A 35 yr old beats up some 14 yr old skateboarders in Moreno Valley, CA


Mar 13, 2017
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This happened in Moreno Valley, California a 35 year old beats 14/15 year olds, this was a brutal beating, it was a 35 yr old man and a 17 year old beating up on some young skaters one of them even runs away and they chase him down he was begging for his life and they stomp him out. I have no clue what started this just saw it on the news.

It was on the local news.

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Facebook added the screen to it. Click the "uncover video" button under the photo to access the video. For those of you who are claiming we don't know the back story or not sharing the whole video, this is al we were sent. Also, it's sad that ADULTS are justifying the pummeling of two kids like this is the way to solve problems. THIS IS THE PROBLEM IN OUR CITY! Adults who want to rationalize the bad behavor. FYI...this isn't about ethnicity. It's about kids who have been taught violence is the way you solve problems.

We were sent this video of what appears to be an unprovoked assault on two teens at the new skateboard park on Frederick and Cottonwood. It's sad that we spent $600,000 on a skateboard park and now people have to be afraid to use it. People need to do the right thing and identify these individuals. If we are ever going to change the image of Moreno Valley, it begins by doing the right thing and getting these thugs out of our city and into a prison where they belong. The video has been sent to the Moreno Valley Sheriff's station.
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The free pizzas and "messages of hope" should definitely fix, seems like they have it covered.
"And at least one of the attackers uses the N word to describe the white victim".

I get the impression that this thing happens all the time at that skate park because damn near nobody bats an eye when the fists start flying. Most of the guys just stand around as if they are waiting for the assailants to get tired and leave.
hey, that's how neighborhoods get gentrified.

i bet they all have priors and will probably get maxed out by the judge. the 17 y/o will probably be tried as an adult. by the time they get out the neighborhood will be "better"
I get the impression that this thing happens all the time at that skate park because damn near nobody bats an eye when the fists start flying. Most of the guys just stand around as if they are waiting for the assailants to get tired and leave.

Or they don’t want to go to jail for daring to group jump a protected minority. Sad.
nah, those white kids were sitting on their hands and even didn't fight back as they were being beaten.

not sure the back story that brought the fight but probably words or who could use the skate park etc.

honestly, the black kids (and adult) should go to jail but their parents who raised idiots like that should be paraded in front of the cameras for their passive role in producing them as people.

maybe we, as a society, need to invest in better orphanages. i've known kids like them and they ain't exactly brimming with pride about their families. they just don't have anything better to latch onto. they only have the streets and that's dealing and robbing. the concept of a normal job is alien to them.
Apparently some of the kids getting beat on...bullied and punched friends of the younger brother/son of the father/son assailants...

The dad is a dumb ass and does deserve to go to jail for violently assaulting minors....it would have been smarter to have the 17 yo do the ass kicking...if ass kicking was truly needed to be dealt out...again, according to the 12 yr old son those kids bullied him and punched his friend in the chest...not sure that deserves a “2-3 on 1 beat down....especially when you have a 17 yo that could dish out the punishment in a 1 on 1 fight with a lot less chance of getting into serious legal trouble
Apparently some of the kids getting beat on...bullied and punched friends of the younger brother/son of the father/son assailants...

The dad is a dumb ass and does deserve to go to jail for violently assaulting minors....it would have been smarter to have the 17 yo do the ass kicking...if ass kicking was truly needed to be dealt out...again, according to the 12 yr old son those kids bullied him and punched his friend in the chest...not sure that deserves a “2-3 on 1 beat down....especially when you have a 17 yo that could dish out the punishment in a 1 on 1 fight with a lot less chance of getting into serious legal trouble

Bingo. The dad is stupid as fuck. There is no justification for what he did. He's fucking 35 sit your ass down and send in your 17 yo son to handle it. Stick around to make sure no one jumps in and that's it.
Disgusting. Hope they get the maximum possible jail time.

Let some grown ass man beat my sons like that... this is how shit gets put of hand, and people get killed. sad
I see 2 black people beating up white kids while yelling racial slurs.

....I wonder how this would play out in the media if the races were reversed...

I see 2 black people beating up white kids while yelling racial slurs.

....I wonder how this would play out in the media if the races were reversed...


I thought it was funny how the news reporter said they were using the N word but the kid was white. Don't think the news has caught on to the fact that everyone says this now especially younger kids. Hell you can watch fights on here with two white kids calling each other that.
What was the point of hitting the kid who just happened to be a friend of the kids they were targetting?

I have no problem with Dad being locked up for life and son being locked up for a long time.

and WTF? they were even attacking the wrong kid.
"Never relax around blacks." That's what I always tell my kids.

And why were the day laborers doing with pizzas at the skating park? Mexicans are weird as f*ck.
Kids didn't even try to fight back. Fucking PussI
Those kids, if they survived the trauma to their brains should be thankful.

They've just been culturally enriched.
black people, the most peaceful on earth