Social Trump Tweet part II: it's not racist just xenophobic and bigoted. ALCAIDA edition

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No it's not.

It's totally inhuman of you to try and characterize the most basic evolutionary psychology as racist.

When animals and humans see other lifeforms they need to make an assessment of danger. For millions of years if humans saw other humans who looked different, they were in extreme danger. So it's incredibly important to our well being that we carry some prejudice against others.

If you don't do this, you're not a competent lifeform. You have been indoctrinated to not see reality for what it is and you're putting yourself in danger. Some people with certain cultural backgrounds present a much larger threat to your safety than others and we need to make visual assessments to quickly determine the threat level. It's a shitty process and mistakes happen, but if we dont do it we aren't being competent people.

This reminds me of when people say "nobody is born racist, they're taught!!"

This is another leftist inversion of reality. If you go to the Congo as a white person some babies there will cry in fear. It's the same thing sometimes with white babies seeing black people. If someone looks different than you, there is indeed a higher likelihood of them being a threat to you because for millions of years that was absolutely the case. Different clothes, different body paint, different skin color/tone even.

You are on another planet.
Yea it's a pretty unfortunate reality but a reality none the less.

Yeah it is a pretty unfortunate reality that people like you exist. "Competent lifeforms" lol
If you support a President that welcomes and promotes this sort of rhetoric you really need to take a hard look in the mirror.

I support the Office of the President . . . I never once said I support his idiotic twitter rants and have advocated for his advisors to shut it down many, many times. So you can EABOD.

But I'd say probably somewhere between horrible and cowardly.

I'm so hurt by this . . .

I support the Office of the President . . . I never once said I support his idiotic twitter rants and have advocated for his advisors to shut it down many, many times. So you can EABOD.

I'm so hurt by this . . .


This is a cop out.

So we'll push the slider more towards cowardice.
This is a cop out.

Hardly. You say that about everything you disagree with . . . but I'd love to hear your logic behind making this idiotic comment.

So we'll push the slider more towards cowardice.

Aww, why? You want me to publicly say I wish Trump would fail as POTUS? Only an idiot would wish for that. I may not have agreed with some of what Obama wanted, but I never wanted him to fail as POTUS.
Is it possible that maybe they just don't like her and her policies, regardless of her race?
When is the last time a group of people told a white person to go back to where they came from because they didnt like their policies?
Hardly. You say that about everything you disagree with . . . but I'd love to hear your logic behind making this idiotic comment.

Aww, why? You want me to publicly say I wish Trump would fail as POTUS? Only an idiot would wish for that. I may not have agreed with some of what Obama wanted, but I never wanted him to fail as POTUS.

No it's a cop out.

It's a very cowardly way of concealing your actual opinions and trying to safe face.

You don't have to support the President, and doing so isn't going to bring us failure. That's the primary benefit of being American.

You don't have to put up with your leader's bullshit.
Oh gawd - so sick of identity politics.

Both left and right - in this country and in this thread (AND TRUMP) is CONSTANTLY engaged in identity politics.

And then both sides are accusing the other side of "using identity politics."


The media is also engaging in it.

We're all being manipulated in the news cycle. Nearly every single one of us is being manipulated.

Why? Because they can't run on the actual issues.

Nearly every single one of us care more about the more important shit - our jobs, (or lack thereof), our families, how to pay rent or mortgage, how to feed kids, how to pay exorbitant medical bills, how to pay student debt, how to pay for kid's education, etc.

No one really gives a shit about abstract problems like global warming and affirmative action when the majority of Americans are just worried about basic survival.

Both the Dems and GOP are BOUGHT AND PAID FOR.

But they can't run on the most important issues - healthcare, education, jobs, etc. Because those are already compromised to the highest bidder. So they distract us with identity politics bullshit.
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You have to actually catch Trump at a Klan rally, make a speech as a guest speaker, and then have him scream the N word before shooting a black teenager in the kneecap to get them to say that MAYBEEEEEEEEEEE there's something racial going on.

It reminds me of this Chapelle skit

No it's a cop out.

It's a very cowardly way of concealing your actual opinions and trying to safe face.

What are you talking about? Supporting the Office of the President and wanting the person holding the position to be successful doesn't automatically indicate I condone everything they might say or do. It doesn't mean I'm okay with their decisions about each and every issue facing our country.

Why are you trying to put me in some finite box or pushing some idea that I hold a particular opinion when I don't?

You don't have to support the President, and doing so isn't going to bring us failure. That's the primary benefit of being American.

Oh really? Does this hold water when a democrat is POTUS or just when you dislike the current POTUS?

You don't have to put up with your leader's bullshit.

Sorry dude . . . he's your leader too . . . and deciding to not vote for him in 2020 is (gasp) yet another benefit of being American.
What are you talking about? Supporting the Office of the President and wanting the person holding the position to be successful doesn't automatically indicate I condone everything they might say or do. It doesn't mean I'm okay with their decisions about each and every issue facing our country.

Why are you trying to put me in some finite box or pushing some idea that I hold a particular opinion when I don't?

Oh really? Does this hold water when a democrat is POTUS or just when you dislike the current POTUS?

Sorry dude . . . he's your leader too . . . and deciding to not vote for him in 2020 is (gasp) yet another benefit of being American.

Do you think promoting and encouraging blatantly racist and nativist rhetoric is a success?
o one really gives a shit about extract problems like global warming and affirmative action when the majority of Americans are just worried about basic survival.

Both the Dems and GOP are BOUGHT AND PAID FOR.

But they can't run on the most important issues - healthcare, education, jobs, etc. Because those are already compromised to the highest bidder. So they distract us with identity politics bullshit.

Holy shit, are you fucking serious?

The Democrats have been trying for universal healthcare - which would provided universal coverage and reduce costs - for decades, and currently every Democratic presidential candidate has a plan toward universal coverage. Republicans accused Obama of being a Nazi for proposing a market-based coverage expansion and then, in 2017, tried passing a bill that would throw millions off of coverage and increase prices for their corporate johns.

Likewise, the Democrats have been trying for decades to pass comprehensive climate change policies and are actively proposing radical industrial redevelopment toward green technology and eventual elimination of carbon emissions. Republicans have thrown tantrums at every corner, saying it would slow the economy or that it is government overreach, and have now shifted investment into dying fossil fuel industries.

Likewise, Democrats have repeatedly proposed student loans reform, with some candidates going so far as federal guaranteeing tuition at state schools. Republicans have repeatedly sought to deregulate student loan lending and allow more punitive loan terms.

Likewise, Democrats have spent decades trying to enact campaign finance reform so that politicians (a) cannot be bought and (b) if they are bought, be forced to disclose their finances. Mitch McConnell personally filed suit against those attempts and then the conservative Supreme Court passed Citizens United and SpeechNow, so that dark money and bribes are soaking our government.

Likewise, Democrats have repeatedly sought to raise taxes on the ultra-wealthy in order to stabilize the economy and reduce the deficit; meanwhile the Republicans, in two consecutive administrations, exploded the deficit just to give tax breaks to the rich, which then had absolutely no positive effect on economic growth.

Likewise, Democrats have repeatedly passed regulations on the financial industry to attempt to protect consumers and prevent a 2008-style economic recession. Republicans outright repealed most of those regulations for the benefit of their johns.

No, not "both the Dems and GOP are BOUGHT AND PAID FOR." The two parties are not remotely close. The Democrats aren't perfect, but most of their policies are crafted in good faith and attempt to help normal people. The GOP is corrupt to the core and has no interest at helping anyone but their donors.
Do you think promoting and encouraging blatantly racist and nativist rhetoric is a success?

Where in the world does this question come from?

I think true racism has no place anywhere. I disagree that a policy or "rhetoric" prioritizing Americans over others is a problem.
He said that to ilhan, he also said if you don’t like it here, leave.

It’s an utter stretch to say he was racist

No he didn’t say it to just her. He directed it at “they” as in plural, not singular. As in the group. Basic English reading comprehension.

So let’s take one, say Pressley. Explain to me what trait she holds that drove Trump to assume her homeland is not America and please tell us which country it would make sense she should go back to and why. If it wasn’t her race that motivated Trump to hurl that, what else would make any sense?
Holy shit, are you fucking serious?

The Democrats have been trying for universal healthcare - which would provided universal coverage and reduce costs - for decades, and currently every Democratic presidential candidate has a plan toward universal coverage. Republicans accused Obama of being a Nazi for proposing a market-based coverage expansion and then, in 2017, tried passing a bill that would throw millions off of coverage and increase prices for their corporate johns.

Likewise, the Democrats have been trying for decades to pass comprehensive climate change policies and are actively proposing radical industrial redevelopment toward green technology and eventual elimination of carbon emissions. Republicans have thrown tantrums at every corner, saying it would slow the economy or that it is government overreach, and have now shifted investment into dying fossil fuel industries.

Likewise, Democrats have repeatedly proposed student loans reform, with some candidates going so far as federal guaranteeing tuition at state schools. Republicans have repeatedly sought to deregulate student loan lending and allow more punitive loan terms.

Likewise, Democrats have spent decades trying to enact campaign finance reform so that politicians (a) cannot be bought and (b) if they are bought, be forced to disclose their finances. Mitch McConnell personally filed suit against those attempts and then the conservative Supreme Court passed Citizens United and SpeechNow, so that dark money and bribes are soaking our government.

Likewise, Democrats have repeatedly sought to raise taxes on the ultra-wealthy in order to stabilize the economy and reduce the deficit; meanwhile the Republicans, in two consecutive administrations, exploded the deficit just to give tax breaks to the rich, which then had absolutely no positive effect on economic growth.

Likewise, Democrats have repeatedly passed regulations on the financial industry to attempt to protect consumers and prevent a 2008-style economic recession. Republicans outright repealed most of those regulations for the benefit of their johns.

I'm a lifelong Democrat Trotsky. It's all bullshit talk and not action. They are beholden to their donors.

Who in the current Dem lineup actually endorsed Medicaid for All? During the debates? None of them will actually say it (except Bernie Sanders.) Even though the majority of ALL Americans are for it.

Great example of how they talk a big game and then when it comes to voting below. They always go the way of their DONORS.

There was a bill that would allow Americans to buy prescription drugs from Canada because it's such a rip off here. Literally the same exact drugs from the same manufacturers sold at much cheaper prices in Canada.

Corey Booker had previously talked this huge game about exorbitant drug prices and how Big Pharm is completely gouging us. Then he turned around and voted AGAINST the bill. Kamala Harris also voted against it. Turns out they got money from Big Pharm.

Pay attention to how they vote on bills and who is giving them money through lobbying - not whatever bullshit they say.

No, not "both the Dems and GOP are BOUGHT AND PAID FOR." The two parties are not remotely close. The Democrats aren't perfect, but most of their policies are crafted in good faith and attempt to help normal people. The GOP is corrupt to the core and has no interest at helping anyone but their donors.

If you don't realize almost all of Congress is compromised and bought and paid for, you're being really naive.

Both the Dems and GOP use identity politics constantly. Because they don't have a leg to stand on real issues.

One tactic the Dems use is introduce a bill that would actually help people, knowing full well it would never pass Congress and then they turn around and say "Oh well I tried."

Keep in mind, I'm a Democrat.
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People who think he is doing a good job are just to stupid noticing they are being fucked up the ass by him... and they praise him for it. Must be nice having a moron army
I think they mostly aren't stupid. He's willing to push through their agenda so they put up with the rest.
His point was obviously that the he felt these Congresswomen had an anti-American viewpoint, which seems correct, and thus they should leave, which is where he is incorrect.

Calling him xenophobic or nativistic might be apt, but racist is a big stretch here. He does not reference their race nor in any way imply it is better to be white. What he implies is that America is better than the countries from which the immigrants trace their heritage.

Calling out the most radical part of the Dem Congress forces Pelosi and the Dem leadership to either undercut these radicals, which would be good, or it pushes them into the limelight, which right now seems to have been the chief result of the Twitter squabble. AOC is one of the most recognizable Dems in Congress. Like it or not, she's becoming the face of the party, which Republicans feel will help them in the coming elections.
It's wishful thinking to say AOC is becoming the face of the party. But if you think his attacks will help your side during the election I can see why you'd turn a blind eye to his vitriol. His comments were racist because they are minorities. He wouldn't tell them to go back to where they came from if they were of European descent.
Where in the world does this question come from?

I think true racism has no place anywhere. I disagree that a policy or "rhetoric" prioritizing Americans over others is a problem.

Uh.. the people he's talking about are Americans.

Have you been paying attention?
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