Leaving Neverland...

Did Michael Jackson sexually abuse children?

  • Yes, he did.

  • No, he did not.

  • I don't know.

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Was some evidence actually presented this time?
Was some evidence actually presented this time?

Is there usually evidence with child molestation?

The dudes "best friends" were always less than 10 years old...
Is there usually evidence with child molestation?

The dudes "best friends" were always less than 10 years old...
Do you think child molesters are going to jail over just accusations?

Anyway, from your response, I guess it's just a rehash of what we've already seen for the last ~20 years.
Do you think child molesters are going to jail over just accusations?

Anyway, from your response, I guess it's just a rehash of what we've already seen for the last ~20 years.


"As one might expect most sexual molestation cases occur when the only two people that are present are the adult and the minor. There is often no physical evidence to either support or attack the allegation made by the minor that he or she was molested. The accused in most cases vehemently denies that the molestation took place. In many cases the accused offers an alibi defense that he was not present at the time and location where the minor said the molestation occurred. Further in some cases, the defense calls expert witnesses to testify that the accused has no sexual interest in young children.

However, even in light of all of the defense testimony mentioned above, if the jury believes the testimony of the young alleged victim, that is sufficient to support a conviction for child molestation"

"As one might expect most sexual molestation cases occur when the only two people that are present are the adult and the minor. There is often no physical evidence to either support or attack the allegation made by the minor that he or she was molested. The accused in most cases vehemently denies that the molestation took place. In many cases the accused offers an alibi defense that he was not present at the time and location where the minor said the molestation occurred. Further in some cases, the defense calls expert witnesses to testify that the accused has no sexual interest in young children.

However, even in light of all of the defense testimony mentioned above, if the jury believes the testimony of the young alleged victim, that is sufficient to support a conviction for child molestation"
I'm not reading all that, are you going to answer my first question?
Who is worse MJ or the parents that sent their kids to him to strike it rich with lawsuits? The parents that allowed it to happen are completely fucked in the head. Also has Macauley Culkin ever said anything about it?
Both are guilty.
Nah, MJ didn't fuck kids. Look into it.
Look, there's not really a smoking gun either way, but I will leave you with this. Wade Robson testified under oath that Jackson did NOT molest him. Under oath meaning under penalty of law, thus incentivizing one to tell the truth or possibly go to prison. Now, when he's not under oath and can say whatever he wants without penalty, he's claiming that he was molested. By his own admission, he either perjured himself then or he is lying now. Make of that what you will.
Maybe it’s a coincendence that he was with MJ so much but something clearly messed him up
Culkin is actually a funny, easygoing, well-grounded dude these days considering his childhood, and how he was parented. He talks openly about how he leaned on substances for too long.
And his songs are still on the radio.

Just last week, the local "Variety Station at work and home" was playing Pretty Young Thing.

I turned the station to NPR.