Most Disappointing Celeb Disrobings

Are you talking about Into The Night? that's what a chick without a bunch of surgery looks like.
Yeah I think that was just about the only brief nudity she did, Scarface she was scantily clad a lot. Don't get me wrong I think she's awesome, just never had that killer body. She still likes awesome now
Anne Hathaway in i believe love and other Drugs

Was anything but disappointing.
Sophie Turner topless in Ibiza 22/07/2019. She tried to stop the French magazine Public from publishing them but they told her to jog on.

Random question but whats the male verdict on small boobs? Sometimes I like mine, other times I want implants. They're pretty and toned just not big. No I won't send pictures for a real analysis.

The smaller the better as far as i'm concerned. Dislike big breasts. Small ones tend to age better than large ones as they don't end up sagging over the years because of the weight.
Some women end up getting very unrealistic fake boobs, completely unnatural looking. Sometimes they look like a pair of huge fried eggs on the woman's chest!
Random question but whats the male verdict on small boobs? Sometimes I like mine, other times I want implants. They're pretty and toned just not big. No I won't send pictures for a real analysis.
To be honest , it depends on the person. It's about the whole package . Some folks have them done and they don't look right .Personally I prefer natural ones over the awful round boob look that seemed to be around a while ago. Mind you , I can't afford to be fussy so..

I don’t care how small or how saggy a woman’s tits are, they’re still better than fake boobs. At least 99.99% of the time. Occasionally there is someone who can actually look better with fake ones. But it is so rare and their tits have to be fucked up beyond recognition. They would have to be a burn victim mixed with Tara Reid, which is ironic since she looked like her tits got burned off after she had implants out in.
Real >

IMO, but then I'm just an anoymous internet virgin.
You're thinking about the awesome looking natural ones, though. Not the, as Doug Stanhope puts it, gym socks filled with vomit. There's sad studies done about boobs jobs from a health perspective, but strictly aesthetically speaking- one can indeed do miracles.

Random question but whats the male verdict on small boobs? Sometimes I like mine, other times I want implants. They're pretty and toned just not big. No I won't send pictures for a real analysis.
A great rack is like being tall for guys. It can do wonders on its own. Put a great set on an old bag or a shemale and you're in business. But there are plenty of TOP pornstars and actresses with smaller boobs who can't be fucked with just cause of their hip-to-waste ratio or thighs+butt thiccness. Which can be argued is even more important then boobs. But that's a whole boobs vs ass conversation and life's not long enough to find the answer to it. Some do try, though:

Often enough, a boob job can be a detriment. Obviously, I've only heard this from others cause I don't watch that filth... ... I mean, I really don't... but there are pornstars, for example, like Nicole Aniston and Jessie Rogers who kind of ruined their look. With clothes, they look good, but the stretch and hardness their implants added makes one's eyes water and is a sight that doesn't hold a candle to how amazing they looked before. Plus, there's studies coming out claiming boob jobs can lead to cancer, so... don't fuck it, if you don't have to. Just do some of that Kylie Jenner Copperfield boob magic when you go out, if you feel like you're lacking some nitro for your visuals:

And before you listen to somebody shaming this or any other cosmetic shindig you broads indulge in, think about what else looks shit without make up on? That's right: fucking art. Visual art. Beautiful drawings, paintings, architectural structures and so on have a polish, have a layer of "make up" on them. That's just how beauty works. So looking great with make up on and not so great without is fine. When you cake it on and the party still isn't starting is when you gotta go for a different strategy and pick your fights more carefully.

Anyways, my ADD's kicking in, I'm trailing off...

As for the OP, Jessica Biel is the only celebrity I've seen naked that looked as advertised. Not gonna post teh nudes here, but... it's close:


Everyone else has mostly been a letdown. It's not their fault, they're in the business of fake and building a perception + looking good naked is a tall order for anyone, but... to think they make jokes about pornstars when even Hollywood's biggest A-lister would get laughed off a porn set (guys, too) is a bit ironic.
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Everyone else has mostly been a letdown. It's not their fault, they're in the business of fake and building a perception + looking good naked is a tall order for anyone, but... to think they make jokes about pornstars when even Hollywood's biggest A-lister would get laughed off a porn set (guys, too) is a bit ironic.
I've had sex with lots of gals with fake boobs (its true sherdoggers, its true) and they almost never look good naked. The only exception is if they were relatively recently put in and are still soft.

I always say that few people look better naked than clothed. Most bodies need a little help here or there that undergarments give. While I love to get a gal naked, I don't need to see her naked days before I do.

I would say the most positive thing about being with a gal with a recent boob job is that she is generally so enthused by them they turn here on, and she wants to know they turn you on too. Girls tend to work those boobs far more and in more creative ways than they did prior to the boob job.
I love fake boobs. I'm not squishing them like they're a forearm workout so I don't see what the big deal is with them feeling fake or not. Girls don't like it when you grab the shit out of their tits anyway.
Random question but whats the male verdict on small boobs? Sometimes I like mine, other times I want implants. They're pretty and toned just not big. No I won't send pictures for a real analysis.
how small?

like non existant or just small?
I've had sex with lots of gals with fake boobs (its true sherdoggers, its true) and they almost never look good naked. The only exception is if they were relatively recently put in and are still soft.

I always say that few people look better naked than clothed. Most bodies need a little help here or there that undergarments give. While I love to get a gal naked, I don't need to see her naked days before I do.

I would say the most positive thing about being with a gal with a recent boob job is that she is generally so enthused by them they turn here on, and she wants to know they turn you on too. Girls tend to work those boobs far more and in more creative ways than they did prior to the boob job.
Agreed with everything you said. Only extra comment on the boob jobs would that - just like with whitening your teeth, or doing spot injections of synthol if you're a pro bodybuilder - people go in a little too greedy sometimes and end up with cartoony results. It wasn't necessarily the process itself that sucked, but the poor decision making by the person.

And, yeah, the enthusiasm thing... have heard those stories so many times. Not that there's anything wrong with them!

How about JLaw?
Sorry. She resembles my mother, so I can't answer.
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