, I can see why nobody would want to fuck with Mike alone.
Football players talked shit about how he wasn't that big. Pretty much every boxing champ had at least one guy challenge him in a bar b/c he wasn't that big.

Burt Reynolds talked about the time he was in the bar and thought he could take out Rocky Marciano

Tyson certainly wasn't that big but it doesn't really matter when you hit as hard and as fast as he did. That's why HW should be open weight in mma too. 215 pound guys can be king over 350+ pound guys if they got the skill. Anybody 200+ that's a fighter can KO anybody. Didn't Dan Henderson make like 206 with clothes on and KO Fedor who's in the top 5 HWs in mma of all time?
Mike was only 5 foot 10 and 215 pounds and had short arms. Mike said when he was in prison he never had anyone test him and claimed people were very nice to him giving him extra food and drinks because he was a simple guy and wasn't acting like a gangster. Do you buy this? I think Tyson probably got extra stuff because they feared him, but he claims nobody tried to test him in the pen.

I would expect someone to at least test him and size him up seeing how small he was, a lot of other fighters in the early UFC including Shamrock said tough guys in bars would try to size them up and say this guy aint so big I can take him.

Here is Mike right out of Prison he looked like a killer

American former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Mike Tyson. In 2005 he said "I measured myself as 5ft 10in....I'm a f****** dwarf!" and again in 2013, "I'm only a small guy, I'm five foot ten"


I found this video of Tysons hotel lobby brawl, where he knocked out 3 guys who tried to ask for his autograph but these guys at least tried to fight back.

I know it's almost past the time limit for nominations, but this is a strong contender for Most Retarded Thread of 2018:rolleyes:
I remember that, that giant tony mandarich e dude said he wanted to fight Tyson he was huge and said he could take him in various interviews because tyson was tiny

Guy is an idiot
Ok, here’s what I know; I used to lift with a guy who had been in prison with Tyson at Westville Indiana. I asked him how it went for Tyson in there; he said he mostly kept to himself and was a pretty nice, laid back guy. He claimed nobody really ever tried to mess with him, but did say that there were some monsters in there who would’ve wrecked Tyson. We trained together for a couple years and I never knew him to be a bullshitter, so I assume he was telling the truth.

Some guy I knew said some other guys could beat up Tyson. Confirmed.
Mike was only 5 foot 10 and 215 pounds and had short arms. Mike said when he was in prison he never had anyone test him and claimed people were very nice to him giving him extra food and drinks because he was a simple guy and wasn't acting like a gangster. Do you buy this? I think Tyson probably got extra stuff because they feared him, but he claims nobody tried to test him in the pen.

I would expect someone to at least test him and size him up seeing how small he was, a lot of other fighters in the early UFC including Shamrock said tough guys in bars would try to size them up and say this guy aint so big I can take him.

Here is Mike right out of Prison he looked like a killer

American former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Mike Tyson. In 2005 he said "I measured myself as 5ft 10in....I'm a f****** dwarf!" and again in 2013, "I'm only a small guy, I'm five foot ten"


I found this video of Tysons hotel lobby brawl, where he knocked out 3 guys who tried to ask for his autograph but these guys at least tried to fight back.

for a so-called black guy, you really dont know shit about black culture. Mike was protected by the NoI in prison and his conversion was highly publicized.
Was your friend one of those guys who also claimed he could have wrecked Tyson as well?
Oh, hell no. He was big ol’ tub of lard. I was shocked when I found out he’d just got out of prison; dude was so happy-go-lucky and laid back...I don’t know what it would’ve taken to piss him off.

Unless you're a top-level MMA heavyweight with a wrestling background and immediately go for the the double leg, you're not wrecking a prime Tyson.

And I don't think there were very many of those locked up alongside Mike.
I don’t think he was referring to anyone fighting by Marquis of Queensbury rules, lol! More likely referring to guys who’d spent most of their lives surviving by any means necessary.