Leaving Neverland...

Did Michael Jackson sexually abuse children?

  • Yes, he did.

  • No, he did not.

  • I don't know.

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Almost all links in this story are in the UK.
It just didnt happen and really no one believes it but a handful of people and is why you really get no reputable articles on it

The most relevant paragraphs of this article, is this -

What we know about using castration, chemical or otherwise, to prevent sex offenders from acting out, is that the results are inconsistent. As Slate explained, a castrated man can still potentially get an erection and therefore still offend, either because the result is only diminished testosterone, or the man could also take testosterone again to boost production. (There can also still be some sexual function with surgical castration, too, because the adrenal glands produce 5 percent of testosterone.) The same goes for the chemically castrated: You can still get some sexual function, and it’s seen in as many as 10 percent of those who undergo the treatment.

Interesting. So even if it is true, and Jackson was castrated, he could still get an erection.

But, the article does not explain why Michael's 'kids' aren't his biological kids.
Lol. Says the little sjw with the victim mentality, looking for someone to cry to. I’ll mind my business and yours if I want. What exactly are you going to do about it, keyboard warrior? Haha. Keep your dick fetish fantasies to yourself.

Edit: your edit is pathetic. You mostly post in gheyberry, on a mma website. Dork.
lol. yes, i am the very definition of an sjw. just go check out my posts in the war room where i am considered a fine right wing neo-con. and you started the shit. and i am going to do nothing about it. just like you are not gonna write me up for running in the hall. you sound like a hard ass though. i bet you are too tough for the OT even. i guess telling you to fuck off is a victim mentality?
I lived maybe 2 or 3 blocks from the Michael Jackson trial.

I lived on Cook and Elizabeth.
The courthouse is on Cook and Miller.

I remember my mother charging people like 30 bucks to let people park in our spot.

I also remember half of my class being absent. It was a really big deal

More on topic. I think it's doubtful.
Cash grab for the most part.
Weird yes. Rape highly doubtful.
The most relevant paragraphs of this article, is this -

What we know about using castration, chemical or otherwise, to prevent sex offenders from acting out, is that the results are inconsistent. As Slate explained, a castrated man can still potentially get an erection and therefore still offend, either because the result is only diminished testosterone, or the man could also take testosterone again to boost production. (There can also still be some sexual function with surgical castration, too, because the adrenal glands produce 5 percent of testosterone.) The same goes for the chemically castrated: You can still get some sexual function, and it’s seen in as many as 10 percent of those who undergo the treatment.

Interesting. So even if it is true, and Jackson was castrated, he could still get an erection.

But, the article does not explain why Michael's 'kids' aren't his biological kids.
He apparently does have a biological child out there from the mid 80's.
lol. yes, i am the very definition of an sjw. just go check out my posts in the war room where i am considered a fine right wing neo-con. and you started the shit. and i am going to do nothing about it. just like you are not gonna write me up for running in the hall. you sound like a hard ass though. i bet you are too tough for the OT even. i guess telling you to fuck off is a victim mentality?
I agree that you are a sjw. Both sides play that shit. Both sides play the victim unless you’re too blind to notice. You started the whining, so deal with it. Crybaby. Lol. And yes, telling someone to fuck off over a message on the internets, is victim mentality. It looks weak. I hurt your feeling, that’s obvious. And the OT, what’s the big deal about it? They say words there that can’t be said here? That’s about it. You and I are talking shit and we aren’t going to be banned. Ffs, change your tampon.
He apparently does have a biological child out there from the mid 80's.

But I thought he said that the kid was not his son... Hee hee
Michael was a disgusting pedophile. Glad he’s dead but these parents of the kids are terrible. Who lets their kid unsupervised with a grown man. They deserve as much blame as Jackson does. Disgusting.
Michael was a disgusting pedophile. Glad he’s dead but these parents of the kids are terrible. Who lets their kid unsupervised with a grown man. They deserve as much blame as Jackson does. Disgusting.
We agree Revo! thanks for the like
Michael was a disgusting pedophile. Glad he’s dead but these parents of the kids are terrible. Who lets their kid unsupervised with a grown man. They deserve as much blame as Jackson does. Disgusting.

Have you seen Razorfist's three videos on Michael Jackson?

I used to be in the 'Meh, he probably did it' crowd. But that first video is well researched and very convincing.

The media has made b-b-b-BILLIONS over the past two and a half decades over destroying Jackson.

In the same way Tyson was the perfect 'mark' for a rape accusation, conviction, and civil settlement for tens of millions, Michael Jackson was the perfect 'mark' for pedophile accusations and civil settlement.
Have you seen Razorfist's three videos on Michael Jackson?

I used to be in the 'Meh, he probably did it' crowd. But that first video is well researched and very convincing.

The media has made b-b-b-BILLIONS over the past two and a half decades over destroying Jackson.

In the same way Tyson was the perfect 'mark' for a rape accusation, conviction, and civil settlement for tens of millions, Michael Jackson was the perfect 'mark' for pedophile accusations and civil settlement.

In fairness to the media, and everyone else with some suspicion over this, the guy did literally surround himself with children...and sleep with them...regularly.

He did bring a lot of this on himself. I kind of feel sorry for his handlers and lawyers and PR guys, who had to constantly struggle with Jackson's rationalization of needing to sleep with children. Even if it was all innocent stuff, and they just had pillow fights and whatever, they just had to be thinking "Motherfucker, don't you get it? This shit ain't normal! One allegation is all it would take, and it's all over! Get your head out of your ass! You're not a child. You're a grown ass man!"
Have you seen Razorfist's three videos on Michael Jackson?

I used to be in the 'Meh, he probably did it' crowd. But that first video is well researched and very convincing.

The media has made b-b-b-BILLIONS over the past two and a half decades over destroying Jackson.

In the same way Tyson was the perfect 'mark' for a rape accusation, conviction, and civil settlement for tens of millions, Michael Jackson was the perfect 'mark' for pedophile accusations and civil settlement.
Don’t care to watch. If he didn’t do it he put himself in that situation.
Michael was a disgusting pedophile. Glad he’s dead but these parents of the kids are terrible. Who lets their kid unsupervised with a grown man. They deserve as much blame as Jackson does. Disgusting.

I agree I would never let my children do it ... but they way he groomed not only the kids but the families was shocking .. it was almost like he became another family member, like a brother ...
Speaking the obvious.

Culkin spent ALOT of time with Jackson and were the same type of 'friends' as the other supposed victims were.

Yet, Jackson had a 'hands off' rule with Culkin? 'Oh this is one of the few kids I won't do anything with for plausible deniability.'

Culkin wasn’t just another kid ... He was a huge, huge star in the 90s, at one stage nearly as big as MJ himself ... It would make sense for MJ never to touch him... cause how could he control him ? it’s not like he could hush him up with money .. culkin was worth a fortune
Razorfist makes some good observations:

Damn...this dude was entertaining and came with legit information. It's crazy that in this day and age, the masses can watch something and believe every word and only a few people are willing to fact check this stuff. This was a good watch.

I guess at the end of the day people believe what they want to believe. No matter how many investigations were done, accusations thrown out in court, to some people, MJ will always be a pedophile.
Culkin wasn’t just another kid ... He was a huge, huge star in the 90s, at one stage nearly as big as MJ himself ... It would make sense for MJ never to touch him... cause how could he control him ? it’s not like he could hush him up with money .. culkin was worth a fortune

If I'm a pedo in the early 90s, Culkin's name might as well be Crawford.


If Michael was a pedo, it would have been worth the risk, because in his mind there wouldn't be a risk. None of the other kids squealed, so why would Culkin?

In all seriousness, Pedos are just like other criminals... when they get away with crimes they start pushing it... and pushing it... and pushing it. Bigger rewards for bigger risks.

By the time Michael met Culkin, he was supposedly a seasoned sexual predator of young children. Why not go for a 'super model?'

Yet, Michael never touched Culkin.
I'm so confused. I don't know what to think anymore. Wade Robson for me, was the least believable. The guy was an adult when he testified for the second time. The fact that his memories of abuse came back just after he was turned down for that Cirque du Soleil gig, makes me really question his story.

There are so many holes in his story. He wanted to settle with the MJ Estate before he went public with his allegations, tried shopping for a book deal. Nobody took the deal, and the result was the "documentary" we have seen. But it is extremely onesided.

Jackson was definitely a weirdo. Those fax messages were some creepy shit to send to little kids, but he send those to everyone. The sleeping with with kids stuff creeps me the hell out but what does that really mean, when Maculay Culkin mentions the bedroom is 2 stories big. It's still creepy as fuck, and my gut tells me there is something wrong. But I can't take this documentary as definite proof. Wade refered to himself as a Master of Deception.

Just because it is extremely disturbing and graphic, does not mean it is actually true. That's my issue with the thing. A very detailed story makes for a much more believable one. He had years to practice his story, and he was much into visualisation dating back to 2001. He visualised a lot of things (Robson).

Jackson would only surround himself with pretty kids, and Culkin could have been his high profile safecard if he ever needed someone to testify, I've seen people claim elsewhere. But then I read stories about how he brought Andy White who had HIV, to Neverland. And the burn victim Dave Rothenberg.

I can't make anything out of the families reacting to all of this. Because they are reacting to a story they heard just like we did. That doesn't neccesarily make it true. One of the mothers celebrated Jackson' death in 2009 "He can't hurt anymore children", yet her son claimed he didn't revisit these memories until 2013?

I wish I did not watch it because I don't know what to believe anymore.
Michael was a disgusting pedophile. Glad he’s dead but these parents of the kids are terrible. Who lets their kid unsupervised with a grown man. They deserve as much blame as Jackson does. Disgusting.